
Contextual Ear Training – Bruce Arnold

Digital Download [288 MP3s, 1 PDF]

If you are just getting started with the Bruce Arnold System of Ear Training, then Contextual Ear Training is an indispensable companion course that we cannot recommend highly enough. Contextual Ear Training is usually done with its sister course Ear Training One Note Complete.  The combination of both courses gives a student a listening and singing regimen of exercises that will totally transform your ability to hear music.  These two courses have been used by thousands of musicians to transform their ear training skills.  Both courses are not based on interval training or the distance between notes but upon the sound of each pitch within a key center.  Through the consist use of these exercises you will memorize the sound of all 12 pitches within a key center.  If you are having troubles along the way Mr. Arnold gives free and unlimited email support to customers that purchase his books.  There is also an extensive FAQ build into this website and well as multiple blogs where Mr. Arnold talks about many music subjects.  You are not out on your own once you start this ear training process and you are encouraged to check in and check in often to make sure you are not doing any of the exercises incorrectly.
Contextual Ear Training – Bruce Arnold
