Category Archives: Wordpress – Templates

Free download Wordpress – Templates

WP Salesletter

WP Salesletter

WP Salesletter Create high converting sales letters with an easy to use wordpress plugin. As I said, WP Sales Letter is a WordPress plugin. Simply install it like any other plugin and in seconds you are ready to start. We use your current header and footer and insert your new sales letter between them. We […]

[WSO] – Online Entrepreneur’s Toolbox

[WSO] – Online Entrepreneur’s Toolbox
[WSO] – Online Entrepreneur’s Toolbox The Online Entrepreneurs Toolbox is a well indexed and clearly laid out roundup of tried and tested WordPress themes and plugins, internet services, scripts, software solutions, and webmaster tools to help you to make more efficient use of your time. It’s guaranteed to save you a huge amount of time. […]

WP OptinLinks

WP OptinLinks

WP OptinLinks How to get 70% conversions without a squeeze page. OptinLinks adds the Nitrous to the way you build your list. OptinLinks turns any link or button on your site into massively converting two-step optin forms. This technology is proven to quadruple your optin rates while building a higher-quality and super-responsive list. [center][img][/img] [code] […]

WP Tube Video

WP Tube Video

WP Tube Video The ultimate video styling plugin. Make any YouTube videos stylish in seconds. Beautiful frames Autoplay Hide YouTube controls. [center][img][/img] [code] [/code] [b][color=red]Purchase premium accounts in order to enjoy unlimited downloads with resuming support ***If link dead, please leave a message, we will update immediately***[/color][/b] [/center]

WP Review Buffer

WP Review Buffer

WP Review Buffer Review Buffer is a simple and easy-to-use WordPress plugin capable of transforming any WordPress website into a highly effective reputation management system – in seconds. An easy mobile friendly way to obtain reviews before a customer leaves their places for business. A quick and conventional way for customers to post positive reviews. […]

The Online Entrepreneur´s Toolbox

The Online Entrepreneur´s Toolbox

The Online Entrepreneur´s Toolbox Name Product: The Online Entrepreneur´s Toolbox Sale Page: Price: $7.15 The Online Entrepreneur’s Toolbox is a well indexed and clearly laid out roundup of tried and tested WordPress themes and plugins, internet services, scripts, software solutions, and webmaster tools to help you to make more efficient use of your time. […]

WP Pin Button Attraction

WP Pin Button Attraction

WP Pin Button Attraction What if there was a way to drastically increase your traffic without relying on crazy Google? Pin Button Attraction uses simple, powerful techniques that I’ve been using for years to get more signups and sales on my websites. Pin Button Attraction allows you to do more with your Pinterest buttons than […]

WP Instant Minisite

WP Instant Minisite

WP Instant Minisite Create an awesome well formatted squeeze page or sales page or a thank you page or any page you want in your WordPress blog without knowing html. And without messing with your main blog theme. I created a plugin so you don’t have to touch the HTML code but you can create […]

WP AffiliatePress

WP AffiliatePress

WP AffiliatePress Name Product: WP AffiliatePress Sale Page: Price: $37 WP AffiliatePress | Create High Converting Affiliate Landing Pages [img][/img] [code] [/code] [b][color=red]Purchase premium accounts in order to enjoy unlimited downloads with resuming support Support Mail:[code][email protected][/code]

WordPress Blog on your Facebook Fan Page

WordPress Blog on your Facebook Fan Page

WordPress Blog on your Facebook Fan Page Name Product: WordPress Blog on your Facebook Fan Page Sale Page: Price: $15 Welcome to our brand new WordPress plugin. WordPress Facebook Blog will enable you to post your latest or featured posts from your WordPress blog directly on your Facebook Fan Page. Many website administrators now […]

WP ViCom

WP ViCom

WP ViCom You will never edit your WordPress sites the old way after you see how this plugin builds your site for you. WP ViCom empowers newbies and seasoned pros alike by letting them use hidden features of WordPress that your competitors don’t want to know about. Text Blocks, Image galleries, Facebook buttons, Tabs, Flickr […]

[WSO] – Amazon – The Monetized Life

[WSO] – Amazon – The Monetized Life
[WSO] – Amazon – The Monetized Life Your life is a blog. And you can monetize it, make money from it. Step by step instructions for setting up a WordPress site or a free Blogger blog. How to post while you are on the go. How to add Amazon affiliate links to your life posts. […]

WP Countdown Dynamite

WP Countdown Dynamite

WP Countdown Dynamite Name Product: Countdown Dynamite Developer’s License Sale Page: Price: $44.20 The big problem that costs you money: People today are apathetic. They browse the internet in a “zombie-like” state. It’s hard to get them to take ANY action. They have a million things on their to-do list, and buying from you […]

WP Contest Blitz

WP Contest Blitz

WP Contest Blitz Name Product: WP Contest Blitz Sale Page: Price: $9.95 Which features Contest Blitz contains? Contest Blitz is a WordPress plugin that lets you run hugely profitable contest just like A-list bloggers, entrepreneurs and the biggest brand in the world Contest Blitz works by giving each subscriber their own tracking link which […]