New York Times Best Sellers – Business Books (November-2014) {S-B}™

New York Times Best Sellers - Business Books (November-2014) {S-B}™

New York Times Best Sellers – Business Books (November-2014) {S-B}™

1: THE INNOVATORS, by Walter Isaacson. (Simon & Schuster.)
Studies of the people who created computers and the Internet, beginning in the 1840s.

2: ZERO TO ONE, by Peter Thiel with Blake Masters. (Crown Business.)
A co-founder of PayPal on how to build companies that
 create new things

3: HOW WE GOT TO NOW, by Steven Johnson. (Riverhead.)
A history of innovation focused on the development of six key technologies of modern life.

4: HOW GOOGLE WORKS, by Eric Schmidt and Jonathan Rosenberg. (Grand Central.)
Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman, and Rosenberg, a former senior vice president, discuss corporate culture, strategy and innovation.

5: THE POWER OF HABIT, by Charles Duhigg. (Random House.)
A Times reporter’s account of the science behind how we form, and break, habits.

6: THINKING, FAST AND SLOW, by Daniel Kahneman. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux.)
The winner of the Nobel in economic science discusses how we make choices in business and personal life.

7: THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING, by Naomi Klein. (Simon & Schuster.)
The author of “The Shock Doctrine” argues that the free market created and is worsening the climate crisis.

8: OUTLIERS, by Malcolm Gladwell. (Back Bay/Little, Brown.)
Why some people succeed — it has to do with luck and opportunities as well as talent.

9: A PATH APPEARS, by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn. (Knopf.)
Local and global initiatives that promote social progress, and how individuals can contribute.

10: #GIRLBOSS, by Sophia Amoruso. (Portfolio/Penguin.)
An online fashion retailer traces her path to success.
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