Energized Living Today – fall 2013 hosted by Cindy Kubica

Energized Living Today - fall 2013 hosted by Cindy Kubica

Energized Living Today - fall 2013 hosted by Cindy Kubica

Energized Living Today – fall 2013 hosted by Cindy Kubica

That Will Shift Your Life!

Are you ready to develop a new level of understanding in your relationships? Are you ready to VIBRATE in perfect health and welcome in prosperity? …to truly realize your potential of your creative gifts and divine talents? Are you ready to evolve to a new level of consciousness?

If you’re nodding your head yes, and you’re open to the possibilities, then you are TRULY on the path of CONSCIOUS EVOLUTION. Our online workshops are designed to help support you in your personal growth path of enlightenment and expansion. Continuing to Evolve is key!

As individuals, we must evolve. As a community, we continue to Evolve so we can better support each other in OUR quest for answers. Even the innate knowledge and skills of our spiritual teachers, visionaries and transformational leaders continue to evolve. And I’m honored to bring those luminaries to you.

In these sessions you will learn how to:
• Purge Blocks to Enlightened Health, Wealth, and Happiness
• Tap into YOUR True Intuitive Gifts and Healing Potential
• Use Crystals to help Manifest Your Goals, Desires and Dreams
• Consciously experience the fullest expression of Eternal Peace
• Awaken your passion and infinite potential
• Create better health by nutritionally honoring your body
• Tap into the Conscious Evolution of the Divine Feminine
• And so much more…

Here’s a list of the experts and their topics:

Debra Cummings – Conscious Evolution
Debra is a Certified Advanced Energy Practitioner of Quantum Energetic Disciplines founded by Jo Dunning. Using these extraordinary powerful techniques, Debra has assisted thousands of individuals improve their lives quickly, easily and in remarkable ways.

Hibiscus Moon – Basics of Crystal Healing and Therapy for Consciousness Evolution
Hibiscus Moon is a scientist with a serious passion for the healing qualities of stones and crystals. Bringing her unique perspective to the world of crystal healing, she gets a buzz from teaching others to use the power of crystals in their lives. She takes this serious subject and infuses it with Fun!

Kenji Kumara – Illuminating the State of Grace: The Miracle and Magic of Love
Kenji Kumara is a catalyst for the Quantum states of Being and a guide to others. Holding degrees in Psychology and Education and certifications in Medical Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Healing, Kenji guides others to reach for their highest state. Kenji’s message is simple: Be the state you want the world to be; Live by the Golden Rule, Be the Clear and Perfect Channel, Trust, Forgive, Allow and Receive. And the best spiritual medicine is hugs, smiles, laughter and spontaneity.

Dada Nabhaniilananda – Yogic Meditation: A Technology for Conscious Evolution
Born in New Zealand, Dada was ordained as an Ananda Marga Yoga Monk in 1979. Since then he has taught meditation to thousands of people, published a popular book on meditation in six languages, won eight international songwriting awards and lectured on meditation and yoga in more than forty countries, including Brazil where he appeared on stage with the Dalai Lama at the 1992 Earth Summit.

Lori Spagna – Accessing YOUR Psychic Intuitive Gifts and Activating YOUR Dormant DNA
Lori Spagna radically transformed her life after a series of near death experiences while living in Maui. Lori is the author of the upcoming book ‘2 Years in Maui’ and was featured in the soon to be released HBO Movie, ‘Animals in the Afterlife’. She has over 20 years of experience serving humans and animals around the world and is an internationally recognized expert, speaker and author who provides seminars and workshops about how we can improve our lives by learning from animals.

Arn ‘Zingdad’ Allingham – Step into the Power of your Divine Eternal Self
Arn ‘Zingdad’ Allingham is the other you, an awakening soul doing the work of remember who he is. He helps others discover that they are indeed an eternal, immortal creator being of infinite power by dealing with fears, pain and self-limiting beliefs so that others can awaken to the magnificence of their own beings. Arn Allingham is an agent of consciousness-raising change. He brings a message that is all about pointing you to your heart, helping you to find your truth and reminding you of the powerful, magnificent creator-being that you really are.

Kit Furey – Align and Awaken
Kit Furey is gifted at getting to the heart of the matter and bringing clarity to it. She is a pioneer in her ability to access and utilize whole-brain thinking – to blend both intellectual and intuitive awareness to master the highest aspects of yourself. Whole Mind Mastery is what makes doing, having and being smooth, easy and filled with peace and joy. In her work as an instant belief change and energy transformation expert and mentor, Kit Furey brings the emotional and spiritual depth, compassion, and determination that come from raising 3 newborns adopted within 18 months (one of whom has special needs.)

