Christian Mickelsen – Client Attraction & Money Making Mastery 2010

Christian Mickelsen – Client Attraction & Money Making Mastery 2010

Christian Mickelsen – Client Attraction & Money Making Mastery 2010

Quote: As seen in Forbes, MSN, Yahoo Finance, and the Boston Globe…

“You’re About To Discover The Actual Formula I Use For Quickly Getting Great,
High-Paying, Long -Lasting Coaching Clients & For Building A Thriving, Sustainable
Coaching Business -Right on This Page…”

This step-by-step system is for coaches that want to reach more people, make a
bigger difference, and generate a lot more money a lot faster. It includes simple-
to-follow strategies that will often work like magic, such as the ones below…

True Confession: My Miserable First 2 Years…

In my first 2 years as a professional coach, I struggled… A LOT!!! My credit
cards were maxed out and I had a home equity line of credit… also maxed out. My
total debt was $72K (not including my mortgage, which I fell behind on several
times). And…

When I ran into other coaches at events they all seemed like they were more
successful than I was and even though I liked them, I resented them. Sometimes
we would set up a time to get together and buddy coach or grab a cup of coffee
and I would be afraid to show them my planner because I didn’t want them to know
how much ‘open space’ there was and how few clients I had.

I was embarrassed and ashamed.

I remember going to business networking events, getting all *pumped up* and
putting on my ‘success face’ so that people wouldn’t know how bad things were
going for me. In fact…

There were many days when I was ready to throw in the towel and quit. Finally,
after many years of trial and error, I learned so much about what ACTUALLY
WORKS to consistently get clients. Some of the things that work might really
surprise you because they can seem so counter-intuitive. For example…

Who would have thought that trying to offer a free coaching session to
individuals at a networking event wouldn’t work very well, but offering free
sessions to a group (if done in just the right way) can get you 8 or more free
sessions in a snap? Again, it’s all of those little things that make the difference.

Can you get 20 clients in 2 months?

After about two and a half years of struggling to pay my mortgage as a full time
coach, I finally got frustrated enough and mad enough to draw a line in the sand
and do whatever it would take to turn things around.

I went on a studying “frenzy” and started reading every marketing, sales, and
personal growth book I could get my hands on. I literally read 36 books in 36
weeks. And while I was in the middle of my studying marathon I set a new client
goal. I had 8 clients at the time and I set a very lofty goal of getting 20 more in 60

All of a sudden I was on a mission to get more coaching clients. I went to a lot of
networking events and I set up a few speaking engagements. I started
consistently getting clients and my client load was really ramping up. And…

On the VERY last day of my 60-day goal (I still remember it because it was Feb.
28th), I got my 20th client and had a total of 28 clients in all. You can imagine my
excitement and the relief of knowing I could pay my bills. But, here’s the funny

I had done all of these SAME things to get clients before, but they didn’t work
very well. I went to lots of networking events and had speaking engagements, but
I only got a new client every now and then. So what changed? I discovered that
doing the right things to get clients was not enough. Most coaches know of so
many ways to get clients and have tried many of them with mixed results. You

If you do the right things in the “wrong ways” you’ll get so-so results (or none
at all). But, if you do the same activities (like speaking, networking, writing, etc.) in
the “right ways” the difference is literally like night and day. It’s not the big things,
but the little distinctions: your way of talking about things, asking the right
questions, understanding what potential clients want to read, hear, and be
asked… that makes all the difference.
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