Jason Drohn – Client Crusher

Jason Drohn – Client Crusher

Jason Drohn – Client Crusher

Salespage can be found here: http://clientcrusher.com/thanks/Author claims to make 50K a day in offline marketing.Enjoy!P.S. I included “The Your 1st Client MindMap” so my lovely Vaulters don’t have to spend a click to opt-in to get it.—————————————————————–The Easiest Way To Get Clients Is To MAKE Them Come To You! No More Rejection. No More Uneasiness. No More Cold Calling…“Hi Sir! I was just wondering if you ever thought about trying to get your business ranked in Google. You see, with these new mobile phones, it’s easy for your customers to find you and review your…”“We’re not interested.”“Not interested?!” I said. “How can you not be interested! You spend hundreds every month on telephone book advertising, How can you not be interested! This is the future of your business…”“We’re not interested I said. Get out!!!!”Is it just me, or does this sound like a pretty bad day?When most people think of getting clients, this is what they think they have to do. They believe that the only way is to march into some corner store, find the owner, and straight up pitch them on Internet marketing services.I don’t know about you, but the thought of that scares the hell out of me!I couldn’t do it. I can’t say I honestly know anyone that can…But yet, I still have managed to clear $XX,XXX’s every month, working with offline clients.Tapping Into The Introvert AdvantageNow truly, I’m one of the biggest introverts you’ll ever meet. I hated speaking in public. I couldn’t be on video. I couldn’t do audio recordings. I used to get tense whenever I walked into a room with more than 10 or so people…And that was a problem. Because no matter how smart I was or how good I was at Internet marketing, I couldn’t sell to offline clients because I couldn’t get my message across.It was tragic.Here I am, with two college degrees, and IQ of 136, all the Internet marketing experience and development skills anyone could ever want… And I couldn’t get my first client.So… What I had to do was master client getting in a completely unconventional manner.Instead of working the crowds or doing cold calls, I HAD to get very good at getting clients come to me.Before I get into how I get my offline clients now, I want to tell you about this little psychological trick that happens when potential prospects search you out…Little Psychological Trick Snowballs Into Big Cash!I want to let you in on a little secret about the offline business world… You know, the world where bricks and mortar shops and machinery and inventory (and CASH) are king… (I know, it’s nothing like or Internet marketing world!)EVERYONE… And I do mean everyo2000ne… Hates to be sold to.You know that DIY show, Yard Crashers? The one where they come in and totally relandscape your yard? Have you ever been amazed at how many “No’s” they get before they get a ‘Yes!” It’s mind blowing.People are so ready to say, “No” or “No Thanks” when a stranger walks up to them and starts pitching them…It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be a completely redone kitchen. Or a new yard and back deck. Or a magazine subscription…Or help with Internet marketing…That makes for a pretty bad business model, doesn’t it?BUT, what if I told you that I figured out how to get over 90% of people to say yes?!You’d look at me like I had 3 heads right?Well, it’s true. I have a 91% close rate.What that means is that if I get in front of a prospect, I’ll close them within the next 6 months for something north of $1K.Now, you’re probably thinking, “Holy Sh1t! What’s this guy doing that I’m not?”Would you like to know the secret?It’s having BUYERS come to me!Let me say that again.I’ve perfected the art of getting buyers, people with money to spend, come to me and ASK me about my services.Let me fill you in on a funny little psychological trick that you can use right now to make you money in the offline world.Click here to join Client Crusher“If someone seeks you out, your value is exponentially multiplied.”Think about it. A business owner knows that the Internet is the solution to all his business woes. He goes to a trusted friend or an associate and says, “Hey, do you know anyone who can help get me ranked in the search engines?” If that other person says your name, you are immediately worth more than gold to that business person.Why? Because you’ve just been recommended.Most likely, you’ve done work in the past for the person who gave you the referral… Or, this person knows someone who you’ve worked with.You see, offline people talk.And they travel in tight little circles.What we need to do is figure out how to get INTO that little circle!Think about it…When’s the last time you asked someone for a recommendation?It might have been for a graphic designer? Or a software developer? Or a website