
Yoga for Grandparents: Fun Gentle Practices DVD

Digital Download [1 DVD (iso)]

Connect with the part inside of you that is eternal. The Yoga Instructors to the Stars, Ingrid Von Burg and Yves Vacheresse, present this wonderful program for grandparents of all ages. Have you noticed how our perception of reality changes as soon as we get our bodies in motion? Practicing yoga is a sacred way to get in tune with our bodies, our breath and mother earth. This is how each day we gracefully bring ourselves into motion, not as a recipe nor as a formula, but as a way of connecting with that part inside of us that is eternal... so, let s get started! Special Features include a choice of music for the dynamic sections: Contemplative/Meditative or Instructional/Technical. Filmed in high definition in the Santa Monica Mountains.
Yoga for Grandparents: Fun Gentle Practices DVD
