WP Profit Bay

WP Profit Bay

WP Profit Bay

Sale Page: http://profitbay.co/

Price: $37

A Powerful WordPress Plugin That Builds Beautiful Landing Pages – Optimized For Maximized Conversions

Dear Current/Future Physical Product Seller:

Unless you’ve living under a rock my friend, you’ve probably heard a ton of stories of people making a ton of money off Facebook by selling shirts, bracelets…etc. Funny part is, it’s easy and we just made it easier for ya.

How so?

Because we have the taken the annoying, expensive & technical part out! (WhooHoo!)

The hard part (and time consuming part) is setting up your store. I mean who wants to take the time to build out a landing page and throw it up online and cross your fingers that it’s going to convert?


And once you DO finally throw up a landing page who wants to worry about hooking it up to a merchant account such as PayPal so you can get paid.

Or even worse, who wants to set your product on other companies platforms and pay those annoying set up costs, monthly fees and not even get the buyers email?

Well that’s where ProfitBay comes in.

[center][img]http://filetut.com/images/d.png[/img] [code] http://filetut.com/qrqz5mvtl1kx/WPProfitBay.rar.html
[/code] [b][color=red]Purchase premium accounts in order to enjoy unlimited downloads with resuming support
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