How To Get What You Want

How To Get What You Want

How To Get What You Want

Attracting the opposite sex is the vital little dance that makes the world go round. But how can you spot the secret signs – and make sure you are getting what you want – when you want it?

HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT examines the physical attributes that people look for in a sexual partner, and look at how people advertise their wares. The plucky presenters investigate the role that body language plays in attraction – how subtle signals of the eyes, mouth and face serve as sexual come-ons. Find out how many times a man checks out your cleavage or a woman ogles your bum as we monitor them with an eye marker camera. And do we really make up our minds about whether we fancy someone after less than a second?

How to Get What You Want is a documentary series which attempts to show viewers how to achieve their dreams and ambitions. The series is presented by Peter Collett, Jack Lewis and Anjula Mutanda who are specialists in body language, neuroscience and social science.

How To Get What You Want – S01E02 – Power

From the boardroom to the bedroom, from the House of Commons to the common man, power dictates everything we do. Some crave it, some obey it, some fight it but we reveal the secret signs of power and find out who really has it and how to get more ourselves.

Forget the politics, how can we tell if David Cameron is the next PM just from his body language? HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT follows him at the Tory Party Conference and find out. Our intrepid presenters also look at the way power plays out in the workplace. How often do we defer to the boss and accept our place in the pecking order?

How to Get What You Want is a documentary series which attempts to show viewers how to achieve their dreams and ambitions. The series is presented by Peter Collett, Jack Lewis and Anjula Mutanda who are specialists in body language, neuroscience and social science.

How To Get What You Want – S01E03 – Winning

From the boardroom to the bedroom, the House of Commons to the common man and woman, power dictates everything we do, and while some obey or fight it, others crave to have the upper hand. Peter, Dr Jack and Anjula reveal the secret signs of dominance, and demonstrate who really has it and how to get more ourselves.

How to Get What You Want is a documentary series which attempts to show viewers how to achieve their dreams and ambitions. The series is presented by Peter Collett, Jack Lewis and Anjula Mutanda who are specialists in body language, neuroscience and social science.

How To Get What You Want – S01E04 – Lying

We are all big fat liars. From the little white ones to the great big whoppers, we all tell lies. But if honesty really is the best policy, why do we lie? HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT gives viewers a deeper understanding of deception, exposes the various forms it takes, how people try to deceive us, and most importantly, how to spot a liar.

The presenters set out to discover how many lies a group of strangers tell each other in the space of ten minutes. They examine whether lie detector machines really work. And presenter Anjula Mutanda goes the extra mile, with the help of a prosthetic behind, asking staff at various department stores, ‘does my bum look big in this?’

How to Get What You Want is a documentary series which attempts to show viewers how to achieve their dreams and ambitions. The series is presented by Peter Collett, Jack Lewis and Anjula Mutanda who are specialists in body language, neuroscience and social science.

How To Get What You Want – S01E05 – Humour

Whether it’s to attract a mate or get ahead in business, laughter has the rare power to draw us together or to put others in their place. HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT investigates whether humour does more than make us laugh. Is it true that women can’t really tell jokes? And for men, is a ‘good sense of humour’ really enough to win fair lady? Professional stand up’s give their top tips to a bunch of wannabe comics.

How to Get What You Want is a documentary series which attempts to show viewers how to achieve their dreams and ambitions. The series is presented by Peter Collett, Jack Lewis and Anjula Mutanda who are specialists in body language, neuroscience and social science.

How To Get What You Want – S01E06 – Love

Love is the most essential and primitive of human needs. But what is it? And why do we crave it so much? HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT will guide you through the key stages of a relationship from love goggles to the storm of conflict to accepting each others faults. Our presenters discover what are the chemicals which course through our body when we fall in love and how long they last. When they wear off how do you stay together when all you can see is warts and all?

How to Get What You Want is a documentary series which attempts to show viewers how to achieve their dreams and ambitions. The series is presented by Peter Collett, Jack Lewis and Anjula Mutanda who are specialists in body language, neuroscience and social science.

How To Get What You Want – S01E07 – Selling

Every waking moment, we are being sold to. Life is one great big market place. Whether it’s ideas, products, lifestyles, other people or ultimately ourselves. HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT discovers how to avoid the cynical ploys used to make us buy things we don’t actually want, and discover how to sell ourselves to others, whether it’s to get a job, be included in a social group or to land a life partner.

How to Get What You Want is a documentary series which attempts to show viewers how to achieve their dreams and ambitions. The series is presented by Peter Collett, Jack Lewis and Anjula Mutanda who are specialists in body language, neuroscience and social science.

How To Get What You Want – S01E08 – Money

Love it or loathe it, we all need money to survive. But can money buy you love? Does money make you happy? HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT shows you how you can be the master of money and either make your fortune or learn to be happy with what you’ve got. In a series of fun but informative experiments, see how the high we get from shopping is just as addictive as Class A drugs and watch Dr Jack Lewis lose millions on the trading floor. The presenters meet a wannabe wag who was two times bankrupt by the age of 30.

How to Get What You Want is a documentary series which attempts to show viewers how to achieve their dreams and ambitions. The series is presented by Peter Collett, Jack Lewis and Anjula Mutanda who are specialists in body language, neuroscience and social science.

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