Paul McFedries – Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets May2009

Paul McFedries - Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets May2009

Paul McFedries - Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets May2009

Paul McFedries – Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets May2009

Twitter has become one of the major social networking sites, and many people use it as a primary way of communicating and informing oneself. This is pretty remarkable for a site that only allows you to post short 140 character messages at a time. Such an apparently Spartan interface has proved irresistible to millions of users worldwide, and Twitter has become a major social force in its own right. (As I write this news is filled with stories of unrest in Tunisia and Egypt, both of which have been fueled with a help from Twitter and other social media website.)

It turns out that Twitter’s user interface is deceptively simplistic, and with a bit of creativity and know-how you can accomplish a lot, one tweet at a time. “Twitter tips, tricks and tweets” is a user manual of sorts for Twitter that goes well beyond your everyday tweeting needs. It is perhaps one of the best-written and most in-depth books on helping you take your tweeting experience to the max. The topics covered include getting started with Twitter, customizing Twitter profile, multiple ways of sending out tweets, following other Twitter users, using Twitter on your cell phone, finding stuff on Twitter, various ways of displaying your Twitter feed on external websites, taking Twitter to the next level, and tools that you can use to extend Twitter’s functionality.

The book is printed on a nice glossy paper with plenty of illustrations and screenshots that help you visualize the points that are being made. All topics are well organized and subdivided in small, manageable sections. This helps finding the right kind of information when you really need it that much easier.

Whether you are an experienced Twitter user or are completely new to it you will certainly find a lot of useful and fun information in this book.
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