Category Archives: Ebooks & Course>Education|All Business Tutorials>Management & Leadership

The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life (J-B Warren Bennis Series)

Evergreen Traffic Formula - Jared Croslow & Keith Baxter

The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life (J-B Warren Bennis Series) A proven system for rallying all of an organizations? employees around a new vision and ideas for making the vision stick When something at work isn?t going smoothly, managers struggle with what part of the problem to […]

Motivating Innovation

David Allen – GTD Live [9 Hrs 39 Min

Motivating Innovation Motivating innovation is an important concern in many incentive problems. For example, shareholders of large corporations often need to motivate managers to pursue more innovative business strategies. This paper shows that the optimal incentive scheme that motivates innovation exhibits substantial tolerance (or even reward) for early failure and reward for long-term success. Moreover, […]

Managing strategic contradictions: Top management teams balancing existing products and innovation simultaneously

Dan Kennedy - Wealth Attraction for Entrepreneurs Seminar

Managing strategic contradictions: Top management teams balancing existing products and innovation simultaneously In a dynamic world, long-term organizational performance demands both exploration and exploitation—incremental improvements to existing products for today and development of innovations for tomorrow. Leaders cannot choose between these different time horizons, but rather must strive for both simultaneously. This dissertation explores how […]

The Millionaire Maker’s Guide to Creating a Cash Machine for Life

Sell Authority Sites

The Millionaire Maker’s Guide to Creating a Cash Machine for Life Loral Langemeier first introduced her exclusive Wealth Cycle system in the national bestseller The Millionaire Maker. Now, in The Millionaire Maker’s Guide to Creating a Cash Machine for Life, she reveals how you can learn to earn more money by building a viable business. […]

The Project Management Advisor: 18 Major Project Screw-Ups, and How to Cut Them off at the Pass

Chet Holmes - The Ultimate Sales Machine

The Project Management Advisor: 18 Major Project Screw-Ups, and How to Cut Them off at the Pass This is your complete, hands-on guide to saving projects in trouble. Drawing on 20 years of frontline project management experience, Lonnie Pacelli identifies the 18 most pervasive causes of project failure: their causes, early warning signs, and how […]

The Mentor Leader: Secrets to Building People and Teams That Win Consistently

The Mentor Leader: Secrets to Building People and Teams That Win Consistently “Your only job is to help your players be better.” That single idea had a huge impact on Tony Dungy when he heard it from one of his earliest mentors, and it led him to develop the successful leadership style so admired by […]

Tough-Minded Leadership

Darren LaCroix - Master Presenter’s Pack 2012

Tough-Minded Leadership Batten offers new insights, focus, and lmotivation for all those committed to greater personal effectiveness as leaders. In an age of uncertainty, it provides fuel for decisiveness. If you are committed to the success of your organization–and of the person in the mirror–this in your book for the 90s. salespage: [center][img][/img] [b][color=red]Purchase […]

Coaching Competencies and Corporate Leadership

Distilled - SearchLove Boston 2013 Conference

Coaching Competencies and Corporate Leadership The quality of corporate leadership is often the key factor that determines success – or failure – in the fiercely competitive business world. Offering a fresh perspective and practical advice, Coaching Competencies and Corporate Leadership explores how coaching executives can use a competency-based approach to become more effective leaders. The […]

Startup Valuation by Venture Capitalists

Rich Schefren - Strategic Profits Founders Club Part 01& part 2

Startup Valuation by Venture Capitalists How to valuate a new venture is critical in entrepreneurial financing; however, “little work is available on the valuation of venture capital investments .” (Wright & Robbie, 1998:558) As one of the first large sample management studies on new venture valuation, this dissertation aims to fill this gap in the […]

Microprocesses in implementing innovations: The role of person-innovation fit

Brad Martineau - SixthDivison - MAPS, Ultimate Marketer Secrets Revealed

Microprocesses in implementing innovations: The role of person-innovation fit The literature on innovation implementation has neglected individual-level processes that are critical to successful implementation. In this study, I present a person-innovation (P-I) fit framework to explain organizational members’ commitment to implementation and their implementation behavior, a term that refers to an individual’s consistent and committed […]

Harvard Business Review HBR – Must-Reads on Leadership

ACCA P3 Business Analysis BA: Paper P3

Harvard Business Review HBR – Must-Reads on Leadership The path to your professional success starts with a critical look in the mirror. If you read nothing else on managing yourself, read these 10 articles (plus the bonus article “How Will You Measure Your Life?” by Clayton M. Christensen). We’ve combed through hundreds of Harvard Business […]

The Art of Organizing Anything: Simple Principles for Organizing Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life

championmarketers- YouTube Ranking Recipe

The Art of Organizing Anything: Simple Principles for Organizing Your Home, Your Office, and Your Life The first organizing system that can be customized to fit YOUR lifestyle Are you overwhelmed by clutter? Do you have a hard time finding things in your home or office? The disorder in your life may be keeping you […]

Construction Quality Management

Dan Kennedy Info Summit 2012 Livestream

Construction Quality Management This book examines the various quality management systems applied to the construction industry in Hong Kong and other parts of the world. Hong Kong’s experience is particularly important because it plays a leading role in construction quality management globally. salespage: [center][img][/img] [b][color=red]Purchase premium accounts in order to enjoy unlimited downloads with […]

Scott Moehring – Getting Things Done advanced workflow diagram, based on Getting Things Done by David Allen – rev 2004-02-27

Azon Video Vault – Make up to $5,000/Month on Amazon

Scott Moehring – Getting Things Done advanced workflow diagram, based on Getting Things Done by David Allen – rev 2004-02-27 The title says it all. I heard David Allen refer to this in one of his programs. Scott Moehring – Getting Things Done advanced workflow diagram, based on Getting Things Done by David Allen – […]

Seth Godin on the tribes we lead 2009

Up and Running with Bitcoin

Seth Godin on the tribes we lead 2009 This is one of the four TED videos we showed (according to the TED rules a TEDx has to show original TED videos as a certain percentage of the program) at TEDxRTP back in March: When The Bride Of Coturnix posted this video on her Facebook Wall, […]