Category Archives: Ebooks & Course|All Business Tutorials>Sales & Marketing

Jimmy D. Brown – Micro C.O.A.C.H 5-Day Coaching

Jimmy D. Brown – Micro C.O.A.C.H 5-Day Coaching Name Product: Jimmy D. Brown – Micro C.O.A.C.H  5-Day Coaching Sale Page: Price: $97 Dear Friend, When I ran my first “ultra marathon”, I could have easily purchased a training plan for twenty bucks. Heck, I could have gotten some fairly high-quality plans for free just […]

Felicia Slattery – Signature Speech for Authors

Felicia Slattery – Signature Speech for Authors Name Product: Felicia Slattery – Signature Speech for Authors Sale Page: Price: $297 Dear Expert Friend: It feels almost like a Catch-22. Oftentimes as authors we are bombarded with a zillion suggestions from well-meaning marketing folks. Authors tend to be new when it comes to marketing (and […]

David Frey – Referral Masters Interview Series

David Frey – Referral Masters Interview Series Name Product: David Frey – Referral Masters Interview Series Sale Page: Price: $197 Dear Business Professional: Have you ever wondered why some people just seem to be able to create sales and generate business with little or no effort at all. How do they do it? Let […]

Kim Klaver – Customer Enchilada Combo

Kim Klaver – Customer Enchilada Combo Name Product: Kim Klaver – Customer Enchilada Combo Sale Page: Price: $147 Package for product lovers who want to build a regular customer following. The 12-CD set is the new and expanded version of the original 3 Scripts Course, with 3-CD introduction to Kim Klaver’s New School Network […]

Andy Jenkins – The Video Boss 2.0

Andy Jenkins – The Video Boss 2.0 Name Product: Andy Jenkins – The Video Boss 2.0 Sale Page: _ Price: $1,997 Create powerful lead generation videos that your prospects will flock to Create compelling sales videos that rack up serious conversion numbers to fatten up your bottom line Create magnetic video products, from scratch, that […]

Matt Palmer – App Launch Blueprint

Matt Palmer – App Launch Blueprint Name Product: Matt Palmer – App Launch Blueprint Sale Page: Price: $97 Discover the proven, step-by-step system for taking the App Store by storm! Get maximum sales starting on Day One using the same “insider” strategies revealed only to our high-end clients (until now). Just imagine having eager […]

Valerie Duvall – Local Leads Domination

Valerie Duvall – Local Leads Domination Name Product: Valerie Duvall – Local Leads Domination Sale Page: Price: $17 [center][img][/img] [code] [/code] [b][color=red]Purchase premium accounts in order to enjoy unlimited downloads with resuming support ***If link dead, please leave a message, we will update immediately***[/color][/b][/center] [subscribe2]

Daniel Hall & Tony Laidig – Real Fast Derivative Products

Daniel Hall & Tony Laidig – Real Fast Derivative Products Name Product: Daniel Hall & Tony Laidig – Real Fast Derivative Products Sale Page: Price: $97 “Use The Secrets of Walt Disney, Universal Studios and Other Media Giants to Create Profitable Info-Products Fast!” From the Desks Tony Laidig & Daniel Hall Public domain rocks! […]

Tim Castleman – The KD Outsourcing Rolodex

Tim Castleman – The KD Outsourcing Rolodex Name Product: Tim Castleman – The KD Outsourcing Rolodex Sale Page: Price: $9.95 KD Outsourcing is simply described as a package that includes a Kindle outsourcing guide, a six-step process to get books done, and research materials for the children niche. No other details about this product […]

Jason Fladlien & Zane Miller – Tube Method Course

Jason Fladlien & Zane Miller – Tube Method Course Name Product: Jason Fladlien and Zane Miller – Tube Method Course Sale Page: Price: $495 If you’ve been following Jason Fladlien or Zane Miller, you might have noticed how much they’re promoting and talking about their new course, the Tube Method. Jason and Zane are […]

Robert Dickson – Ultimate Market Takeover

Robert Dickson – Ultimate Market Takeover Name Product: Robert Dickson – Ultimate Market Takeover Sale Page: Price: $497 With 5 simple tested and proven steps to get clients calling you without spending one thin dime on ads The “HOW-TO” is all in the system in a step-by-step, paint by numbers format! Here’s what you […]

Bertus Engelbrecht – Social Signal Domination

Bertus Engelbrecht – Social Signal Domination Name Product: Bertus Engelbrecht – Social Signal Domination Sale Page: Price: $17 Hello everyone, Bertus Engelbrecht here on behalf of my partners Rodrigo and Aravindh. We are all full-time six-figure marketers who have launched a number of very successful products that help people discover new and unique ways […]

Mark Anastasi – Internet Marketing Vault

Mark Anastasi – Internet Marketing Vault Name Product: Mark Anastasi’s Internet Marketing Vault Sale Page: Price: $197 Dear Friend Over the last 5 years I have recorded and written over 50 products and I’ve bought the rights to another 150 products. I have decided to make the BEST OF THE BEST available in a […]

Kelly Felix – Bring The Fresh Gold

Kelly Felix – Bring The Fresh Gold Name Product: Kelly Felix – Bring The Fresh Gold Sale Page: Price: $247 BTF Gold will be including: -A completely created web-site that sells an exclusive product -The possibility to earn up to $30,000 for a sale (avg $2400) -Simple step by step teaching videos -$250 free […]

Jack Duncan – Short Report Secrets

Jack Duncan – Short Report Secrets

Jack Duncan – Short Report Secrets Name Product: Jack Duncan – Short Report Secrets Sale Page: Price: $27 Do you know how easy it is to make money online selling tiny, little short reports of less than 16 pages in length? No…I’m not talking about writing a big book to sell in bookstores! And […]