Mobile Marketing Gauher Chaudry

Mobile Marketing Gauher Chaudry

Mobile Marketing Gauher Chaudry

Mobile Marketing Gauher Chaudry

After a full year of planning, I finally interviewed Gauher Chaudhry today. The interview was delivered live from this blog as a webcast.

You may have heard about Gauher from his infamous “pay per click formula” course, which rocked the internet marketing world when it was launched. Gauher is an expert affiliate marketer whose teachings have made many people quit their jobs and make a full time income from the internet.

His students proudly call themselves as “Gainfully unemployed”

These days Gauher is using mobile marketing to sell affiliate products. Last December I met him in Toronto and was amazed by the success he was having with it.

It was a pure content rich call. Gauher touched all the nuances of affiliate marketing, mobile marketing, pay per click viability, CPA networks and many more.

As you listen to this call you will learn.

Why Pay-Per-Click is not dead yet and how anyone with less budget can win the game
How to structure banner ads for high conversion
What other methods you should explore to drive traffic to your websites
what is mobile marketing and why you should start now
How long will it take for you to get success with Pay-Per-Click marketing
What does to take to create a $5k income per month on internet
What are some secondary sources of paid traffic other than Yahoo Search Marketing, Google Adwords and MSN AdCenter

Any Many more..

Gauher’s teachings have helped me tremendously and this was a gratitude call I did with him. If you missed the live call. You Listen to the recording now.
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