builder…Did you seek him out? Did he impress you??No! He didn’t need to. You already had all the info you needed because your buddy recommended him!He could have charged whatever he wanted and you, most likely, would have paid it BECAUSE someone else did all the vetting for you! You know he delivered top quality work because that’s what your buddy said…The same is true when people come to you. They’ve already got experience with what you do and what kind of quality you deliver.So… The obvious next step is price.This is where it gets interesting…When you’re referred, you can charge roughly 42% more for your services… I’ve tested it :0)Because the person heard about you through unconventional channels, you’re more valuable. You’re elite. The work you do is superb… Or else their buddy wouldn’t have recommended you.When I discovered this little, simple trick, I started shifting all my efforts to getting passive leads. After all, why would you EVER want to walk into some corner shop and pitch your services to someone who doesn’t care!Why not just let prospects come to you :0)Click here to join Client CrusherClient-Getting Methods The WorkThere’s an interesting little story behind Client Crusher. One that I hope really solidifies the importance of ‘client-getting’ in your mind.You see, I’ve been doing offline marketing for years. I’d go learn all the tricks and intricacies from all the gurus, and then implement them in my client’s business.Sure, they loved me for it. Each time I did something new for them, I got a pay raise, either through more client referrals or more cash in my retainer…But, I never did much online by way of affiliate programs or any of that.Well, about 6 months ago I started playing around with doing my own SEO and ranking for affiliate sites. One of the affiliate programs I was promoting was an offline marketing course… You know, where they teach you how to do the ‘marketing’ for offline companies.After going through the course and talking to the owner, I decided that I needed to write a client-getting manual for people like me… introverts. afraid. skittish. people with all the skills and none of the ‘balls’ to go get offline clients face to face.I mean, mastering ‘passive client getting’ is the reason I am where I am today.Well, the first revision was 19 pages long and contained some of the best client-getting info on the planet in my opinion.I started getting emails saying, “Loved the guide but I’m not sure how to do this…” or “Excellent techniques in Client Crusher. Can you explain how I…”After collecting 8 or 10 of those sorts of emails, I put a survey in place…The survey lit up with activity. 120 responses from a total of 480 people. Mind you, the only place Client Crusher was linked to was inside the members area of a offline marketing product!People were eating this stuff up!So, I locked myself in my office and started dumping everything I know into videos, audio and text about how to get clients passively, both online and offline.The guide blew up to 40 pages.I made over 3 hours of video content (and way more to come…)It’s been awesome. And I’m not done yet.You see, I love this community. I love that Internet marketers are finally waking up and realizing that the offline world is the BIGGEST niche in existence, and that they can make way more money than they ever thought possible doing it.Plus, they get to meet awesome people. People that have built bricks and mortar businesses from scratch, into a $10 million dollar companies… Employing hundreds of people…I mean, that’s admirable!The building and the machinary. The supplies and the customer service. Managing products and services and keeping everything fresh.With us web folk, the biggest business expenses we have is our autoresponder and our shopping cart!My point is, I’m in this for the long haul. I want to answer your questions. I want to be a resource for you. If there’s ever anything I can do, I want you to tell me so I can try and help out.But, before I get too far ahead of myself, let me tell you a little about Client Crusher…Click here to join Client CrusherHere’s What Client Crusher Is All AboutClient Crusher is all about teaching you how to get prospects and clients flocking to you… These are people who desperately NEED your services and are willing to pay top dollar for them…Learn how to leverage other people’s professional networks so that you get a steady stream of leads knocking on your door, whether you want them or not!Find out the simple strategy I use AFTER I meet someone, that pulls them in so strongly that they’re litterally begging me to do their Internet marketing, for whatever the price!Discover the single most under-utilized client getting method on the planet and how to blow past all of your competition by doing it (hint: It takes literally 3 minutes and will make you thousands of $$$$!)Learn