Ultimate Squeeze Page Templates

Ultimate Squeeze Page Templates

Ultimate Squeeze Page Templates

[img]http://111.imagebam.com/download/-CnOOaPLzd9IgiaApbq_lg/33760/337594455/Ultimate2.png[/img] [b]Ultimate Squeeze Page Templates[/b] So let’s dive straight into what exactly Ultimate Squeeze Page Pack is all about and why I am SUPER excited like a little kid in a candy store to be able to bring this to you.

Traffic Is NOT the KING (Actually pretty far from it)

Actually, getting traffic is the easiest part. You pay for traffic and you get as much as you can handle (and more).

But, unless you are getting a good ROI, it really doesn’t matter if you have 1 Million visitors to your site/blog in a month or 100 visitors a month.

It doesn’t require you to be a member of MENSA to realize that LEADS are what’s most important for ANY business. To get as many leads as possible, you need to have a proper system in place that converts this traffic into leads, and ultimately into $$$.

High Conversions = More Leads = More Money in Your pocket

Gone are Those Golden Days of ” You Got Mail”

Remember that AOL notification when you used to get a mail back in the days, when receiving an email was a rare thing. Not anymore though.

Today an average email user receives 147 emails a Day.

No wonder they don’t want to signup to the next email marketing newsletter.

So is Email Marketing Dead? NO!

In fact there hasn’t been a better time to build a list and monetize them before .

With highly targeted traffic available today, all you need to do is get little creative and delve into the psychology of your prospects to get them to sign up and like you.

Theory of Commitment and Continuity

Theory of commitment and continuity basically states that if you can get your prospect to commit subconsciously to get what you are offering, and then ask for their contact details (like name and email address), they are way more likely to optin, because after committing to get your product, things like sharing their contact details suddenly appears to be a “No Problem”.

Businesses have been using this method since very long and recently our industry has also started taking advantage of this proven fact.

Leadpages, for example, now offers something that they call “2-step signup squeeze page”, that urges the prospect to take action by clickg their Call to Action button before they see any registration form, and once they click the CTA button..

BOOM! There pops a nice window asking for their Name and Email Address.

There’s once small problem with LeadPages though.

If you want to use lead pages just for this reason, it’s going to cost you $67 per month, and once you stop paying them, your pages will be rendered useless.

[center][img]http://filetut.com/images/d.png[/img] [quote] http://filetut.com/4m03lojsjdm8/Ultimate_Squeeze_Page_Templates.part1.rar.html

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