John Pearce – WSO Profit Eentiaxponl

John Pearce - WSO Profit Eentiaxponl

John Pearce - WSO Profit Eentiaxponl

John Pearce – WSO Profit Eentiaxponl

Revised and updated offer! Please see details below!

I Took 2 Simple Strategies from
my Offline Business and made

Over 7,000 Sales and $174,047 in Cash! On a Single Offer!

All As a Newbie to the Warrior Forum with

No Affiliates, No List, and
No Warrior Buddies

YouTube – Broadcast Yourself.

Originally Posted by sedominator View Post
Hello John

Thanks very much for a most informative WSO.

I have purchased your offer and upgrade, and have found them most informative. Actually, I was glued to the screen whilst going through the content. Nuggets have been mentioned in this thread by a few people, and there are several nuggets in this offer.

The value of this offer is exceptional. I haven’t really got involved with commenting on the forum. I tend to buy and get on with my business, but I felt I should come here and say that I am most impressed, so well done John

Chris Cantell

Just Look at this:

(note: the same offer was repeated on a new thread – but it was the same offer! This screenshot shows gross takings – approx. 50% is affiliate share)

And the interesting thing is:

I Didn’t Approach or Ask Even
One Single Affiliate to Mail My Offer

…until I’d made well over $100,000. But I made $5,872.19 on My First Day! And $4,810 of that was due to Affiliate Sales.

“Wait – John – You made $4,810 from Affiliate Sales on Your First Day as a WSO Newbie Without Ever Having Approached or Tried to Find Even One Affiliate?”

Yes! How?

“Using two simple strategies I got from my offline direct mail business but which I’d never seen used in the WSO forum!”

Success At Last –

Now it’s YOUR Turn, Too!

The Warrior Special Offers Forum is just the simplest, easiest, most straight forward place to make money online anywhere on the Web.


If you’ve never made a red cent before, this is the best place to be.

For the new guy, there is absolutely nowhere better on the planet
to start making money than right here on the WSO forum.

And if you are a mature, successful marketer, I can tell you a few simple tweaks in setting up your WSO that will multiply your WSO income by ten. I guarantee it! (you’ll see why I can be so bold just below).

And the Beauty is You DON’T Have to Be Some Kind of Guru Yourself !

You can make money selling really simple (but good quality) tools and resources – stuff you can almost put together in your sleep (in other words, get outsourced!).

So how is it I can make these bold claims?

In May this year I launched my first WSO, using WSOPro. Take a look at these results – the first screenshot for the frist three months, the second one to date.

All I did was apply the super-powerful techniques I’d learned in direct mail to the WSO forum!

Simple techniques that almost none of the big WSO gurus are using.

Simple Techniques that Will Rocket Your Income
into the Stratosphere!

I’ll Prove it to You!

One of the big marketers on the WSO forum launched an IDENTICAL OFFER to mine – in fact he copied me to a large degree, even copying key parts of my sales copy. But he didn’t use the simple strategies I did.

He didn’t sell 5,000 copies.

He didn’t even sell 1,000 copies!

He sold a measly 700+ copies. That may seem quite good, but…

… which would you prefer? 7,035 sales or 750? !!!

Not only that, but he can’t have made much money. He also offered 100% commission to affiliates on front and back end. Not me. Half the income in those screenshots is mine, not affiliates’.

Exactly the same offer, exactly the same forum, 10% of the sales. And his offer was priced far, far lower than mine.

And when he launched, he was already established on the WSO forum, with affiliates who would mail for him. When I started, I was unknown.

By all logic, his offer should have been far, far more successful than mine. But it wasn’t.

So Why Was my WSO So Much More Successful than His
Almost Identical Offer?

His offer wasn’t so successful because he didn’t know a few simple things. The fact is that most Warriors, even some of the big sellers, don’t know how to really make a Warrior Special Offer fly.

I come from a direct mail background. In direct mail, you can lose money hand over fist if you get it wrong. You learn fast how to market the right way.

I brought that “direct mail” knowledge to the WSO forum. That’s all I did.
And I combined it with what I learnt from all the big WSO operators.

That’s all. There’s nothing difficult, just a few simple strategies that you either know or you don’t. If you know them it’s easy – your WSO will sky-rocket.

Here’s just one review (more below):

Originally Posted by Ken Reno View Post
All I have to say is GREAT JOB! Just spent the last half hour
devouring the meat of this and I’ve NEVER seen success
spelled out so clearly.