the one technique that you can use to get people I’ve never met to call me or visit my webpage and sign up for my autoresponder… And NO ONE else is going it!!Download proven marketing templates so you can get huge returns on your marketing efforts… No guess work. No trying or testing. This stuff will work for you.Learn the simple partnering strategy that you can use to instantly get into a market, without having to cold call ANYONE or feel even the least bit uncomfortable…This course is tailor made for introverts and people who are worried about picking up offline marketing clients. It’s all about passive client getting both online and offline.Client CrusherClient Crusher has been designed to give you every tool and strategy you need to land offline marketing clients passively, without risk of humiliation, being uncomfortable or being pushy.2218The strategies that it contains are tried and true and have been perfected over 3 years of offline client-getting.Client Crusher Elite:Client Crusher PDFQuick Start VideosPassive Client Magnets (Videos)Client Crusher Expanded Video ModulesKlient Killers (Video)Mind Bending Sales Series (Video)Pricing Paradigm (Video)Question & Answer Calls (Delivered monthly)Download Library (direct mail pieces, powerpoints, postcards…)Monthly Advanced Training Modules (training on whatever you need help with!)Special Teleseminars (industry experts who do this stuff for a living)The elite package is our most advanced training package and includes all advanced training modules, downloads, monthly q&a calls and monthly training. It’s only a one time payment of $67 for complete, total access.Client Crusher Advanced:Client Crusher ManualQuick Start Video ModuleClient Crusher Expanded VideosThe advanced package will give you everything you need to get and close your first clients, for big money. No matter how scared, timid or shy you might be! The Advanced package is only $47 for member’s only access to the PDF manual and the training videos.When You Download You’ll Receive These Virtually Immediate Benefits:Clients will be flocking to you rather than you having to pitch them or cold call them. No more uneasiness or embarrasment. No more feeling in the pit of your stomach, waiting for the rejection.You’ll be able to sell your services for FAR more money because you’ll be ‘in-demand.’ People will kind of compete with each other to work with you, which will drive your prices through the roof.You’re going to get to work with some of the coolest people on the planet, bar none. The people that are early adopters and want to venture into this thing called Internet Marketing will introduce you to other cool people, and the cycle will start again.Tapping into the hidden world of offline marketing is some of the most challenging and rewarding work you’ll ever do. You’re going to be a problem solver and your clients will adore you. You will be a savior in their eyes.You’ll be able to set your own hours and make sure the kids get to soccer practice on time. No more 9 to 5 or working for an ungrateful boss, just to feed the family. All you need is a couple clients, maybe 2 or 3, to double what you make in a month!You’ll be FINALLY able to look your boss in the eye and tell him that you’re done. No more stupid emails or idiotic work for measly pay. You’ve got clients and work to do where you make FAR more money and have much greater satisfaction…You’re going to be able to make a REAL difference in the lives of business owners and employees in your local area by solidifying their future because they’re ranking in the search engines. They won’t need to fear being laid off or having to justify to their spouses why they’re employer decided to shut the doors without any notice…Best yet, you’ll be able to walk with your head held high and you’ll be able to proudly tell your family what you’re doing for work. You’ll have prospects in the pipeline and clients banging on your door, begging you to let them pay you for something that you think is downright easy…Click here to join Client CrusherIf you have any questions, please let me know!– Jason DrohnCreator: ClientCrusher.comPS. Client Crusher was created for one sole purpose: to teach you how to passively get offline marketing clients. The strategies and techniques inside have been proven to work for me and for hundreds of other marketers who are now making thousands every month…Click here to join Client CrusherPPS. This isn’t some high pressure sales pitch, but I can really only support so many members. I want to make it as interactive as possible and I want to include all kinds of new training for you. I can legitimately only keep the doors open for so long. I’m thinking I can handle 500 or so Elite members. Maybe a few more. I want to keep the group as ‘intimate’ as possible…
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