InstaCash Keywords #101 – Stop Smoking Longtail Keywords List

InstaCash Keywords #101 – Stop Smoking Longtail Keywords List

InstaCash Keywords #101 – Stop Smoking Longtail Keywords List

InstaCash Keywords #101 – Stop Smoking Longtail Keywords List

People that smoke already know the risks
they are taking.

I am willing to bet they hate those “Truth”
commercials that are always on TV…

They may even make them want to smoke more
just to spite the people.

If you don’t know what I mean, just search for
“Truth” on Youtube and you should find some.

So, I definitely would NOT take the approach
of telling them all the facts of people getting sick
and dying and everything.

We need to figure out WHY they haven’t quit yet.

Maybe it’s a fear of not being able to?

If so, then tell them that they can do it and it’s easy.

Don’t say that if you don’t think it’s true, but isn’t
anything relatively easy if we really dedicate ourselves to it?

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