Win Your Money Game – Erika Ferenczi

Win Your Money Game - Erika Ferenczi

Win Your Money Game - Erika Ferenczi

Win Your Money Game – Erika Ferenczi

How to Build Profits Into Your Business, Reach Financial Freedom and Own the Power to Control Your Destiny!

Shifting Your Paradigm from Financial Dependance to Financial Prosperity

Are you ready to WIN YOUR MONEY GAME?

We are delighted you will be joining me and 29 other world-class guest experts as we reveal all of the tools, strategies, and systems that have allowed us to Win OUR Money Game in business AND create financial freedom that allows us to ultimately own the power to control our destinies.

Here’s just a sneak peek at some of the upcoming topics we’re going to be covering:
• Stop Selling and Start Sharing: Learn How Your Marketing Can Be Authentic, Be Effective and Change the World!
• Turn your ambition into a money making mission! Get you out of your own way and generate the courage,
conviction and cash flow you need to succeed in building the business and life of your dreams.
• Wealth Secrets the Ultra Wealthy. Learn what the Ultra wealthy have benefited from for over 50 years and how
can you use those same strategies to finally keep and grow your money in your business.
• Commit. Freak Out. Align. Profit. Repeat. A consistent strategy for adding 6 figures a year, and two ways
to find yours.
• The Secrets to Getting at The Root of your Limiting Patterns, and increase success and happiness
even in these crazy times!
• How to Juggle all your roles and stay sane at the same time (and it’s not what you think!)
• The 3 most effective (and low-cost) strategies to Create “celebrity” status and get your business
into the spotlight fast
• Your Million Dollar (and Beyond) Personal Brand- Insider Secrets To Help You Discover (Or Re-Discover)
and Develop Your One-Of-A-Kind Business And Life Style
• Building Relationships to C.L.O.S.E. Sales. The best way to increase your sales and revenue through
the relationships that you authentically build, nurture and maintain.
• How to Use YouTube to Win Your Money Game (Even If You’re Afraid of the Camera!)
• How to monetize the power of Live Events for Maximum and Rapid Cash Flow.
• How to Create a Constant Flow of Leads in your business to grow it every single day!

Each one of us has overcome the obstacles of time, money, mindset, sales, overwhelm, growth and exhaustion to find success and financial freedom today AND we’re going to show you exactly how to: Grow your business fast, Make a lot of Money and LOVE your life while enjoying every minute of the process!

You don’t have to be superwoman to find the success you desire – there is a way to build the business of your dreams and LOVE what you do, ENJOY doing it and at the same time, be SURROUNDED with the Love, Joy, Happiness, Success, Health and Satisfaction that we all deserve and can achieve:

Listen to these interviews! You’ll never know which one of these experts will give you the golden nugget you need to turn everything around this year and reach the level of success and fulfillment you so much desire and deserve.

Are ready to change the rules you’re living by?

Learn how to play and WIN YOUR MONEY GAME.

Check out our full line-up of thought leaders who are going to share with you
the business secrets that led them to the success they desired in business,
and in life:

Suzanne Evans
Stop Selling and Start Sharing: Learn how your Marketing can be Authentic, effective
and change the world!
Join Suzanne Evans and I for a session on:
• How to build your business to the Million-Dollar mark in a short amount of time
• How to Market your Business in a way that is Authentic and aligned with who you are
• What the “New Era of Business” is and what that means for you
• What your Movement is, and how you can start yours now
• Helping others build their authentic business by incorporating tools for service solo professionals.
• Marketing and practical business building advice
• Sharing knowledge that works on developing every aspect of business

Donna Kozik
5 Secrets to Write a Book in a Weekend
Join Donna and I for a session on:
• How to start writing your book today.
• What are the three book structures she recommends the most for authors.
• How to make sure you not only start but finish writing your book.
• Overcome the things that get in your way of writing that book…
• and much more!

