Vin DiCarlo – Conversation Cure

Vin DiCarlo - Conversation Cure

Vin DiCarlo - Conversation Cure

Vin DiCarlo – Conversation Cure

“Introducing – For the First Time Ever –
The Conversation Cure DVD
Mega Package”

Conversation Cure
The Conversation Cure Mega Package Contains
8 Full-Length DVD’s in 2 Volumes and 3 Advanced Audio Training Sessions

Inside, you’ll Discover:
” Disc One: The Complete
Fundamental Conversational Toolkit
with Vin DiCarlo

I started Conversation Cure off with a bang.

These specific, highly-tuned tips and techniques are exactly what you need to start talking to women, today.
approaching a group of women

Aman Approaches a Group of Women
and Finally Experiences FLOW (without any awkward pauses or silences)

These are the basics that most men miss. And sometimes just getting the fundamentals down makes a huge shift in your game.

You will never again walk by a beautiful woman, dying to talk to her… And beat yourself up because you choked at the last second.

And it’s all because talking to women will finally become stress-free, an “unsolved” mystery, and FUN.

Here’s a summary of the topics I covered:

* Why “awkward silences” are only uncomfortable for YOU… And once you grasp this realization, you’ll fully understand how to make a woman feel calm and protected without ever saying a word

* Being TOO “clever” or “serious” is a nail-in-the-coffin. Many guys make this mistake on a daily basis, robbing them from sexual opportunities. This one little hint will give you the perfect amount of playful energy… Without turning you into the ‘entertainer’

* One little-known “tweak” lets you never again run out of things to talk about… Ever. It’s completely mental, and can be learned in 30 seconds or less. (and it’s so simple, your four-year old cousin has been doing it his whole life)

* Many guys make it HARD for women to have a conversation with them… Which is a huge reason why women blow them off! In this DVD I show you how to make talking to you so EASY for a woman… She will practically talk herself straight into your bedroom. (all you have to do is drop this one hidden”hook”, wait for her to grab it, sit back and relax)

* What conversational knock-out left my friend Bob so rattled… He answered the door this morning with no shirt, bags under his eyes and his fly totally down?(The answer will amuse you)

* The handful of “poison topics” which will destroy any attraction she ever had for you. These are landmines women throw out to test you… I’ll show you how to pass with flying colors (Full list included, and I also reveal the common theme that ties them all together)

* How ten minutes of a simple, 3-step exercise will give you the conversational confidence of a veteran hostage negotiator (I’ve got one game DESIGNED for this topic… And it was — by far — One of the most fun and intriguing)

* How to talk about your passions and hobbies in a way she will not only understand… She will want to know more, in order to start liking them herself, and begin to contribute to YOUR life. (Many men try to show that they understand HER passions, which can be a mistake)

* Discover Zoe’s “addiction” to porn… And why talking to women about this kind of stuff isn’t “taboo” or forbidden if you use the right energy. In fact if you do it the right way it can be a SEXUAL ACCELERANT!

* One single sentence means “Game Over”, no matter how “into you” you thought she was (Most men ‘miss the hint’ and dig their graves deeper, but I’ll show you how to pre-empt this ‘kiss of death’ so you can PREVENT it from happening!)

” Disc Two: How To Ask The RIGHT Questions
And Using Questions
In Advanced Techiques
with Vin DiCarlo

And I did a double session, to start the first day.

Be honest: Have you ever bored a woman, because you asked too many questions?
conversation cure

Vin Gives Live Real-Time Feedback to Matt Mid-Conversation with the Women

(I lost three girlfriends because I didn’t know how to emotionally connect with her, I’ll never make THAT mistake again…)

I will show you how to ask the “right” questions… Which show women you’re socially ‘savvy’, and can handle her sexuality.

Because when you let a girl open up to you emotionally without prying or boring her like an interview…

… You become the “one-in-a-million” man she only reads about in Cosmo.

