Jonathan Parker – Build a Winning Self-Image Cassettes

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[b]Jonathan Parker – Build a Winning Self-Image Cassettes [18 MP3 & 9 OGG][/b]

The first 18 sessions are in MP3 56kbps [decent listening through headphones for talk]…  The last 9 are in OGG, and I feel they have a higher/better quality at 173- 200+ VBR [+ or – non-constant bitrate] due to the integrity of the quality needed for these sessions -plus- the subliminals sound great – just as I remember them.  If you listen – you can hear a few squeals of wording just beneath the music/ocean…  I find myself STILL humming the [harmonious] music in my head -even after- 29 years…

Damn I miss Those Days! :weep:

There are two volumes in this download – I have added images of one only show what the product looks like.
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tape 1. Discover new freedom
tape 2. Releasing your inner power
tape 3. Investing in yourself
tape 4. Create your new winning self-image
tape 5. Attaining excellence
tape 6. Tapping your vast gold mine within
tape 7. Feeling great
tape 8. Unleashing the new you
tape 9. Introduction
tape 10. Quickbreak : feeling good about yourself
tape 11. Quickbreak : begin the day on top of the world
tape 12. Mind-talk : the power of positive believing
tape 13. Mind-talk : feeling great about life
tape 14. Subliminal : high self-esteem
tape 15. Subliminal : positivity, enthusiasm & confidence
tape 16. Subliminal : build a winning self-image.

Create the Life You’ve Dreamed of

Improving Your Self Image: The Key to Everything

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