Module 6 – pg19 is an OPEN SECRET that almost EVERYONE MISSES.
It can make or break any WSO. Period.

The information on this one page ALONE is worth the price of this WSO.

I bought it and the upgrade and will let my readers know about it immediately!

Highly recommended.

And if you’ve never made a cent online…

…I’ll show you in the most comprehensive, complete, step-by-step, nothing let out video guide how to make a fortune on the Warrior Forum, even if you’ve never made a sale before!

Why is the WSO Forum such a Powerful Place to Sky-Rocket Your Income?

It is a massively powerful marketplace, and dead easy to sell. Here’s why:

Massive social proof

The forum is web 2.0. People interact. You can see right here on the thread comments by people who have bought my WSO – positive, supportive comments.

How much more do you trust me, reading those comments, than if I was some clickbank guru hiding behind the wall of an inefficient customer service or helpdesk?

I mean, you can PM me, chat to me on the thread, email me. This way of selling is right up front, interactive, personal. And you can’t hide a crap product – you get found out, and people will tell each other on your thread.

People looking to buy

When people browse the internet, they’re looking for information. There is an expectation that information on the internet is free.

So even if they search for a highly targeted keyword like “make money online” (this kind of SEO traffic is considered some of the best and most responsive traffic you can get) – they may not be buyers. A lot of them are freebie seekers.

Not the same on the WSO forum. People come here, “PayPal account in hand” expecting to buy. Wanting to buy. Ready to buy.

And so? Generally, they buy! I do, you do, we all do.

Put a decent offer in front of any of us on the WSO forum, we buy it. I’m the worst – I’ve bought dozens and dozens of WSOs.

Thousands of Potential Buyers

There are up to 6,000 buyers on the Warrior Special Offers Forum alone at any time. That means 10’s of thousands a day. All of them are tightly focussed, highly targeted, buyers looking for what you have to offer them!

I’ve seen the most terrible sales copy still sell well on the WSO forum. Basically, you don’t even need to sell, really. Just put up a decent product, tool or resource, tell your fellow Warriors what it’s about in your original post, and you’ll have sales!

It’s Pretty Hard to Not Make Sales, Really!

And any tool or resource you put up can be put together by an outsourcer. Perhaps a pack of graphics with PLR, or PLR articles or ebooks? Those things sell like crazy on the WSO forum.

One of the top 100 clickbank sellers is on record saying he makes more money selling WSOs than from his incredible high-traffic clickbank business (I’ve got an exclusive interview with him as part of the product…)

Even a huge marketer like Mike Filsaime is back on the WSO forum! Why? Because…

It’s super-powerful! Newbie or guru, it is the best, easiest,
most profitable place to be online!


I had no affiliates when I started, no track record, no “friends”
I did NOTHING to look for them
I ended up with 1,000s of affiliate sales!

“OK John, I’m convinced the WSO Forum is the easiest,
simplest place to start making money online
– and I don’t need to be a guru to do it!

So how can I do this and copy you?!!!”

This is how you can copy me:

Important Product Details

Step 1 This WSO:

This WSO is a complete and hugely simple to follow, dot-to-dot guide to put together your own WSO from scratch.

From introductory sentions for newbies on how the forum works, through product creation, and every step-by-step to put it all together.

Even the challenging things, like setting up your WSO Pro button and why you should use it. Normally, this kind of information is learned the hard way and therefore known only to the big marketers!

I’ll GUARANTEE you I’ve included everything you need to launch your own successful WSO, from scratch!

If I haven’t, if there’s any step of the way where you come up against something you don’t know how to do, email support and I will add a new module to cover your question exactly!

So there’ll be NOTHING that can stop you. No lack of knowledge or information, nothing. It’s all there! Every step!

And then – if you want to take it further and learn my special strategies that will multiply your income, there is an upgrade option after purchase!

Step 2: Mulitply Your Income

If you want, and this is optional and available at any time after your initial purchase, I have an upgrade pack where I will teach you those strategies you can use to multiply the income from your WSO!

It is where I will teach you my special strategies, and they really are pretty simple!

So, let’s get back to Step 1, the subject of this WSO!

WSO Profit Exponential

This is the complete guide from A to Z. Over 4 hours of complete video training in ten easy to follow steps.

This is ALL YOU WILL EVER NEED to put together a complete WSO from scratch. It is totally comprehensive. It has absolutely everything.

And one of the nice things about it is I tell you exactly what to do! I don’t just chew the breeze, I give you precise instructions with nothing left out!