Eli Bravo
Activate Your Inspiration: Turn Your Business into a Life Mission.
You just have to listen to Eli Bravo! He ran the most successful radio program in Venezuela at 23 years old, he has been featured a a guest in TED talks, CNN, he has been a prime time host for People and Arts and has a radio show that is broadcasted in 9 countries and a publishing house!!
Join Eli Bravo and I for a dynamic and inspirational session on:
• What is the foundational rock of a successful business
• How to connect with people so they can help you grow
• How to align your intentions with your actions for more success
• How to match your desire with summoning the guts to go after what you truly want

Darla Le Doux
Commit. Freak Out. Align. Profit. Repeat.
The Alignment Adventure and How to Use it to Make Your Millions.
What if our journey to Alignment never actually ends? And what if it’s actually the very tough spots that will create your biggest paydays? At some level we know that to be true, yet it feels so much more reasonable to keep hoping for easy street!
In this new free training you will learn:
• The three pillars of alignment
• The Alignment Adventure (Commit. Freak Out. Align. Profit. Repeat.) and how to work it in your business.
• My consistent strategy for adding 6 figures a year, and two ways to find yours.
• How to surrender to the “freak out,” let go of your control freak, and make freaking money!

Samantha Bennett
The SOUL of Selling
Sam and I discussed all about how to Embrace Selling with more ease and Flow for More Financial Abundance. She shared with us how her Business has been and continues to be her best Art Project. We discussed how to create a business that is creatively fulfilling, spiritually enriching and financially rewarding.
Join Samantha and I for a game-changer session on:
• How to Create a Bonded Tribe with your Potential Customers.
• How to turn Your Business Into The Best Art project You have Ever Had.
• How to Embrace Selling from The Soul and Make it Easy and Make it Flow to Help More People.
• Why “problems” are your best friend in disguise
• How your real, authentic self is your best marketing tool
• Developing a spiritual relationship with money for more profits in your business

Michal Spigelman
How to Juggle All Your Roles and Stay Sane (and It’s Not What You Think!)
Do you feel as if you are always wearing a “Superwoman Mask?” This probably means that you are mothering, wifing, working, speaking, helping, learning and managing all at the same time. It can get overwhelming. How do you manage life effectively and find time to get everything done? How do you eliminate chaos and create those Balanced Moments you need so much? Listen to Michelle now for the best ways to reduce the stress building up in your live daily.
Join Michal and I for a session on:
• What is the ONE thing that you can do right now to reduce stress.
• What is the best way to Exercise Self-Care, and why it is so important.
• How your Business Can Bring More Profits when you take care of You First.
• What is the best way to be In Your Power and Fully Connected to Who you are for a better Business and a Better Life…
• …and much more!

Anne Barab
Power Up Your Presentations and Your Life
I just had a great interview with speaking expert Anne Barab who shared amazing tips about how to feel confident as a speaker and how to power up your presentations for maximum impact. Did you know that an audience makes a decision and evaluates you as a speaker within the first 10 seconds of your speech? Are you aware of the different modalities of speeches you can present to an audience to collect warm lead?
Join Anne Barab and Erika Ferenczi for an informative session on:
• How to feel confident while speaking.
• How to build a great connection with your audience right from the start.
• How to add laughter and humor to your presentation to increase your conversion rates.
• The most important skill you want to make sure you master if you are thinking about speaking to an audience…
• …and much more!

Ingrid Elfver
Your Million Dollar (and Beyond) Personal Brand – Insider Secrets To Help You Discover
(Or Re-Discover) And Develop Your One-Of-A-Kind Business And Life Style
Ingrid definitely has the IT Factor! She came to the US from Sweden with very little money and by 16 she was a top-ranked rifle sharpshooter, she retired from modeling at 18 as she believe she was too old! She has been the celebrity Consultant for A-list celebrities and elite entrepreneurs for more than 20 years and today is here with us to show you how can differentiate yourself and create your own celebrity brand.
Join Ingrid and I for a one-of-a-kind session on:
• What is a personal brand, and why is it so important?
• What is life like for someone who tapped into their million dollar personal brand?
• 7 Secrets To Discover (or Re-Discover) Your Personal Brand

Odette Laurie
Turn Your Ambition into a Money Making Mission!
We just had this great interview with Profit Domination Expert Odette Laurie who shared great knowledge and wisdom regarding How to Build A Business Quickly And Successfully and How To Get The Courage, Conviction And Cash Flow you need to succeed in building the business you desire.
Discover how easy it is to make money when you follow Odette’s easy to implement 3-step plan.
This powerful program will show you how to:
• Get you out of your own way and generate the courage, conviction and cash flow you need to succeed in building
the business and life of your dreams.
• Nail down a 90-day plan that will enable you to identify strategies to dramatically bolster your client base and your bottom line.
• Dominate your profits so that YOU control your business finances, instead of them controlling you.

