
Vince Delmonte – Phase 9 Maximize Your Muscle

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Congratulations on making such a wonderful decision today. I am now giving you this one-time chance to multiply your gains by allowing me to coach you until you arrive at your most muscular and ripped body. This means you will receive the twelve advanced muscle-building routines, targeting all twelve anabolic-targets, to blow beyond your genetic potential—and you will save an additional $769.40 in the process (former members paid $69.95 per phase)!Here's A Sneak Peak Of The Next 12 Months Of Workout Phases On Deck…As you'll see this is not like a bodybuilding or fitness magazine that you can just pick up at any time of the year or else it's just a matter of time before you hit a wall because no program targets all twelve anabolic targets at once - it's impossible.Maximize Your Muscle is built around a curriculum and each month you'll receive the next phase, a new advanced muscle building routine, which is structured and builds upon last month's workout phase, which means you'll finally attain your ultimate body.Starting with month one is mandatory. This means that every new members starts with The 28-Day Rapid Mass Quick-Start. Now, we can guarantee you hit every one of the twelve anabolic targets in the most effective sequence for maximal muscle gains.The Science & Theory Behind The 12 Anabolic Targets 2-CD SetThis 2-CD audio set reveals everything about the twelve anabolic targets of bodybuilding that make up the Maximize Your Muscle system.Here are just a few things I cover: How I broke my own frustrating and annoying plateau and grew from 190 lbs to 210 lbs of solid muscle. Just when I thought I was done growing, I gained an additional 20 lbs of muscle in the past 2 years! I'll show you why you were destined to plateau, how your plateau was totally unavoidable (given what you've been taught) and how to shatter through your body's limits to begin growing your muscles again, and sculpting the body of your dreams. If you aren't hitting these 12 anabolic targets I reveal in these audios you'll never grow past the size you are today. Why has every one of the workouts you've tried so far resulted in your inevitable plateau? You're about to find out. And I have a special message to break you through your mental limits if you're that guy who says,
Vince Delmonte – Phase 9, Maximize Your Muscle
