Doug Reinhardt, Owen Evans – Reinhardt Kettlebell System

Doug Reinhardt, Owen Evans - Reinhardt Kettlebell System

Doug Reinhardt, Owen Evans – Reinhardt Kettlebell System

TWICE the results in HALF the Time

Join the million’s who melted fat and defined their body like never before with the clinically proven power of the kettlebell.

The #1 Kettlebell Workout System in the World!

What is the RKS Workout?
RKS is a full body workout using a kettlebell that increases ones strength, endurance, flexibility and cardiovascular conditioning, all while simultaneously melting away unwanted body fat. Unlike other Cardio centric programs RKS is the first complete kettlebell system to provide the user with expert kettlebell instruction,

“Kettlebells provide a much higher-intensity workout than standard weight-training routines and offer superior results in a short amount of time.”

16 workouts that will transform your body over a 4 week program.

“A person can easily burn several hundred calories in a brief period of time using these iron orbs, which makes them appealing to those looking for time-efficient results.”

Also, the RKS 30-minute training program only uses one kettlebell, making this the most versatile, well-rounded, completely portable gym anywhere. With weekly challenges built into the program, the user will also have a way to gauge progress over the training period.

Why Do RKS?
1. Workouts are only 30-minutes or less and can fit into any busy schedule.
2. The Kettlebell is a compact gym, so you don’t have to pay to belong to a gym or buy large amounts of dumbbells, barbells and weight plates.
3. Add lean muscle and shed fat without paying huge amounts of cash to a trainer.
4. Kettlebells are the best fat-burning workout: Shown in a recent ACE study to burn 20cal/min…Kettlebells are an efficient and effective use of your training time. No longer spend dreadful hours of “cardio” on a treadmill, elliptical or bike with no results.
5. Everything you need to transform your body is in one Kettlebell and the 9 RKS DVDs.
6. Repeating the same exercises and same routines over and over will never produce results…RKS provides a plan for increasing strength and conditioning through continuous progress.
7. RKS is a full-body strength and conditioning program that will not let any parts of your body lag behind.
8. Isolation, working one body part at a time, is a thing of the past. Functional training, working the body as a whole, is the best way to stay active, injury free and healthy in life.
9. Kettlebells are portable, if going away for a weekend, throw the Kettlebell in your trunk and you can work out anytime. Save yourself that $25/day you would have spent on gym day passes.
10. Kettlebell exercises are fun, the workouts are challenging, and the results will amaze you!
11. Kettlebells are great for core training. Core training involves strengthening the muscles of the hips and torso (both front and back) used to stabilize the spine and pelvis. This base of support is used to hold us upright, pick things up and generate powerful movements with our extremities, as well as, protect our low back. Traditional crunches and sit-ups for your abdominals cause low back pain and injury over time, while core stabilization re-teaches the muscles of the hip and torso to work together to protect the spine and back from injury.

Includes 16 workout videos (MKV), instructional video (MKV), warm up & cool down videos (MKV), and workout calendar (PDF).

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