Kendra E. Thornbury
Awakening To The Surprising Healing Power Of Money For Greater Abundance,
Security and Freedom!
Kendra E. Thornbury and I discussed all about how to get ourselves pumped up with great energy and strategies to create more wealth and abundance in our businesses and lives. Kendra shared with us exactly How to break the money stress once and for all, and How money can be a great healer that expands your abundance and joy!
Join Kendra and Erika and I for a profound and transformative session on:
• Why money is still a struggle for you and how to break your money stress once and for all
• How money can be a great healer that expands your abundance
• Obtaining refreshing spiritual insight on how to relate to money that will transform struggle into ease in your financial affairs
• What makes the real difference in getting rich
• Who you need to be to make more money authentically

Gina Trimarco
Building Relationships To C.L.O.S.E. Sales
A Game-Changing Interview! What a truly amazing time I just had with Improv and Marketing Expert Gina Trimarco who shared fabulous insights and teachings on How To Build Powerful Relationships That Will Help You Build Trust With Your Prospects And Skyrocket Your Closing Rates.
Join Gina Trimarco and Erika Ferenczi for an experiential session on:
• How to develop a YES and! attitude to be able to capitalize on the opportunities in front of you and WIN every time!
• Improving listening and communications skills, including non-verbal communication, to hear customer needs and pain points.
• Connecting with clients and prospects to build authentic relationships and trust to skyrocket your closing rates.
• Shifting mindset from “selling” to “solving, serving and friending.”

Jessica Brace
Turn a 2 Minute Voicemail into a Video That Puts Cash in Your Pocket
I just had the most amazing time interviewing Video Marketing Expert Jessica Brace as she shared amazing tips on the call about: “How To Make Simple, Affordable Videos That Anyone Can Shoot In 10 Minutes Or Less.”
Join us for a dynamic session and learn:
• The BEST way to Create Videos Fast.
• How to avoid the Single Biggest Video Mistake people make!
• How to Easily Start A Video Blog.
• How to Show Up On Google Search At The Top Of The Page with your videos.
• How to tilt the rules in your favor for FAST sales results…
• 3 Essential Videos Every Business Needs.
• Simple Formula To Get You Started with your video marketing.
• And much much more…

Eiji Morishita
Speak Your Genius: 7 Truths to Speak Powerfully and Profitably Making a Movement
that Matters
What happens when you are able to Access Your Genius and master the Art of Becoming an Authority? Income Grows and Abundance Follows!
During this interactive, fun, content rich session you will discover:
• The one thing you need to avoid in Growing Your Business
• How to Get High-end Clients by accessing the Four Universal Passions
• 2 Simple Techniques used by US Presidents to Connect With Any Audience
• Four Universal Passions to Build Trust and High Ticket Sales
• How to Command Presence and Move Your Audience to Action
• Speak So Powerfully People Want What You Have Even Before They Know What It Is
• Path to Add Multiple Six Figures to Your Business Through Speaking

Matthew Goldfarb
Don’t Just Tell People What You Do. Tell Them Why You Do It.
In this interview I am having this great conversation with Matthew Goldfarb where he is sharing with us how is that he transitioned from having a six-figure corporate job to starting his own business, starting his movement and growing a business to never have to go back to corporate again.
Join Matthew and I for an empowering and motivating session on:
• How you can differentiate yourself in a crowded market place
• Why is it important to create a movement and where to start?
• How to clearly articulate what you stand for?
• How should your movement, your mission and what you stand for translate into your copy for maximum cash flow

Kate Siner
Overcome Self-sabotage and Create Success and Fulfillment
We just had a great interview with fulfillment and success expert Kate Siner who shared great insights and information on how to create more success, how to achieve more happiness and experience more fulfillment in your business and your life.
Join Dr. Kate Siner and Erika Ferenczi for a challenging session on:
• How to find Fulfillment in Your Business and Life
• How to make yourself a priority to achieve your goals
• How to let go of the parts of your identity that are keeping you stuck
• How to master the skill of giving and receiving so you can create more income and be Open to Receiving More Money
in your business and more happiness in your life.

