Glenn Livingston – Million Dollar Coaching

Glenn Livingston – Million Dollar Coaching

Glenn Livingston – Million Dollar Coaching

Glenn Livingston – Million Dollar Coaching

Name Product: Glenn Livingston – Million Dollar Coaching

Sale Page:

Price: $297

Dear Coach Or Coach To Be,

If you’re ready to be rewarded for your life and/or business experience and your sincere desire to help others …
If you dream about the independence, satisfaction, and financial freedom of your own coaching practice…
If you’d like to work from wherever you want, on your own schedule, without anyone telling you what to do…

Then this may be the most important letter you’ve come across in all of your coaching research.  Because you’re about to discover virtually everything you need to know to develop the coaching practice of your dreams, even if you don’t yet have the right credentials or training, and don’t particularly like marketing:

–  Discover how to magnetically attract coaching clients … pre-sold on YOUR coaching services before they contact you!
–  Learn which advertising mediums really work for coaches, and which are a complete waste of money!
–  See how to sort through the maze of confusing training and certification options!
–  Hear real coaches discuss their experience, and share hours and hours of coaching insights with you!
–  Minimize costs and manage business risks!
–  Maximize your confidence as a coach!

Build a marketing system designed to bring you client after client on autopilot!  (It’s one of the single biggest factors which distinguishes successful coaches from those who just “trade sessions” with others on the sidelines, hoping and praying for paying clients)…

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