Enlightened NLP:4 Breakthrough Steps To Effortless Success Modeling – Burt Goldman

Enlightened NLP:4 Breakthrough Steps To Effortless Success Modeling - Burt Goldman

Enlightened NLP:4 Breakthrough Steps To Effortless Success Modeling – Burt Goldman

Module 1: Paint The Perfect Picture With Visual Modeling

Yes, it’s possible! How to become an overnight pro at any hobby, sport or skill – and feel the satisfaction as your friends stare on in amazement.
3 do-or-die steps to implant the behaviors and habits of your favorite success models into your own identity, permanently. (no more short-term results).
What you must do to visualize the perfect you – and why it’s so important to your success.
Don’t let decades of blood, sweat and tears go down the drain. The vital question most people forget to ask themselves before modeling someone.
PLUS: Midas Through The Mirror – prepare for unlimited wealth as you learn this empowering 60-second visualization technique.

Module 2: Make Yourself Heard With Auditory Modeling

Talk to anyone like an old buddy. How to connect with anyone, whether it’s a millionaire, a politician, an average joe or a homeless person.
Milton Erickson’s little-known secret – how the world-famous legend of hypnosis gained incredible influence over the minds of his listeners every time he spoke… and how you can do the same.
How to model the most successful person on the planet (HINT: It’s got nothing to do with Bill Gates or Warren Buffett).
What Harry McGrath did to sell more cars in a week than he usually did in a month.
PLUS: Get better prices, win any argument, and influence people effortlessly with the Harmony Auditory Agreement technique.

Module 3: Move Towards Success With Kinesthetic Modeling

What do a piano string and tuning fork have to do with your success? (Prepare for a surprising answer)
The tale of the Mud Hen. How you can effortlessly break the chains of limitation and achieve your heart’s every desire – right now.
The 3-minute exercise to replacing stubborn shyness with impenetrable confidence and self esteem-all without leaving your chair.
The little-known secret of your right brain, and how it holds the key to endless intelligence, creativity and intuition.
PLUS: Instantly boost your creativity with the Dancing Eyes technique.

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