Jennifer Barley and Karen Sullivan
Your Money Mojo: How Your Thoughts Affect Your Money Flow
Nothing like an talk with Jennifer Barley and Karen Sullivan to get us all pumped up with great energy and strategies to create more wealth and abundance in our business and lives. Jennifer and Karen shared with us exactly How to upgrade your Wealth Attraction Mindset to generate More Income in Your Business and More Freedom in your Life! Your thoughts, viewpoints, beliefs and worldview determine your overall money mojo.
Join Jennifer, Karen and I for a fast-paced and joyful session on:
• How to create a Wealth Attraction Mindset.
• How to Pump Up your Energy and get more things done with more ease.
• How to know exactly what you want and be able to go make it happen.
• How to get your Money Mojo working for you instead of against you.

Rhonda Ryder
How to Use YouTube to Win Your Money Game (Even if You’re Afraid of the Camera!)
I am talking today to Copywriter and Video Expert Rhonda Ryder who will share great tips and wisdom regarding How to Use Video Marketing, Copywriting and Messaging to Win Your Money Game.
Join Rhonda Ryder and I for a transformational session on:
• How YouTube Marketing is the quickest way to fast-forward your path to financial freedom
• The 5 myths that stop most women from pressing the record button and winning the money game
• How to know “what to say and how to say it” on video so you’re camera ready every time
• The top 3 ways to monetize your videos and automate your income
• How to get your videos working and selling for you 24/7
• And much, much more!

Rachel Resnick
Ignite Your Signature Story
Today you will hear from Rachel Resnick talking to us about How to Be On Fire and Ignite The Power of your Personal Story! If you are an entrepreneur you KNOW How important your personal story is! Everything lies, begins and ends with your story. And Rachel is so bored with hearing the same stories over and over again that she delighted us with a ideas and tips on How to dig deep into your personal story to Inspire and move your audience!
Along with sharing her steps to creating your signature story, Rachel will talk about:
• The one key question you want your audience to ask when they hear your story
• Why your own vulnerability will help you to connect on a deeper level with your audience
• Why stories and events from your past are such an important part of developing who you can be in the future
• How your story can help you be a leader on a global scale
• The two skills that are critical to your business success
• The difference between being engaging and being entertaining

Monica Kenton
Design Your Destiny: Create a Spiritual and Financial Foundation that Will Rock
Your Business and Your Life You can weave Spirituality with Business, You can create enough Income to leave your day job and You can create the life YOU desire to live.
Join us for a powerful session and learn:
• Why the destiny of your business can only go as far as the destiny of who you are
• The key principles to weave together both spirituality and money in a way that is authentic and gets results
• Identify your personal money contract that holds you back from financial freedom
• Why business cannot be separated from your life, and How to make sure you are successful at both

Afrin Kahn
Your Stage Awaits: Grow Your Business and Your Brand Through Speaking
When you are in business you have two choices: You can either make some money here and there, or you step up and create a space in which you can have HUGE infusions of rapid cash flow. How can you do that? Live events!
Join Afrin Khan and I, we are talking about:
• How to know if you are ready to create your own live events
• How she put on hers with no money and after having lost everything to hurricane Katrina (yes no money, no home, nothing!)
• How to know if you ready to speak on stage?
• How do you figure out what content is the right content?
• How much lead time should you have
• How to construct your offer to monetize your efforts!

Gregory Anne Cox
The 5 Truths, All You Need To Know To Live A Healthy and Successful Life
Join us to learn How the habits you choose daily are the ones that determine your success and How to treat your body to have the energy and drive to build a successful 6-figure business and beyond.
Join Gregory Anne and I for a session on:
• What are the daily habits you can establish that will help you achieve success.
• How to treat your body to have the energy and drive to build a successful 6-figure business and beyond.
• How and Why Everything around you is Food-based, including your environment, and what can you do to have it support you
instead of drain you.
• How your Genes do not determine the size of your Jeans.