I will show exactly which questions these are, plus a whole lot more:

* How to get women to emotionally feel the same bond through conversation… She feels after sex (This hint is hidden, and a little dirty — So use with caution)

* Discover the “right” way to ask questions, so you never again see her slowly losing interest (And don’t have to ask her name… Age… Job… Hometown…)

* Find out why amazing “listeners” get thrown in the “Friend Zone”… Without ever knowing you’re doing something RIGHT (Just with the wrong sexual energy, which I show you inside)

* How to use simple questions to understand her on a deep, personal, sexual identity level she’s NEVER revealed to any other man before you

* See, hear and FEEL immediate feedback from each conversation Master on sticking points YOU have (And see the evolution from where you were… To where you are… To where you WANT TO BE with women)

* One simple tip shows you how to project your voice, create a louder first impression and hold the dominant spot in any group… As soon as you first meet them (This has nothing to do with the “strength” of your vocal chords because its all in your mind)

* This single mindset tweak forces the people around you to notice your presence… Even if they can’t yet SEE you (This is the “magic” I use to create a presence, before I’m able to directly talk to a woman)

* Find out what women decide is the most important part of a conversation… Because they choose it as a tie breaker (And find out which guy pulls out the win at the end)

* Discover ‘The Lie Detector’ – 3 common questions can show you whether she’s lying or telling the truth… No matter what (It’s like a polygraph test you can do in seconds, but that’s just scratching the surface of it’s full capabilities)

” Disc Three: Three Ways To Master
Effective, Sexually Charged Storytelling
with Vin and Rewok

My friend Rewok was up next.

He has a dominant, masculine energy and the ability to dominate a room, when he tells a story.

In fact, when you tell a passionate, emotionally charged story… You force her to feel those emotions for you.

Orleans Teaches Matt How to Project His Voice

So when you can lead a woman’s imagination — using only your words — You get instant respect from men, you can silence an entire room when you talk…

… And you will have the key to controlling her emotions. For good or for evil.

Here’s just a taste of what he covered:

* How to captivate a woman with your stories… And take control of her emotions to a level which borders on hypnotism (And all it takes is one simple tweak in your language)

* How to tell a story that’s entertaining, intriguing, passionate and emotionally charged… In just four sentences (Both men and women will be begging to hear a story… Instead of bored and leaving)

* When to “Just Fucking Lie”… And why the JFL Technique creates stories with mystery-thriller cliffhangers, but won’t ever leave her feeling ‘lied to’ or used (It’s all in a simple piece of storyteller psychology)

* One contestants riveting story about his journey to America has all three women nearly in tears… And you can see EVERYTHING from his body-language to his tonality, so you can master it yourself

* 3 tactical tips about the words you pick will inject sexuality directly into your stories… And let her feel those “naughty feelings” privately, while thinking about you

* Rewok covers basic story-telling mistakes you — and nearly everyone you know — Probably make, every single day (Fixing these simple “errors” will make you the BEST story-teller your friends have ever known. Hands down)

* How to use your stories to escalate with her sexually. (And create fantasies she will live along with you… Whether you’re talking at home, in a bar or in a club surrounded by pounding music and other people)

* When and WHERE to tell a story so it comes out naturally, powerfuly and spontaneously… Even if you’ve rehearsed and retold it thousands of times (And even if she’s heard it already, she will be begging for you to tell it again)

* Use this one tweak to end your stories on a BANG… And make her feel the surge of adrenaline she gets from a roller- coaster ride (All from listening to you speak)

* PLUS you will see 6 powerful stories get tweaked, refined and tailored into works of art you can steal and use — or adapt for yourself — As soon as tonight

” Disc Four: How to Get Her Aroused Through Sexual Tension and
Hypnotic Seductive Language
with Vin and Orleans

Orleans has the presence of a confident, touring-the-globe rockstar.

And whenever he speaks, he chooses his words extremely carefully.
Orleans Pick-Up

Orleans Coaching Matt Through a Sexual Tension Drill
by Projecting His Intention

You see, Orleans is a master of what I like to call “Seductive Languaging.”

By using emotionally loaded words — and we include a whole list to choose from — With a sexually charged tone of voice…

… You can force a woman’s imagination to run wild.

And once she’s imagined what sex is like with you… Her body aches to see if you live up to the “hype”.

He will show you how to create room-filling, boiling Sexual Tension, as well as:

* Most men don’t know this… But conversation usually SCREWS UP your first impression. Discover how to ‘fan the flame’ even MORE, using powerful, sexually exciting words and topics

* How to connect with a woman on a deep, satisfying, sexual level… Without turning into her “gal pal” shopping buddy, and taking your rightful place as her lover
* One specific, tailored type of sentence forms a deep, lasting sexual connection… And you can use it with ANY topic (This is the “secret sauce” to some of Orleans’ fastest same-night-lays)
* Discover how to react to any woman’s reactions to your sexual advances — Good OR Bad. Know what they sound like, look like, feel like… And how to counter them with conversational “ninjitsu” (Which leaves you in a positive sexual light in her mind)

* Find out what “grade-level” you should REALLY talk to women at (WARNING: This will shock, surprise… And maybe slightly offend you… But it’s the honest truth)

