Howie Schwartz – Blackout Firesale

Howie Schwartz - Blackout Firesale

Howie Schwartz - Blackout Firesale

Howie Schwartz – Blackout Firesale

Unfortunately this is not full sales page. He makes you opt-in before moving on to the next page.

Description from the Internet

Now I don’t know about you but i learn much faster when i am shown something and even faster when shown in person!

35 people paid $3000 to attend this event and the value would have been in being able to ask specific questions realted to their business to take them to the next level.

You don’t get to ask your questions but for a tiny $47 you get to see what they did!


I took some notes while i was watching them

Here’s just some of what you will learn…

Video 1

Meet the man that count’s Perry Marshall and Jonathon Mizel as a client

Video 2

Hurricane Howie
Big picture trends and thoughts from Howie
Big trend for the future with this current technology
How important it is in an emergency
Why using it will give you direct access to your customers
Why e-mail marketing is dead and what to do about it

Video 3

Future marketing technique you can play with today before anyone has heard of it.. no charge
Sick of 1% open rate on your e-mails? What gets nearly 100% open rate?
E-mail marketing is dead! What can you do about it?
How to get a jump start on your market
85% open rate in 15 mins

Video 4

Another Big Trend – Mobile Commerce
Online is 3.7% of retail… big growth still ahead
Most people online are making zero… why?
Is affiliate marketing a real business?
What constitutes business building?
If adsense is dead why is revenue up 40%?

Video 5

Sustainable Organic Web Traffic Overview
Promotional Sauce
RSS, Rss Feeds, Rss Feed Submission
Social Bookmarking

Video 6

Sustainable Organic Web Traffic Overview
Traffic strategy mapped out step by step visually
Money Site
Buyer Keywords
Web 2.0 properties
Link Wheels – Do they still work?
Article Marketing – An article site that ranks better than Ezine Articles?
Video and Images – How to get best mileage out of them
Press Releases – Why you would want to pay more for your press release submission

Video 7

Affiliate data feeds – What are they and how do you use them
Why clicks to your site no matter how many you have means nothing
____ The fastest, easiest way to creat a data feed site
How to find what people are buying right now

Video 8

More detail on data feed sites

Video 9

Even more detail on data feed sites – when you find out about them you’ll want one!

Video 10

Mark Roth – CEO of
_____ Marketing for affiliates
Evolution of affiliate marketing and where it’s going next
Details of first _____ affiliate site

Video 11

CPA – that’s a certified practising accountant right?
How to make money even without collecting e-mails and phone numbers

Video 12

Brand new way of monetizing affiate traffic

Video 13

Pay per _____ – Would you rather 65c from Pay per click or $10 with ____________
Very detailed presentation on this new money making method

Video 14

Get access to the first ______ affiliate network.. Guaranteed

Video 15

Meet the man who does SEO for Perry Marshall
5 fingers of Search Engine Marketing

Video 16

5 fingers of Search Engine Marketing continued
Optimization – You know your pages should be optimized but how do you do it?
SE___ this is what you think SEO is, really is…
Without it, it doesn’t matter how well your site is SEO’d
Sell the Sizzle not the steak
Key Concepts
Promote the Promoters – This one is obvious but you’re probably not doing
White Hat.. Black Hat.. Why ultimately it’s all shades of grey!

Several New Cutting Edge Money Making Methods Years before you will hear about them

Learn from the people leading the industry
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