Suzanna Kennedy – Reality Crafting Paradise: How to Master the 3 Major Influences
of Your Life Experience
After experiencing a quantum consciousness awakening that allowed her to tap into the Universal Science of Consciousness and Creation, Suzanna left a successful career as a corporate training consultant to found Reality Crafting Institute. She has taught others to accelerate their conscious evolution by using Suzanna’s unique 2-step process, finding freedom from past limitations and increased peace, harmony and abundance in their lives.

Larry Crane – Learn to Release Your Limitations and Have It All In Seconds
Larry Crane is a best-selling author, a self-made millionaire and the founder of the world-renowned Release Technique. He has taught the Release Technique to over 100,000 people worldwide, allowing them to begin to let go of the emotions, stress and energetic subconscious blocks that are holding each of us back from the abundance and joy that is our birthright.

David Dibble – DreamWork: Ask Any Question And Receive Perfect Guidance In A Dream
David Dibble, a former CEO of a successful technology company, is a keynote speaker, trainer, consultant, executive coach, systems thinker, and a practical spiritual teacher. He is the creator of DreamWork and DreamWork DNA, a systematic and profound approach to spiritual and personal growth. He has written four books, and is the creator of The Four Agreements at Work, based upon his eight years of work directly with Don Miguel Ruiz, author of the best-selling book The Four Agreements.

Lisa Barnett – Clear Karma, Soul Contracts and Vows thru your Akashic Record
Lisa Barnett is the Founder of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom and an internationally recognized teacher with more than twenty years of experience in spiritual healing. Lisa has created resources for clarity and healing with the ancient yet accessible Akashic Wisdom and has developed a program that helps people experience lasting transformation.

Christopher Tims – Renegade Mystic, Founder of the Order of the Blue Star
Christopher Tims is a master teacher and guide and a true 21st Century Renaissance Man. He calls himself simply the “reminder of the oneness that you are.” Over his 25-year career, he has contributed to the transformation and ascension of thousands. Christopher is also a pioneer in alternative healing, having created sound tables for bodywork, and his own signature system of sound energy work called Sound Energy Dynamics, years before sound healing became popular.

Pam Ragland – How Your Intuition Can Be Your Guide (and why it’s not)
Pam Ragland is a powerful healer, who became internationally known for accurately using her powerful intuition. She immediately found a missing Autistic boy, after police and hundreds of searchers had searched days in the same area. Her quest to help people more quickly and effortlessly led her to discover revolutionary breakthroughs, including Quantum Thought Shifting™—which uses Pam’s very powerful healing gift combined with intelligence.

Dawn Clark – The Essential Reboot — Repairing Core Fractures To Reclaim Your Life!
A global transformational leader and an international best-selling author, Dawn Clark has spent her life creating works that empower others to reshape their futures, and also the future of the planet. Standing at the nexus of science and spirituality, she delivers a new vocabulary, insights and tools that help people repair core fractures, clear toxic emotions, and re-pattern themselves for longevity and success.

Tori Hartman – Multi-Generational Healing
Tori is a world renowned psychic, author and spiritual teacher. As the author of the Chakra Wisdom Oracle deck (scheduled to release June 2014 via Watkins Publishing UK),Tori’s latest endeavor, Multi-Generational Healing, continues to promote what has always been the key to her success; The spiritual empowerment, healing and education of people. She believes that in order to heal and manifest our heart’s desires we need to incorporate our family legacy to find our soul’s purpose and live with a deep sense of belonging.

Melinda Lee – Awaken Healing Miracles Within You
Melinda Lee is a Certified Medical Intuitive Master Healer, with extensive experience in working with “Spirit” in over 30,000 healings and in 40 countries. Her experience is supported by having owned Natural Healing Clinics, studying over 20 different healing modalities, and working closely with Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing®, for over 12 years.

Beverley Danusis – Awaken Sophia™: Invite the Sacred Feminine into Your Life
Get ready to embrace your inner ‘wisdom goddess’ with Beverley Danusis. Bev’s life mission is to encouraging women to embrace their inner wisdom gifts, which she calls “goddess gifts.” Her passion is to empower women and girls and help bring about the much-needed social change to our world. Bev believes if the world is going to be a good place for all, this task will take women owning and using their inner wisdom and inspiring and teaching others to do the same. Bev is here to be our guide.

Marcella Martyn – When Women Changed the World
Connecting people with their guides is one of the special gifts channel medium Marcella Martyn was bestowed. From abuse, neglect, and FEAR, she transformed. Now more than 25 years later, Marcella Martyn selflessly shares these as a medium, natural healer, energy worker, Reiki Master, and Reiki Teacher. She recently received an honorable mentioned at the 2012-2013 LA Book Festival for her book I AM HERE, Channeled Wisdom for Changing Times, and is also the author of the spiritually enlightening New Ages and Other Wonders. She’s passionate about sharing Spirit’s message about the Divine Feminine, unconditional love, and connecting people with purpose-driven answers from their spirit guides.

