Matthew Carter – Backlink Blueprint

Matthew Carter – Backlink Blueprint

Matthew Carter – Backlink Blueprint

However if you’ve tried searching for places that you can get links from, then you’ll know that it can be tough work…unless you know the secrets to it of course!
Now before you ask, I’m not talking about dodgy blackhat SEO, no way, not for me, I don’t like taking risks with my sites. I stick to solid, effective backlinking techniques, that harvest high page rank links which turbo charge my search engine rankings!
The great thing is, that even if you have never done anything like this before, and wouldn’t have the slightest clue how to get a website to the top of Google, then rest assured, as I take you through everything right from the very first step!
Never Struggle OR Pay For Quality Backlinks EVER Again
I have to admit that I’ve been on popular internet marketing forums, and seen people selling Page Rank 5 backlinks for more than $200!!
For those of you who don’t know what “Page Rank” is, it is a score that Google gives all web pages, and indicates the authority of the page, with a scale from Page Rank 0-10. The higher the page rank, the more authority the page has in Google’s eyes.
AND…if you get a link from these high page rank pages, pointing to your site, then it can do wonders for your websites position in the search results. In fact I have seen web pages of mine fly up to the top of the front page of Google by just getting a handful of Page Rank 5 links!
It’s common knowledge in the internet marketing world that high page rank links, I’m talking about Page Rank 5 stuff, can make a HUGE difference in your sites position in the search engines…
BUT, and it’s a big but, most people find these kind of links hard to get, hence why people make money selling them!
…However why bother pay for quality links when you can go and grab them for FREE, which is exactly what I teach you to do in my Backlink Blueprint course!

PS : If You got an error while extracting while others are working try diferent directory path in your PC. Somtimes if you got a long directory path while extracting it will giv you an error. To solve this issue , as an example just paste the tgz file in C drive and extract (just inside the C drive not with in any other folder). Hope your Understand

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