Clubbell Hero Evolution – Shane Heins

Clubbell Hero Evolution - Shane Heins

Clubbell Hero Evolution - Shane Heins

Clubbell Hero Evolution – Shane Heins

The Clubbell Hero Evolution™ is a full 4 month clubbell training program specifically designed to assist you along the Hero’s path.

You want to gain access to all the strength and power you are going to develop? (Attributes that are no good if you are locked up in a self imposed cage.)
You need release of excessive tension and to reinstate proper structural alignment.
You want to improve your performance, whether as an athlete, a weekend warrior or for the first time exploring a physically vibrant life? (You won’t be leaping over tall buildings from bicep curls.)

You need functionality.
You want to be free of debilitating pain that results from training, stopping you from being able to enjoy the rest of your life? (Every super-villain would love to see you stuck in your chair.)

You need full range of movement and specific, active recovery.
You want to be excited about your training, rather than dreading it or becoming bored? (A Hero’s life is anything but boring.)

You need progressive levels of increasing movement sophistication.
You want the time, effort, sweat and tears you’ve put into your training to open up opportunity’s for you to do more beyond the gym doors? (The life of a Hero goes beyond themselves. Unleash the hero within and you provide the opportunity for those around you to do the same.)

You need skill building development that stimulates and brings your nervous system to life.

The Clubbell Hero Evolution™ is a clubbell training program that will give you the attributes and body worthy of carrying the Hero (you) to the heights of your utmost capacity.

The Clubbell Hero Evolution™ utilizes the foundational principles of a revolutionary system and an innovative tool…

…to augment the development of strength, speed, coordination, flexibility, power and a metabolic (fat burning) blowtorch to give you the attributes and body worthy of carrying the Hero (you) to the heights of your utmost capacity, living the vibrant life you deserve.

With the Clubbell Hero Evolution™ you will:

Move through all 6 Degrees of Freedom that our bodies are meant to move in.
Master body awareness through mastering the most “inefficient training tool”.
Develop the super-strength that muscle is meant to support.
Torch the fat while drastically improving your ability to move.
Say goodbye to “I do a bit of cardio….because I have to.”
Say hello to pain-free training that will let you do more, gain more, live more!
Maximally recover through specific compensation and movement flows to release tension and maintain overall structural and muscular balance. Translation: Avoid injury!
Create a solid network of connective tissue that won’t fail you when calling upon the reasons for having a strong physique.
And last but not least…

Feel the fire light up inside as you finally tap into a program that frees you to access more pieces of yourself than ever before.
You are here to tear down the bars of debilitating imprisonment.

You are here to discover the gems within.

You are here reach for the stars of your own life.

You are here for the Hero within.

The Clubbell Hero Evolution™ Provides the Means to Discover the Hero Inside You, In a Clubbell Training Program Unlike Any You Have Ever Seen or Experienced Before.

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