Lucid Dreaming Made Easy

Lucid Dreaming Made Easy

Lucid Dreaming Made Easy

Lucid Dreaming Made Easy can be a great tool for lucid dreamers looking for a kit to make it all easier. It didn’t exist when I first started learning how to lucid dream, but since then I’ve checked it out just so I could add my Lucid Dreaming Made Easy review here and at other places on the web. This Lucid Dreaming Made Easy review is based on my personal experience with the product as well as my considerable experience as a lucid dreamer. Here’s what you need to know about Lucid Dreaming Made Easy:

One of the things I want to mention about Lucid Dreaming Made Easy that is really great, is that you can actually get a free quick start guide with Lucid Dreaming Made Easy just by adding in your name and email address. I’m a huge advocate of free trials with lucid dreaming products because you just never know what’s going to work for you. I would highly suggest signing up for this free trial if you’re at all interested in this product after reading this review.

For me, the most useful part of Lucid Dreaming Made Easy was the included MP3 and Flash timers. One of the hardest parts about lucid dreaming is, of course, becoming lucid. Timers help make this easier by reminding your brain to wake up at certain points during the night, so these can be incredibly helpful. The fact that you get both a flash and an MP3 timer is great, too, because that means you can use whatever happens to work best for you. The timers definitely work, even for an experienced lucid dreamer like me where they just make old habits even easier, and they’re certainly worth your while, even if the kit didn’t come with everything else it includes.

In this Lucid Dreaming Made Easy review, let’s talk about the other features of the Lucid Dreaming Made Easy kit. There’s an eight step diagram about having OBEs and lucid dreams, a list of seven mistakes lucid dreamers make, charts to help you see how close you’re getting to your first OBE, and lucid dreaming and OBE induction MP3s to help you get into OBEs and lucid dreams more easily. Are all these things worth your while?

For the most part, I think that yes, they are worth your while. The list of seven mistakes people make is really interesting, and it can help you avoid problems from the start, which is always a good thing. Even if you already know some of this information, you probably don’t know all of it, so this list is certainly worth having a look at.

The eight step diagram can be helpful for some people – I would even say for most people. Just keep in mind that lucid dreaming and OBE induction does not look the same for every lucid dreamer. Although most dreamers follow steps similar to the ones you’ll find in this guide, I know some lucid dreamers or OBE aficionados whose processes don’t look anything like these. Just take it with a grain of salt, and feel free to modify it if you need to. The same thing goes for the chart to tell how close you are to your first OBE. Again, these things can’t always be charted, so take it with a grain of salt.

The most valuable part of the Lucid Dreaming Made Easy kit, in my opinion, is the dream induction MP3s and the timers. These are incredibly helpful for new and old lucid dreamers alike, and I still use them sometimes myself. If you’re just starting out, this kit can be a good way to quickly increase your selection of lucid dreaming timers and MP3s so you can figure out which ones are your favorites.

To recap my review of Lucid Dreaming Made Easy: I don’t think all the parts are essential or completely accurate to many lucid dreaming experiences, but I do think this is a product worth checking out for beginners and the experienced alike.

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