Kim Flynn
The Top 5 Mistakes Women Make in Business and How to Avoid Them
Kim Flynn is on fire on this session! She spoke to us about What you can change in your business to stop playing small and what are the most common mistakes women make in business and what you can do to avoid them.
Join Kim Flynn and I for a session on:
• What to do to stop playing small in your business and make awesome money
• How her desire to be a good mom stopped her from growing her business for many years and how she overcame it
• How to make sure you have enough time to become the CEO of your business
• How to use debt to your advantage… and much more!

Suzanne Monroe
Be the Leader of Your Own Movement
Suzanne Monroe spoke to us about What the #1 Secret is to Attract Clients without having to convince anyone, and WHY and HOW you should start your own movement right away. She shared with us How and Why you must become the Leader of your own movement.
Join Suzanne Monroe and I for a session on:
• How to become the leader of your own movement so you can easily attract clients, deeply serve them and
make a big contribution
• 5 steps to transform from average to extraordinary in your business
• The #1 Secret to attracting clients without having to sell or convince anyone
• How to discover your business shadow lurking behind the scenes and what to do with it when you find it
• Plus: The biggest myth to creating success doing what you love (you’re likely buying into this without realizing it
and sabotaging your efforts)

Deborah Price
Manifesting Money: It’s an Inside Job
Money Magic? Not really… It is about unleashing the true potential for Prosperity and Fulfillment.
Join Deborah Price and I for this informative session on:
• The six most common issues women experience around money
• Learning about how your self-worth often influences your net worth
• Discovering which Money Type is running your financial life
• Simple steps you need to cultivate an empowered relationship with money

Jane Deuber
Assessment Marketing Secrets
Growing your list and converting qualified leads is the key to any business’ success.
Yet, if you are like most, you are noticing it’s getting harder and harder to…
• How to differentiate yourself in an overly crowded market where everyone looks the same.
• Develop meaningful connections with people on your list when you don’t know anything about them.
• Pre-qualify prospects so you don’t waste time courting people who never intend to buy.
• Inspire a yes to your high-end offer when there is so much available on the market.

Cheryl Heppard
How to Attract More Clients By Capturing Their Attention in 2.7 Seconds or Less!
Do you know you have just 2.7 seconds to engage your visitors when they land on your website? Do you know that leads are the life blood of any business? Cheryl and I discussed all about How to to Engage your Prospects and Generate More Leads for your Business.
Join Cheryl and I for a profit-changing session on:
• The elements you need to put into place to Capture Your Prospects’ Attention In 2.7 Seconds Or Less.
• The Lead Generation Strategies That Are Working Nowadays.
• How you can Establish Instant Credibility with your prospects and communicate to them that they need YOUR services.
• How to Stand Out In A Crowded Market Place.
• Why creativity is more important than ever, and the Top 3 Ways In Which You Can Inject More Creativity Into Your Business.

Jeneth Blackert
Turn it ON! STOP the 6 Secret Hidden Spots that KILL Your Business Cash Flow
How to TURN ON all of who You are for greater success, wealth and a more fulfilled life. She shared great tips on how you can become free today – not next year, or when ______ happens, because that is a lie!
Join Jeneth Blackert and I for an intensive session on:
• How to TURN ON all facets of your being!
• You have a dream that is yours… so find the way to Connect with and Commit to YOUR dream to make it a reality
• When you TURN YOURSELF ON, You Trust Yourself, and Step up to any challenges. You Become unstoppable.
• Destroy your secret disruptors that STOP you from stepping out and showing up
• The 6 Secret Hidden Spots that KILL Your Business’ Cash Flow
• Practices to “reset” your BE-ology™ and BE congruent with your desired creation
• How to Turn it ON when you feel unmotivated, down and just plain STUCK

Sheevaun Moran
Profits From the Inside Out
Have you ever been young and felt lost? How did that lost girl turn into a successful and powerful entrepreneur who is now changing the world? Join us to know how to achieve the clarity and simplicity that create profits.
Join Sheevaun and I for an enlightening session on:
• How to get back on track and tap into the vast resources to make it all happen
• How to increase your Money Flow
• How to empower your brain to become your greatest asset of transformation and processing
• How the inner chatter, worry, fear, tension stops the outer success
• Learn to sense prosperity from lack

