Program Yourself For Wealth-Steve G. Jones

Program Yourself For Wealth-Steve G. Jones

Program Yourself For Wealth-Steve G. Jones

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Did you know that this year, hundreds of thousands of Americans are expected to be too broke to file for bankruptcy?

Anywhere between 200,000 and one million US consumers are estimated to be unable to afford the $1500 cost of bankruptcy.

Another 200,000 consumers, who would otherwise not have enough money to file, will use their tax refunds to pay for bankruptcy this year.

Yet the Wall Street Journal reported recently that America added 200,000 new millionaires last year.

What is the difference between these two groups?

My guess would be: It’s what’s going on between their ears…

The TV is on. The happy family are excited to go to Disneyland. Your children get excited they want to go, too.

The restaurant commercial comes on. The steak looks juicy, sizzling and irresistible. Your girlfriend/boyfriend suggests you both go out to dinner.

A letter arrives in the mail. You are pre-approved for a $10,000 loan.

The bank teller tells you that the bank will transfer equity in your home into cash in your bank account, because (this is the subtle message) you are rich!

You wake up one day bankrupt with no idea how it happened.

Day in, day out, you are bombarded with subtle messages aimed at influencing your subconscious mind to consume and spend beyond your capabilities.

You look rich, but you aren’t.

You lost the battle for your mind.

It’s time to start winning.

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