The Viral Script

Engaged Authority Series

The Viral Script

The Viral Script

What is Viral Script ?

It is a web script where an user needs to send certain amount of visitors to the generated URL before they can access the website content. Sometime you may find it difficult to promote the site URL and bring in required amount of user before you can unlock the content. If you desperately need access to some content on a website, you can use the trick mentioned below;


How it works ?

The Viral Script generates a random URL when an user visits the page. Then the user needs to promote the generated URL. The generated URL will record all the IP addresses from the visitors that visit the page. If enough numbers had been reached, the content will be unlocked. The script basically relays on the number of visit based on the IP addresses.

An example of the generated URL would be something like this:

The solutions

To send visitors from different sources to the website, you can use proxy websites. contains a decent amount of good working proxy websites/list. Just paste the generated URL, that is given and visit it via proxy. Once the required number reached, the content will be unlocked automatically

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