Program Yourself For Motivation-Steve G. Jones

Program Yourself For Motivation-Steve G. Jones

Program Yourself For Motivation-Steve G. Jones

Sunday, September 14, 2014

RE: Program Yourself For Motivation

From: Dr. Steve G. Jones, Ed.D.

Dear Friend,

Are you motivated? The truth is most people aren’t. And it is actually unrealistic to think that you even should be.

Human beings are hard-wired to work until there is food on the table and the rent is paid. Once the belly in full and we feel safe, we lay around.

Don’t believe me? Check out the local beach on a hot summer’s day…

But you are here because you want more.

The secret to motivation is understanding how fragile it is. It is constantly under siege from negative thoughts, fears and outside influences.

If you gain control of your mind, you can be rich, free, healthy and happy. The key to success is to have your subconscious mind work FOR you, not against you.

There are two steps to becoming Super-Motivated.

First, stop filling your mind with negative thoughts and attitudes. Reduce your stress levels. So if you feel your life is in a rut (definition: a grave with both ends knocked out), stop digging!

Second, fill your mind with uplifting, positive thoughts and attitudes.

Easily said. Difficult to do.

You are used to watching TV, reading the newspapers, listening to your friends complain.

You are not used to filling your mind with empowering thoughts and images.

Everyone likes to think they are in control of their life.

But having practiced hypnotherapy since the 1980s, writing 14 books on Hypnotherapy. and am an active member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, I can tell you that’s not true.

And if you don’t believe me, look at the gossip magazines at your local grocery store. They are full on stories of famous people who act like children. Charlie Sheen was the highest paid actor/comedian on TV and blew it completely.

They even hire other people to keep them out of trouble and they still sabotage themselves. Why are they so obviously out of control?

Your subconscious mind is 95% in control your habits, beliefs, and how you react to the world around you. You have to have it on your side.

And most people don’t.

Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers come to me to help them achieve their very best in film and on stage.

They understand that it takes work to become world-class at their craft and it takes work to keep their subconscious mind on their side.

Everyday we are bombarded with stressful, negative messages which sap our motivation. The problem is we are so used to it, we don’t even realize it is happening. The only way out is to be proactive, reduce that stress and replace the negative with positive.

Otherwise, you lose the battle for your mind.

It’s time to get on the winning side, like Andrea…

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