Karen Hager – Breathing into the Divine Feminine
Karen Hager helps people lift the fog of confusion and regain clarity about their life purpose. She connects with Source to provide compassionate, no-nonsense intuitive advice for people in transition. Reading from the energy of the humanvoice, Karen quickly gets to the root of your question and helps you see the possibilities for transformation. She’s the host of the popular weekly radio show “Out of the Fog” on Empower Radio, Transformation Talk Radio, WBLQ, and BlogTalk Radio.

Panache Desai – Opening to the Divine Feminine
Panache Desai is a contemporary spiritual teacher and inspirational visionary in the field of consciousness and vibration whose gift of vibrational transformation has drawn thousands of people from around the world. A highly sought-after speaker featured regularly in print, online and broadcast media, Panache recently appeared with Oprah Winfrey on the Emmy Award-winning series Super Soul Sunday.

Danielle MacKinnon – Reveal Your Soul Secrets and Live Brilliantly!
Danielle MacKinnon is a renowned Soul Contract Consultant and Intuitive Coach who has been a featured teacher at the esteemed Omega Institute and other highly regarded organizations. She uses her unique abilities to connect deeply with the Soul to offer a fresh and exciting perspective on breaking through blocks, re-balancing relationships, clearing life challenges, discovering the soul purpose, working with pets, developing intuition, and spiritual growth.

Kathleen McManis – An Invitation To Truth: Chinese Face Reading, Emotional Qi Gong Sequencing, and Energy Esthetics
Kathleen McManis helps people understand the mind-body-spirit connection and it’s role in rejuvenating and healing the skin. As a Master Esthetician and Author of the forthcoming book, “Being Beautiful through Energy and Love” Kathleen captivates her audiences through inspiring stories and by sharing valuable and empowering insights from her own healing journey. Her products and services combine energy therapies, nutritional esthetics, and organic skincare.

Pedram Shojai – Wake to Your Full Potential
Pedram Shojai studied biology at UCLA until he had a series of profound mystical experiences that drew him to the Eastern esoteric arts. He received his Master’s in Oriental Medicine from Emperor’s College and then his OMD from the PanAmerican University. Pedram studied Kung Fu, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, Meditation, and medicine diligently for the past 20 years. His passion is to travel the world and meet inspiring people who are making a difference in their communities.

Lauren Schnell – You Can Thrive!
Four years ago Lauren Schnell created a radical u-turn surviving a brain tumor, near divorce, financial devastation and so much more. Lauren teaches individuals from her own personal transformation how to thrive by using her daily spiritual practice tools including a technology she created called Activating Affirmations™. Lauren is a motivational speaker, life coach and author of a series of life-changing audio recordings including her 30-Day Mind Cleanse. Lauren’s expertise is in holistic nutrition, yoga, and empowering individuals to prosper debt-free, transform troubled marriages, and return to optimal health.

Emily Van Horn – Tools for Resolving Trauma – Using the body’s own natural abilities
Emily Van Horn is a certified in Somatic Trauma Resolution therapy, CranioSacral Unwinding, Polarity Therapy, and Clairvoyant healing. She has worked with thousands of individuals facilitating healing from all types of traumatic experiences.

Neale Donald Walsch – Conversation with Neale
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 37 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives.

Craig Hamilton – The Key to Evolving Beyond Ego
Integral Enlightenment founder Craig Hamilton is a pioneer in the emerging field of evolutionary spirituality. In his inspired writings, talks, and teachings, he calls us to awaken beyond the confines of the separate ego and dedicate our lives to the further evolution of culture and consciousness itself. Craig’s work articulates the vital relationship between individual and collective evolution, and provides practical spiritual training and tools to facilitate it.

About Your Host Cindy Kubica
Cindy Kubica is a stress expert, whole health energy coach, and the host of Energized Living Today telesummit series. As a speaker, Cindy helps audiences across the country and internationally understand the link between stress, the mind, the body; and how it influences behavior, productivity, relationships, energy level, and ultimately our health. Cindy is the author of two audio books; In Search of Normal: Moving Life from Chaos to Clarity, and Fit to Communicate, Strength Training for Your Attitude; and three bound books, Career Compass for Women, I Want a Love Story to Happen to Me, and Motivation: Up Yours, Here’s How. She is also the coowner of a commercial photography studio with photographer Farris L. Poole. Cindy and Farris are currently working on a photographic study to show how stress reveals in the face and how positive lifestyle changes can reverse it. In her spare time, Cindy enjoys spending time with her two grandchildren, Sara and Chase; and running everything from 5k’s to marathons with her husband Gary.

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