WSO – Charann Miller – HOT PLR – Timely, Niche, Killer Copy, Mini Site

Arthur Merrill - Behavior of Prices on Wall Street

WSO – Charann Miller – HOT PLR – Timely, Niche, Killer Copy, Mini Site

WSO – Charann Miller – HOT PLR – Timely, Niche, Killer Copy, Mini Site

Grab An Unfairly Hot Product In A Starving Niche Your Customers Are Crying Out For – And Get It Handed To You On A Silver Platter, Ready To Plug In For Quick Profits
Dear Warrior…Did You Know That From 2008 to 2009, Over 2.6 Million People Alone Lost Their Jobs?


You Can See From Google Trends That The Number Of People Applying For Jobs Especially Within The Past Year Is Sharply On The Rise.



The fact is that more people now than ever before are looking for work and with more people competing for less jobs they need an extra competitive edge to get ahead.
When applying for jobs, too many people get it wrong and are constantly turning up empty handed and frustrated.
Too often they focus on getting the resume perfect but the reality is if they fail to craft a kick butt cover letter they can kiss their dreams of ever getting the job goodbye…harsh but very true.
The solution? I have just finished creating a plr product revealing the tips and tricks behind creating killer cover letters, tipping the job scales in an applicant’s favor.
There are similar products circulating around out there which shows it’s a hot, in demand product with a serious market and with the hundreds of thousands of searches per month, confirms it. You could still do amazingly well, even with a fraction of that kind of traffic.
That’s great to know but it doesn’t benefit you because the merchants owning these products only give you a measly 50% commission on their product sales. I don’t know about you but 50% of $37 or $18.50 is peanuts!
Would you rather get 50% or 100% of $37, over and over again paid instantly into your PayPal account?
You can charge more too if you like, it’s up to you because you have full control as it essentially becomes your own product.
Don’t worry – you don’t even need to know anything about cover letters to profit from this product, the hard work is already done for you. All you need to do is simply plug in and profit.
So Let Me Take You Through What You Get:

“You’re Hired!”– Top Quality 82 Page E-book (15,766 words)
Professional Looking Mini Site Template With Hot Sales Copy, Ready To Upload And Profit From (1,281 words)
Beautiful, Sleek Looking Graphics With A PSD Minisite Template


“Acing The Interview” – 37 Page E-Book To Secure The Job Of Your Dreams (11,063 words)
10 Professionally Written, Keyword Optimized Cover Letter Articles To Attract Your Customers With Laser Targeted Accuracy (10 pages, 5,285 words)
90 High Search Volume, Low Competition, Longtail Keywords, Totaling Over 600,000 Searches Per Month, Use Them To Funnel Floods Of Traffic To Your Sales Page.

Total word count: 33,395 words
Total pages: 129 pages
A Sneak Peak Of What You Get:
Professionally Written Mini Site Template With Emotional Button Pushing Sales Copy And Attractive E-book Graphics
[YES] Can be edited and your name put on it as the author.
[YES] Can be packaged with other products.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus to a paid product.
[YES] Can be sold.
[YES] Can be broken down into several different products.
[YES] Can be offered on paid membership sites.
[YES] Can be used as E-Course material.
[YES] Can be used as ebook content.
[YES] Can sell Resale Rights.
[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights.
[NO] Can sell Private Label Rights.
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites.
[NO] Can be offered on free membership sites
For you to have this created at this level of quality and quantity would cost:

$820 (E-book)
$197 (sales copy plus template, graphics)
Articles ($150)

Total cost: $1,167
This would normally retail for $77, but you can get it for just…

*Limited To Just 50 People Ever!*
Copies (1 – 35)……..To Be Sold For $37
Copies (36 – 43)……To Be Sold For $47
Copies (44 – 50)…….To Be Sold For $57
*With over 600,000 searches per month just with the keywords provided alone makes this a no brainer, so grab your copy now before the price goes up.

If for any reason you’re not satisfied with your product, drop me an email within 30 days of your purchase and I’ll refund your money.
Don’t wait, be one of the 50 people only ever to get this and order your copy now.
Order Now!

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