Real World Rapport – Pickup101

Pickup101 – Real World Rapport

Real World Rapport – Pickup101

Author: Lance Mason’s
Size: 8.3 GB

-Could It Really Be This EASY – To Meet Any Woman You Notice – In Your Daily Life, Create An Instant Connection With Her,and Sweep Her Off Her Feet On The Very First Date?
…15 Minutes is ALL IT TAKES To Become The Romance Novel Hero She Has Been Waiting For HER ENTIRE LIFE, And Spark A Desire Deep Inside Her So Powerful That She Can-t Stop Thinking About You… And Feels Literally Addicted To Being With You, Under Your Terms, For As Long As You Will Have Her…
Why You Only Need To Get Good At 3 Things If You Want To Transform Your Life Into A Life Filled With Beautiful Women and Intensely Hot Relationships!
In fact, it really comes down to three key things:

1. Day Game: This is my “secret weapon” that most guys totally overlook. Bars and clubs are great for practicing meeting women because you can do lots of approaches in a short amount of time. But what most guys don’t realize is you have to do so much less work to get the same results when you meet girls during the day.
2. Rapport: Attraction only goes so far – to really get a woman -hooked- on you-even obsessed-you MUST build a rock-solid emotional connection with her. You can-t -escalate- to a sexual relationship (at least not a FUN, fulfilling one) without this connection. If you-re not consistently getting the -It feels like we-ve known each other for YEARS- responses from women-then you need to work on your rapport building skills!
3. The Meet Up: While first impressions are VERY important, you can-t fake it after thatb- if you-re not REALLY the attractive, confident guy who connected with her in a way no one ever has beforeb- then she-s going to freak out! That-s why the first date, and every meeting with her after that, is so important to creating the exact type of intimate, fun, healthy, and fulfilling relationship you want with her.

Daygame (6 DVDs)
DVD01: Daygame 1 a– Pickup 1.0 and 2.0, Keeping It Fun, Male Cleavage
DVD02: Daygame 2 a– The Back Pocket Opener
DVD03: Daygame 3 a– Brent Smith, Trumana–s World Coaching
DVD04: Daygame 4 a– Openers in a Range of Situations
DVD05: Daygame 5 a– Eye Contact
DVD06: Daygame 6 a– The Movie Moment

Real World Rapport (5 DVDs)
DVD07: Real World Rapport 1 – Vibing
DVD08: Real World Rapport 1 a– Seduction Models & Rapport Guidelines
DVD09: Real World Rapport 1 a– Instant Psychic Exercises and Deep Rapport Games
DVD10: Real World Rapport 1 a– Connection & Deep Rapport Techniques
DVD11: Real World Rapport 1 a– Deep Rapport

Meet Up Mastery (2 DVDs)
DVD12: Meet Up Mastery 1 a– Eric Disco, Dave M, Zan
DVD13: Meet Up Mastery 2 a– Decker & Audience Members

DVD14 Decker & Kendra from AMP a– Authentic Presence
DVD15 Q&A with the Pickup 101 Supergirls & Instructors
DVD16 Carlos Xuma a– Being an Alpha Male
DVD17 Sean Stephenson a– Innergame
DVD18 J Dog a– Building Attraction
DVD19 Lance Sits Down with Badboy
DVD20 Grant Adams (aka Adam Gilad) a– Connects with Language

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