Glenn Murray – SEO Secrets v2.1

Glenn Murray – SEO Secrets v2.1

Glenn Murray – SEO Secrets v2.1

Glenn Murray – SEO Secrets v2.1

I just finished reading SEO Secrets by Glenn Murray, Glenn is an SEO Copywriter from Australia. I happen to connected with Glenn on Twitter, I checked out his site when I got to know that he is a SEO copywriter.

Being in the SEO industry I further explored his site and came across his book SEO Secrets, I was amazed to see a very different and simple landing page with no fluff, no upsell, no bonus not the typical clickbank kind of landing page.

The landing page copy was honest, written from the heart and that made me buy the SEO Secrets, I am yet to see such an honest landing page for an online downloadable product.

I’ve read all the top books on Search Engine Optimization by top SEO Experts, let me tell you that there are very few good SEO books that can actually teach you how to get your site high on Google ( in simple language minus the fluff ) and show you actual live examples of the results on Google.

SEO Secrets did not disappoint me, it in fact taught me a few thing about Search Engine Optimization which I was not aware. Glenn has put in a lot of work to make sure that his facts are accurate, easy to follow and illustrative.

The book gives great insights based on his real world experience of gaining search rankings. While blogs are supposed to be decently optimised for Google, its only the beginning there is still work that needs to be done to ensure it gets indexed by Google and ranks high.

You can make great difference to your traffic when you know how and Glenn’s SEO Secrets gives you the correct information on “how to” rank high and gain visibility on Google minus the fluff.

It’s a comprehensive do it yourself SEO guide for small and medium web business owners, bloggers and affiliate marketers.

It details a practical 10 step process that will get you to the top of Google.

SEO Secrets’ V2.0 includes:
– 213 pages
– Understand what SEO means (5 pages)
– Choose your keywords (7 pages)
– Develop your website right (36 pages)
– WordPress V2.7 blog optimization (30 pages)
– Optimize your web content (9 pages)
– Link baiting (26 pages)
– Other link building methods (13 pages)
– Monitor your progress (4 pages)
– The future of SEO (9 pages)
– 207 references in the bibliography!

Why should you believe Glenn ?
Because he has reached the top of the search engines using the very methods you ll find in the book.

His results in
page 1 for “SEO copywriter”
page 1 for “website copywriter”
page 1 for “advertising copywriting”
page 1 for “website copywriting”
page 1 for “copywriting forum”
page 1 for “copywriter forum”
page 2 for “copywriter”
page 2 for “advertising copywriter”
page 2 for “internet copywriter”

The Search Engine market has a very solid resource on SEO ( Search Engine Optimization) teachings and advice at a very affordable price.
– See more at:

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