WSO – Lokimotion – Offline Domination Blueprint

WSO – Lokimotion – Offline Domination Blueprint

WSO – Lokimotion – Offline Domination Blueprint

Day in and day out we all focus on Google’s new algorithm change or how to build our lists from zero to awesome in a heartbeat but the fact of the matter is that the best kept secret and easiest marketing you’ll ever do doesn’t even take place remotely near a computer. Go figure…how ironic.

If you’re like I am, you buy the latest hipster course on PPV and how to dominate CPA offers and then you check out Joe Guru’s new course on how to rule the Adwords content network and then you find…bla…bla…bla. The list goes on and on and on, and you know what?…

You are an outright genius because of it.

Yeah sure you might not be writing your own ticket by revolutionizing internet marketing by launching your new Facebook killing King Kong web 2.0 social media site or taking down Google with your buddy from your dingy basement, but the point is, is that you have an amazing knowledge base that not a lot of people can even come close to.

So, what does this all mean?…

Ah, the real world, the one that’s not on your computer screen….what is that again?

For so many of us the online world is the real world and at this point I should probably be inserting some random quote by Tony Robbins or something about the value of face to face interaction in sales and then placing my affiliate link here… like every Internet Marketer should, but I’m not going to be that guy today.

But am I going to tell you a little bit about Jon and I…
We were doing this way before Martha Stewart got busted for insider trading, and yes I’m glad you asked, before Brangelina even existed! Together we combine for over 7 and a half years of internet marketing experience and the majority of this has been with clients and taking their online presence from zero to hero…

We’ve worked in a ton of different markets spanning from roofing contractors to sales coaches to professional speakers to dentists, and everything in between. I could keep going on and on but at the risk of sounding like a cheesy corporate bio, I’ll stop before my integrity stoops to infomercial lows…

I guess I’m really here to let you know that…

…the most rewarding dollars that Jon and I make come from the Mom and Pops that are so far stuck in 1985 that copy and pasting text is an outright chore for them. You can absolutely revolutionize their business worlds and I’m going to tell you the most practical and potent ways to do so…But first, you might be wondering why in the world you should be in this business in the first place? Well, I’m glad you asked, because…

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