Hen and Kate O’Brien – CreateYourSelf Global Summit

Hen and Kate O'Brien - CreateYourSelf Global Summit

Hen and Kate O’Brien – CreateYourSelf Global Summit

We’re SUPER excited to have you on board this incredible journey of learning, inspiration & authenticity.

It’s our life’s vision and purpose to positively impact people throughout the world-reminding each person of who they really are and what is truly possible for their lives.

We’ve personally come through extremely difficult circumstances (both individually & as a couple!) and have gone on to create extraordinary success on many levels.

We share this, not to impress you, but to impress upon you what’s POSSIBLE when you stop SETTLING-stop settling for less than you TRULY DESERVE!!!

We all at times get stuck dancing around the perimeter of our biggest selves. The risk is that we stay here-on the edge of greatness.

We get used to the view from the edge and it becomes our ‘comfort zone’….

Well, we’re here to tell you to JUMP!!! Jump into who you know you can be! Jump into the life of your dreams!

And in our GAMECHANGER program, we powerfully support people to do JUST THAT!!!

Meet the Speakers

Dr. John Demartini
Jack Canfield
Marci Shimoff
John Gray
Janet Bray Attwood
Bernie Siegel
Michael Neill
Serena Dyer
Rick Frishman
Alexis Neely
Dr. Kerry Spackman
Sally Anderson
Robin Banks
Nancy Levin
Mary Margaret-Moore
Kate MacKinnon
Pat Armistead
Mia Munro
Dean O’Brien – ‘Mr Yipadee’
Teal Scott
Whitney Paige
Catherine Newton
Steve Lowell
Melanie Houghton
Suzanne Masefield
Jody Jelas
Marvin Oka & Grant Soosalu
Michelle Buchanan
Kate Bull
Carlton Wilborn
Wendy Bentley

About Henare & Kate

Henare and Kate O’Brien – founders of ‘CreateYourSelf Global Summit’ and creators of ‘GAMECHANGER’ & ‘Foundations of an Empowered Life’ – LOVE to work with people who are hungry for more, those who have big dreams, goals and vision for themselves and their lives. Kate and Henare will work along side you and guide you to get from where you are to where you truly want to be. They are the example of the wisdom they teach and are unstoppable in their commitment to guiding people toward a life they truly love!


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