Tag Archives: Glenn Murray

Glenn Murray – SEO Secrets v2.1

Glenn Murray – SEO Secrets v2.1

Glenn Murray – SEO Secrets v2.1 I just finished reading SEO Secrets by Glenn Murray, Glenn is an SEO Copywriter from Australia. I happen to connected with Glenn on Twitter, I checked out his site when I got to know that he is a SEO copywriter. Being in the SEO industry I further explored his […]

Glenn Murray – SEO Book 2.0

Glenn Murray – SEO Book 2.0

Glenn Murray – SEO Book 2.0 For many search marketers, SEO Book is a legend. Founded by (another legend) Aaron Wall in 2003, SEO Book now includes Aaron’s wife Giovanna Villanueva, Peter Da Vanzo, and Eric Covino. Membership works out to around $10 a day ($300 a month) and includes over 100 custom training modules, […]