Local Whiteboard Video Producer Vol 3

Local Whiteboard Video Producer Vol 3

Local Whiteboard Video Producer Vol 3

Whiteboard Animation Videos Are A Powerful Way To Advertise 1 Creates Fantastic Brand Recognition 2 Visual Examples Are Easier To Understand 3 Increased Potential For Website Traffic Whiteboard Animation Based Commercials Are Very Compelling And A Local Business Owner Is Sure To Love Them, But Creating Them Isn’t Typically Easy…

Option #1: Hire a Copywriter who understands selling to
local businesses + someone that can animate those ideas on
a whiteboard (Estimated Investment: At least $2,000)

Option #2: Learn how to use a software platform like

Sparkol to make a professional looking video (Estimated

Investment: At least $100 for the custom local marketing

drawings and Sparkol membership, + a ton of your time!)

Business Owners Will Jump Up And
Down And Reach For Their

Wallets When They See The Value
Of Having Their Own Professional

I Want To Make Your Job Even Easier…
Give You A System So You Don’t Have To…

Make cold calls
Run ads in local newspapers
Beg a business owner to look at your product

I Want These Commercials To Be Flying
Out Of Your Hands


X Additional Videos For You To UR
To Sell The Actual Commercials
Auto Repair Day Care Service



Use These Eye-Catching Videos To
Promote Directly To These Hot Niches And
Watch Your Conversions Skyrocket

I could just give you a basic video that you could use to
promote these commercials, but by having a specific video
for each niche, it will make your conversions go crazy!

I want you to get as_n1any_clients_as_p.ossible.

Hi! My name is Matt Bush, and I’ve been helping
local businesses market themselves online (it’s my
full-time job) for almost five years.

So many people are cashing in by selling products
and services to local businesses.

And yet many people haven’t tried it yet…

As far as I can tell there are two main barriers that
stop people from making a profit from local

fixe’ People don’t know what to sell or offer to
66 local business owners

Buy This Course And You Will Have
Pre-Made Commercials All Ready To Sell

It can be difficult to get the attention of
local business owners.

I Could Easily Ask You To Pay Thousands Of
Dollars For This Information But I’m Not Going
To Ask You To Pay That Today

Remember, You Aren’t Just Getting
The Four Studio Quality Whiteboard

Animation Commercials, You Are Getting An
Additional Four Promotional Videos As Well

[center][img]http://filetut.com/images/d.png[/img] [code] http://filetut.com/yxx7dp9blc7m/Local_Whiteboard_Video_Producer_Vol_3.part1.rar.html
[/code] [b][color=red]Purchase premium accounts in order to enjoy unlimited downloads with resuming support
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