* How to put your deepest, most private passions into words… So she will pick up on it, understand, and find YOUR hobbies sexually alluring

* 7 simple ways to “juice” your conversation, until the topics you’re talking about shine with a firey passionate energy (This is the key to bringing her home in 2 hours… 60 minutes… Or 10 minutes)

* Watch how three gorgeous girls react to me and Orleans, when we drop a nuclear BOMB sentence LOADED with sexual tension and seductive languaging (All three girls go wild… But Zoe almost slips off the couch)

* Discover exactly how to speak to a woman so she can FEEL sexual tension radiating off of your body (Girls pick up on your “energy” extremely well… And she will physically feel her skin getting warmer)

* Find out why you DON’T need to be creative. Because I’ve include lines you can STEAL to get the delivery and FEELING of seductive languaging mastered in no time

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” Disc Five: Sexual Shaping, Role-Playing and Other Advanced Tools and Techniques
with Vin and Heartwork

Heartwork is my “secret weapon”, so to speak.

What I mean is this: He knows how to “mold” a woman, until she fits his perfect type, emotionally.
Heartwork PUA

Hearwork Demonstrates Holding Court
using Group-Based Roleplaying and Storytelling

You will discover how to train a woman -through conversation, alone – To unleash the “side” of her, most attractive to you.

And because women are naturally submissive:

You will be able to take any girl, and bring out the exact behavior and attitude you find sexy.

Please understand these techniques are powerful. And they are more than a little dangerous in the wrong hands.

That being said, Heartwork will show you how to:

* Discover everything you need to make a woman behave like your perfect “dream girl”… Even if you don’t know a THING about shaping (It’s easier than the conversations you’re having now.. And at LEAST ten-times more sexually effective)

* Find out how to make a woman WORK for YOUR sex… Instead of the other way around (This is what Casanova, James Bond and a handful of real-life seducers have mastered — And now it’s your turn)

* How to role-play with a woman… With a few sneaky, extremely powerful psychological additions (You will have her pretending she’s your long-lost lover… While sexually escalating “under the radar”)

* A role-playing “game” you can play with her — which involves NO dress up or costumes — Yet will get her EXTREMELY sexually excited (And you can pull it off in broad daylight, even in public)

* How to set up a role-play so you control her every thought, reaction and even how she sees you sexually (Please don’t abuse this information, or you could ruin her attraction for ANY OTHER MAN in general)

* How to make her feel like its you two against the world. And why being on “her side” will make sex practically “in the bag”, instead of something you need to work towards

* One simple technique will let you “guess” about her inner personality — and be so accurate, 99% of the time — She will swear you can stare into her soul

* “Nostra Pimpus” — And why these ten minutes of your life will let you walk up to any woman on the street, and she will swear you’ve known her for years

” Disc Six: The Three Levels of Conversation and How to Bring Her to the Deepest Level Quickly and Easily
with IN10SE

IN10SE (aka TwoTimer in Neil Strauss’ book, “The Game”), is my guest of honor.

He will show you a way to access a woman’s deepest emotional levels, in seconds.
IN10SE October Man Sequence

Contestant #3 Kai Getting Intimate Using Physical Escalation, while Talking on the Deepest Level

You will be able to talk to any woman for just a few minutes, and she will leave feeling like she’s known you forever.

And this not only makes meeting women simple, because you will never run out of things to say…

… You will be able to unlock her inner “trust” mechanisms. And sleep with her that night, if you wish.

I can promise you no woman you meet has ever known a guy who can stare straight into her soul like you, once you discover these few techniques:

* Find out a brand-new “framework” behind conversation… And how following this blueprint makes ANY word you say to her the “right” words… No matter the context (It’s literally a “free pass” when you first meet her)

* 3 Sloping Levels of Conversation map out where you are — at all times — With a woman, without ever having to guess, worry or stress over it (PLUS, you can master these levels in under ten minutes, tops)

* Word-by-word examples, and a step-by-step process to getting deeper, more intense and extremely more intriguing to the beautiful woman you’re talking to (You will never fumble for words, ever again)

* How to master HER emotions in a conversation… And lead her through an emotional maze designed to create a lasting bond and intimate attraction (This is boyfriend-in-seconds level conversation)

* A handful of simple exercises — which you can do alone, in your living room — Will ingrain three simple quesions deep into your subconcious (And these three questions will unlock her deepest, darkest passions and desires)

* See how IN10SE makes our three lovely ladies flush with passion and doe-eyed in seconds… Simply by using the techniques he teaches (And it only takes two minutes to learn)

* LIVE demonstrations of each and every question and technique — With IN10SE’s personal corrections — Promise you will NEVER screw this up when you try it on a woman (Even if you fumble the WORDS to the question completely)

” Disc Seven: The Black-Ops Toolbox
with IN10Se

These Are The ‘Forbidden Techniques’ Pick-Up Artists Around The Globe Are SCARED To Use.

