Playful Passionate You with Sherri Nickols 2014

Playful Passionate You with Sherri Nickols 2014

Playful Passionate You with Sherri Nickols 2014

Playful Passionate You with Sherri Nickols 2014

Join us as 25 of the world’s leading Love and Relationship, Health, Dating and Empowerment experts deliver amazing insights so that you can enjoy deep love, vibrant health, and have a ton of fun in your life starting immediately…

You know the #1 thing women tell me over and over and over again, is that they have stopped laughing, that they have stopped having fun. And the passion that they once felt, somehow it’s disappeared.

I know you want a deeply connected loving relationship. But here’s the deal, You actually already know this, you’ve heard it before, to have that kind of relationship, you need to be deeply enjoying your own life, where you’re having fun, and your passionate, and you’re laughing.

Ask yourself this, “When is the last time you went out and really laughed hard?” Because it’s when you’re in that state of happiness and joy that you are so attractive. You’re what I call, ‘sparkling.’ When you really re-capture your playfulness, that is when you bring your sparkle back!

I’m no different than you. You know, I lost my sparkle, and most people do at some point. The tough thing is though, that some of us lose our marriages over it like I did.

You might be in a situation like that right now, where you’re about to lose your relationship, or maybe your marriage is falling apart, or maybe you’re fighting with your friend. You’re just not excited about your life.

But you don’t have to hit rock bottom to re-commit to make a difference in your life. If you want to be playful again, if you want to be passionate again, this is a great place to do that.

I’ve put together a multi-speaker event, where everything is completely free and virtual, so you can watch from the comfort and privacy of your own home.

How would it be, if you were able to stay in your feminine and your playful spirit, when you’re really stressed out? How would that affect your relationship? Well, I’ll tell you how. You would stay connected and passionate and excited. And that’s just one of the things that we’re going to teach you.

We’re also going to show you how to get into your body and laugh again and connect to your sensuality, plus so much more. This is a really solid learning about how to reclaim your playfulness in today’s culture.

So if this is resonating with you, you’d like to get your playfulness and passion back, go ahead and click the download button now… and then take a look at all the different topics we’re going to be discovering together.

I can’t wait to see you get your playfulness and passion back!

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