Now, I wanted to keep the entry-level price absolutely rock-bottom. So I’ve actually removed some bonuses (frankly, each of the bonuses where a $9 WSO on their own – and I want to keep this entry level price rock bottom at less than a cup of coffee!)

That gives you the option to launch your WSO, make some money, and come back in furture for the upgrade if you want. So here’s the button for this WSO:

Note: price held at this crazy level for a limited time!

Originally Posted by Peter S View Post
Hey Guys,

Talk about over delivering!! Great Value for the money. Looking forward to to take action. Thanks, you guys ROCK!

Originally Posted by urmilp View Post

I had to get this. For the cost of a starbuck coffee and a blueberry muffin, you’re giving away the secrets to making a fulltime living here on the warrior forum.

The information in this wso is awesome. The members area includes lots of easy to watch videos perfect for newbies and the advanced section is fantastic.

well done for getting this wso out there.

If you haven’t got this wso yet then you really aren’t serious about making money online.

Thanks John
Bonus for You!

Complete and Comprehensive Newbie’s Video Training on Every Aspect of Putting Together Your Own WordPress Website. Value $47

This collection of over simple videos shows you exactly, precisely, every step of how to set up any aspect of your WordPress website!

You won’t even need to watch them all, but anything you want to know how to do, just click over to the relevant video (they’re all listed with exactly what they cover), watch it, and a few minutes later you’ll know exactly what to do!

There are over 60 of theme and they cover everything!

There’s an old saying “it’s easy when you know how” and that’s true! So after clicking over to the relevant video, a few minutes later you’ll know exactly how, and it will be easy! Do whatever you need to with your website in just a few minutes.

I’ve included this amazing resource because I never wanted anybody ever to have to wonder how to do something when you put together your own cash-spewing WSO! This makes it easy!

Originally Posted by Monika Morley View Post
Hey Warriors

I had the priviledge to review WSO Profit Exponential and must say
I am completely taken aback by the Tremendous Value of this WSO.

John provides you with an AWESOME Home Business Centre
where he personally takes you through all the steps you need
to know about producing your own profitable WSO.

The navigation bar gives quick and easy access to various
modules and sections mentoring from Absolute Beginner
to Advanced Warriors.

There are many Golden Nuggets to be discovered…

My absolute favorite is amongst the Priceless Bonuses,
where John shares his Strategy To Never Ever Lose
a PayPal Dispute again. It’s a KILLER on its own!!! (note: part of upgrade package)

I highly recommend you to get WSO Profit Exponential
right away, no matter wether your’e Newbie or Advanced.

Thank You John…You Make It Rain!!!

Note: price held at this crazy level for a limited time!

But there’s even more included in that price!

Free Support and Coaching

We’re also going to include, absolutely free, on-going webinar training. The whole point is, we will coach you. Webinars will be regular, weekly to start with until you are up and running, and will give you the chance to ask questions which I and David Eisner will answer.

We’ll also interview other big Warriors, like Icun, Charles Kirkland, Todd Gross. Guys that are legends on the Forum. Each of them brings huge knowledge you can learn from.

So your knowledge will just grow and grow! Any any questions you have get answered, live”!

Here’s What You are Going to Get

Let’s summarize.

A complete, easy to follow, newbie-friendly how-to video set that takes you through the entire process of setting up and running your own WSO!

With this complete guide, you’ll know EXACTLY what to do every step of the way. And I’ve designed it for the complete newbie! (with sections for advanced Warriors so you don’t waste time either).

Bonus: Complete and Comprehensive Newbie’s Video Training on Every Aspect of Putting Together Your Own WordPress Website. As a newbie or and advanced Warrior, you won’t ever have to worry about how to do something with your website again!

Plus FREE Webinar Coaching so You Can Get All
Your Questions Answered! Live and Immediately!

“Look, for me, the WSO Forum was the moment my business moved from frustration and wishing, hoping, praying I could just make a little money online… to 6-figure income!”

I dare not even look in my PayPal email address now – there are so many “Notification of Payment Received” emails. Hundreds and hundreds of them. Thousands and thousands of dollars.

What will it mean to you and your life to finally earn a 6-figure income in your spare time (yeah – I still have a job too!)?

The end of frustration, and the beginning of your fulfilling your dreams!

I hope so, because with this information I truly, truly believe, that nothing can stop you. On the WSO forum, you WILL make money, I guarantee it.

Just go out and make it happen!

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