Robert M. Bramson – Coping with Difficult Bosses

Robert M. Bramson - Coping with Difficult Bosses

Robert M. Bramson – Coping with Difficult Bosses

Robert Bramson – Coping with Difficult Bosses

Is your boss making your life miserable?
Is he or she a bully or a wimp?
Is it hard to get the answers or support you need?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions, Dr. Robert Bramson, internationally renowned author of Coping With Difficult People, can help.  Here, he turns his proven insight and new techniques specifically toward the workplace and shows anyone, at any level, how to work effectively and productively with even the most difficult boss.  A must listen for anyone in the workplace.

Coping With Difficult Bosses reveals how to:
*Recognize and understand difficult personality types
*Deal with crossed expectations and negative encounters
*Use new methods to protect yourself from any boss

Using lively dramatizations to illustrate his points, Robert Bramson’s straightforward, practical advice will help you reduce your frustration and gain control of your life.

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