Victor Williams
How to Prevent Human Trafficking
My company, my team and I are all about Women’s Empowerment, Freedom and making this a better world through the contributions we as entrepreneurs can make. I believe women are brilliant, strong, compassionate and many other things, but unfortunately until women can be in charge of their lives and their financial destiny they are not free. I believe empowerment starts with education, awareness, decision and action which is why during a recent event I attended I was shocked by what Special Agent Victor Williams from the Homeland Security Administration explained regarding the Subject of Human Trafficking. This reality must be shared. I listened to the statistics, to the facts and I knew I had to do something to help him spread his message. Human Trafficking is the second top crime in this country. One in three teens on the street will be lured toward prostitution within 48 hours of leaving home.
Join SA Victor Williams for an eye opening and empowering session on:
• The reality of Human Trafficking in the US and the world
• What are the triggers of Human Trafficking
• The surpassing facts about modern slavery and human trafficking
• Where and How it occurs
• What to be aware of. General indicators. How can we prevent it. What can we do about it.
• What is the best thing you can do for your children and your family to prevent this from ever happening to you
or someone you love.
• What YOU can do to prevent and help eliminate human trafficking

Erika Ferenczi
About Your Host
Initially, Erika’s journey began when circumstances arose where she had to leave her job, her country, and her family to start life in a different country as a wife, and later as a mother.
After a few years of relocating, the onset of motherhood and the inability to work in these countries, Erika felt lost, and everything in her life began to deteriorate. At this time she began to realize that she was in danger of losing her very identity. As she says: “I was the mother of… the wife of…. the daughter of… but my essential self was lost in the roles I played.”
Erika states: “I noticed that when I lost who I was, I had also lost my inner and outer power. And that disempowerment was causing all the problems in my life. I became acutely aware that I was not free: I had become financially and emotionally dependent on my husband and my family, and I knew that that had to change… fast.”
“So I began a journey of personal and professional transformation which included soul searching, studying, and reinventing myself. Over time, I became my true self again.”
Not willing to go back to the corporate world, Erika finally decided to open her own business. She says: “I became aware that my first priority was to create a business that gave me financial freedom I desired, in which I could express myself and fulfill my true purpose in this world. An enterprise that allowed me to be who I truly am, be unapologetic for it, and live life on my own terms.”
Over time, I learned that usually the story of why we feel we cannot change our lives, why we feel so trapped in our situations is only the result of the disempowering story we constantly tell ourselves. I dedicated all my energy and my focus on creating a thriving business and never depend on another human being again.
I am really happy to say that now “I love what I do, and more importantly, I love who I am.”
Erika Ferenczi is a Accredited and Certified Professional Life Coach, Public Speaker and attended the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, the only School of Healing where one can earn a Bachelor of Science degree in energy healing.
In addition to her healing and coaching background, Erika also holds a Master’s degree in Finance and a degree in Business Administration. She started her career in these areas, where she worked in various industries such as finance, pharmaceuticals, banking and communications.
She currently has a thriving business and works in diverse modes: in person, by phone and via Skype with people around the world. Her multicultural background and the fact she has relocated some 7 times amongst different countries around the world have given Erika all the tools she needs to get her clients fast results and understand the different challenges women experience in the process of growing a business and achieving ultimate freedom.
These experiences have also allowed her to master English, Spanish and Portuguese, all of which she has used extensively to bring her work to a myriad of audiences.
A published writer, Erika also leads workshops focused on empowering women to grow their business, regain their true voice and improve in every area of their lives.
She has uniquely blended her life experience with her professional expertise, adding her intuition to the mix. As a result, she has developed a holistic business coaching model, a model which she uses to not only enhance her own business, but also to transform people’s lives.
Erika grew up in Mexico City, and has lived in Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Brazil and the United States. She currently lives in Miami, Florida, and has two children whom she adores. Erika is deeply fulfilled by living near the ocean, enjoying the warm climate, and appreciating the perks an international city offers.
She loves to exercise, eat well, scuba dive, ski, go mountain biking and participate in any kind of activity that enhances her well-being and gets her in sync with her emotional, physical, mental and spiritual body.

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