Holly Cotter – WSO Flycatcher SEO

Holly Cotter – WSO Flycatcher SEO

Holly Cotter – WSO Flycatcher SEO

Holly Cotter – WSO Flycatcher SEO

Effortlessly Capture Page One Google Listings
Using Holly Cotter’s PROVEN “Flycatcher SEO” System
… It’s Irresistible!

NOTE: This WSO is not for anyone with advanced SEO experience.

Dear Fellow Internet Warriors:

Whether you are trying to get front page listings for your niche websites, your affiliate marketing offers, or your brick-and-mortar clients’ sites…

One thing every online marketer has in common is:

You MUST target keywords that people are actually searching on.


You MUST position your website on the front pages of the search engines (ideally, on page one) so your offer is visible to searchers.

The first step to this is doing proper keyword research… identifying keywords that people are using that also have low enough competition that you have a good chance for ranking on the first page of the search engines.

A lot of people refer to these keywords as “longtail keywords” or “low hanging fruit.” In fact, my personal SEO strategy for every website I build is based on longtail keywords. However…

Some BIG challenges must be overcome if you want to capture enough traffic to generate profit when using longtail keywords:

Each longtail keyword phrase receives only a small number of searchers every month… so you must target several longtail keywords to generate a reasonable amount of traffic to your website.

If you incorporate every longtail keyword phrase you are targeting into your website, then your site will look spammy to the search engines… as if you are “keyword stuffing,” which is a great way to get your website DE-indexed.

If you include longtail keywords in your website, you must use them EXACTLY as they are searched on… but, we all know that many longtail keyword phrases are quite awkward, and would not make sense to a visitor if we add them “as-is”, much less compel our visitors to take action.

So, the question is…

How do you incorporate longtail keywords into your website in a way that generates results from BOTH the search engines and your human visitors, in a way that…

Your website is positioned on the front page of the search engines for every longtail keyword phrase you decide to target.

Your visitors find exactly what they are searching for by going to your website.

After years of marketing online, I’ve perfected a system for adding as many longtail keywords as you want into a website. I call this system “Flycatcher SEO.”

The “Flycatcher SEO” WSO is a 35-Minute Video:

You’ll literally watch over my shoulder while I apply my “Flycatcher SEO” strategy to add a long-tail keyword phrase to one of my existing websites.

You’ll see exactly WHAT to do and HOW to do it.


You’ll discover the 4 crucial items that MUST be on your website if you want it to rank on the first page for your longtail keyword.


Your website will attract more targeted traffic from the search engines

Your website will quickly and easily obtain first page listings in Google and other search engines.

Your website will be formatted in a way that the search engines LOVE. Instead of looking “spammy” they’ll look “yummy”… and the search engines will eat them up!

Your visitors will find exactly what they were searching for when they click through to your site from the search results… no matter which of your targeted longtail keywords they were searching on.

Your ability to compel your visitors to take action will not be undermined in any way by including longtail keywords on your site.

I have gotten websites listed on the first page of the search engines in less than one week by implementing the “Flycatcher SEO” system… it is truly a NO-FAIL solution for getting 1st page listings in Google when targeting longtail keywords.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee
This is the same system I personally use to get my own websites listed on the first page of Google and other search engines. I KNOW it works, and I stand behind it 100%. That is why I’m comfortable offering a 60-day money back guarantee. (If you IMPLEMENT this system, you won’t want your money back… instead you’ll be hounding me to share my other systems with you. LOL)

The terms for this product are:

[NO] Can be resold
[NO] Can be added to paid membership sites
[NO] Can be edited, revised or modified
[NO] Can be used as web content
[NO] Can be broken down into smaller articles
[NO] Can be added to an e-Course or autoresponder as content
[NO] Can be packaged with other paid products
[NO] Can be offered as a bonus to a paid product
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites
[NO] Can sell private label rights

This product is for PRIVATE USE ONLY!!

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