Daniel Tan – Keyword Quantifier

Daniel Tan – Keyword Quantifier

Daniel Tan – Keyword Quantifier

If you have spent time performing all sorts of normal things for checking out your potential competition as well as rewards in case you don’t obtain top rankings in Google for your keywords. However, you must have noticed that the estimates that you got never line-up with the reality of the traffic you end up receiving.

Majority of the people are taking a quick look for their competition commencing with a search on Google as well as check the number of results. Most of the web owners do realize that it includes quite a lot of irrelevant sites as well as check them with ‘quotes’ around their search term and it will bring that very number down a lot as well as make it more realistic.

While time lapses, Google in particular places more importance on certain aspects of their results algorithm as well as focus more on local results as well as speed on results. In case, your website does take a long time for loading as well as getting less traffic, then it becomes a fact.

Thus, when you are performing a Google search, you may be able to see a close network to reality. For most of the online marketers, this isn’t new information as most people realize that Google doesn’t show you as much as some other systems. This isn’t necessary as they are not seeing it but may be due to that they don’t wish to know everything that they see. They may also tell you that they only see 4 links to your site; however they still rank it as though they still see all. It isn’t any surprise that you have to take the information with quite a pinch of salt. People may try to ‘game’ the search engines so that they naturally respond by hiding what they are performing.

Since Google is removing majority of the results and only show up the top 1000, you will eventually see a number between 1 and 1000 in those quoted searches.
– See more at: http://www.seobaba.com/seo-articles/Keyword-Quantifier.html#sthash.SUC2Bv8a.dpuf

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