Growth Hacker TV Episodes 01 – 71

Growth Hacker TV Episodes 01 – 71

Growth Hacker TV Episodes 01 – 71

Growth Hacker TV Episodes 01 – 71

Name Product: Growth Hacker TV Episodes 01 – 71

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Price: $290/Year

What is Growth Hacker TV?
GHTV is an educational resource for founders and entrepreneurs that are trying to grow a startup. Building a product is the easy part, getting people to care and pay attention is not. We build startups too, and we know how difficult growth really is. Our apps have been written about in The Next Web, Read Write Web, Mashable, and more, but growing, retaining, engaging, and monetizing our user base was still an uphill battle. Growth is the reason startups fail. Growth is what GHTV is all about.

Exposing the Truth About Growth
There are very few people in the world that really understand how startups grow. Have you grown a product to millions of users? Yeah, me neither. Luckily, the people that come on Growth Hacker TV have. We have guests from the largest names in the business (Facebook, DropBox, Hulu, LinkedIn, Expedia…well, you get the picture), and we get them to expose the truth about growth. They tell us how they grew their startups at different stages, giving us high level advice on how to think about growth, and specific actionable tactics that worked for them. Imagine having an hour long consultation with one of the brightest minds concerning growth. That’s what you get to do with GHTV, over and over again. We already have over 50 episodes and we’re adding multiple new episodes each week.

What is Growth Hacking?
Growth Hacking has various (and sometimes controversial) definitions. To some people growth hacking is a very narrow and specific skillset related to coding product features that promote retention and sharing. To others, growth hacking is broader, encompassing A/B testing, copywriting, cohort analysis and similar exercises. To some, growth hacking is broader still, and is considered to be anything related to startup growth including pay-per-click, public relations, and other growth mechanisms. Everyone agrees that growth hacking is data-driven. Everyone agrees that growth hacking is different than traditional marketing. But people love to argue about the details of it…

Therefore, Growth Hacker TV doesn’t take a religious stance on what growth hacking is, but instead we offer you insights from the world of startup growth that would fall into all three of the definitions listed above. The ultimate goal of Growth Hacker TV is to help you grow your startup, and if that means interviewing guests that help you grow in a way that falls outside of your definition, we would rather do that than refuse to give you advice that could change the trajectory of your startup.

Who should watch Growth Hacker TV?
Founders / Entrepreneurs
Venture Capitalists
Chief Marketing Officers
Directors of Marketing
Growth Leads
Growth Engineers
Growth Hackers
Incubators / Accelerators
Designers / UI+UX Experts
Startup Engineers
Product Managers
Data Scientist
Or anyone trying to grow a startup.

Will Growth Hacker TV actually help my product?
Honestly, probably not. Sure the content is awesome. The advice is solid. The problem is that you are probably too lazy to actually execute on what our guests are teaching. If you are willing to do the hard work required to grow your startup, then yes, GHTV will be a resource unlike anything you currently have access to. Growth is not easy. GHTV will never act like it is, but this is a resource that can propel you forward if you’re the right kind of person.

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