And this will be the only time you can ever get them on video, as I will explain later.
October Man Sequence

IN10SE Demonstrating The October Man Sequence Step-By-Step

You will learn sub-rosa secrets only a few men around the world have ever known.

And you will be able to redefine a woman’s sexual type… Instantly discover the size of her sexual appetite… Discover the hidden secrets she tells NO ONE else (not even her diary)…

… In a few short minutes, with only three, extraordinarily powerful psychological techniques.

If power corrupts, these are the three techniques you should be scared of.

And this session will cover:

* “Strawberry Fields” – Use this powerful, sexual “personality test” to see straight into a woman’s sexual appetite (You will know — in seconds — How sexual she is, how many partners she has… And how she feels about sex with YOU)

* Exactly what the size of her field… How she picks her strawberries… The height of her fence… And which ones she places in her bucket mean, revealed (Patti turned bright red the second her answers were uncovered because they were so dead-on accurate)

* “The Cube” – This is the same Cube a former Pick-Up Artist used to seduce Paris Hilton. IN10SE will show you the in’s and out’s of this ancient, deeply revealing pattern (Once you read her Cube, you will see her inner personality, and the side of her she shows NO ONE else… And this bond will last forever)

* How to use The Cube on a lover, a long-time girlfriend or a girl you just met to deepen your bond… And find out what type of person she is on the INSIDE (Not a single lie, trick or deception can hide her inner personality, when you read her Cube correctly)

* “The October Man Sequence” – The one “forbidden” hypnotic pattern which redefines a woman’s sexual identity… And places YOU as her sexual ideal. It is too powerful to have EVER been taught before publicly, and this is the ONLY time you will EVER see it on video

* A few BRAND-NEW uses of The October Man Sequence you have never even imagined… Plus… The single most important KEY you can’t afford to miss (Or it will back-fire, explosively)

* How to introduce all three “black box” techniques seamlessly… So you never come across “creepy” or “weird” (She will only see you as an incredible conversationalist and sensual teacher)

* PLUS – How to use The October Man Sequence, The Cube and Strawberry Fields together… To heighten her sexual arousal to the same level as a Tantric Massage (And it’s all through your words alone)

” Disc Eight: Effectively and Safely Dating
Multiple Women
with Julian Foxx

Finally, we come to Julian Foxx.

When you master conversation, you will probably be dating multiple women.
dildo face

Could YOU talk your way out of getting caught cheating? With a DILDO strapped to your face? (It’s not easy, but our contestants did it without breaking a sweat!)

(at least until you decide to settle down)

But there is always a chance they will find out about each other.

And when she does, you can be sure it won’t be pretty.

So my friend Julian talks about his secret — and extremely effective — Ways of dating multiple women at once…

… And how to deal with the most challenging situations.

He will show you:

* How to date multiple women “under the table”… Without them ever finding out about each other (A few little tips to make it that much easier)

* Exactly what to do when a girl is snooping through your cell-phone, laptop or planner and finds a message from another women! (This technique has saved my ass more than a few times)

* Step-by-step technique to calming your girlfriend down… Even if she sees you in public, with another girl and HOLDING HER HAND (You will never believe WHY this works, until you finally see it in action)

* The “Flip It” Technique – This simple, one-step technique instantly takes everything she’s blaming you for… And puts HER on the defensive (Yet does it in a way which won’t piss her off even FURTHER)

* Why does Julian have an artificial penis strapped to his face? Find out why — And how it will help you, EVEN IF she sees you in bed with another woman! (The most powerful way to get out of trouble, bar none)

* Discover a few tailored techniques.. And subtle energy shifts.. You can’t afford to miss out on, if your girlfriends find out about each other (Miss even one, and you’ll have hell to pay)

* Why cat-fights actually work in your favor.. And how to flip it around so she’s stuck trying to apologise — Not attack (And you will finally have some breathing room, even if she started in a screaming fit)

* Step-by-step, word-for-word examples of how to get out of the WORST CASE SCENARIO: One of your girls walking into your room, while you’re in between another girl’s legs (And you won’t have to lie about it… At all… If you follow this simple technique)

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