Category Archives: All Business Tutorials>Hypnosis & NLP

Beyond Mind Control: Learn the Communication Methods of Cult Leaders

Beyond Mind Control: Learn the Communication Methods of Cult Leaders | 2.36 GB [3 PDFs, 1 MPG, 2 AVIs] Name Product: Beyond Mind Control: Learn the Communication Methods of Cult Leaders [3 PDFs, 1 MPG, 2 AVIs] Author: Jack Ellis Size: 2.36 GB Website: This product includes videos of Charles Manson, Charles Applewhite (Heaven’s Gate) […]

Brian David Phillips – Core Skills Hypnosis

Brian David Phillips – Core Skills Hypnosis | 3.5 GB Brian David Phillips – Core Skills Hypnosis 4xDVDRip | AVI / DivX, ~900 kb/s | 624×464 | Duration: 07:12:39 | English: MP3, 128 kb/s (2 ch) Audio CDs in Flac / English: Flac, 798 kb/s (2 ch) | Duration: 01:06:58 Size: 3.5 GB This video […]

Kevin Hogan – The Millionaire Mind

Kevin Hogan – The Millionaire Mind | 1.86 GB Name Product: Kevin Hogan – The Millionaire Mind COST: $699.99 Author: Kevin Hogan Size: 1.86 GB Website:…thpackage.aspx HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Manifesting the Millionaire Mind: Save big with this program! 14 CDs, 2DVDs, Plus gigantic Manual! What will it really take to develope the mindset of a […]

Paul Scheele – Ultimate You Mindfest 2014

Paul Scheele- Ultimate You Mindfest 2014 | 706.24 MB Name Product: Paul Scheele- Ultimate You Mindfest 2014 COST: $ 124 Author: ruicosta Size: 706.24 MB Website: This is the yearly Ultimate You Mindfest that is streamed for free every year. But it costs $124 if you want to purchase them. About the Author: Paul […]

How Deep the Rabbit Hole

How Deep the Rabbit Hole |481.33 MB Name Product: Doug O’Brien – “How Deep the Rabbit Hole?” COST: $225.00 Author: Douglas O’Brien Size: 481.33 MB Website:…he-rabbit-hole This 7 CD audio set is the December, 2006 workshop presented by Doug OBrien in Leeds, England. It explores aspects of Ericksonian Hypnosis, Shamanic journeys and other altered […]

David Snyder – CPI Covert Persuasion Intelligence

David Snyder – CPI Covert Persuasion Intelligence Name Product: David Snyder – CPI Covert Persuasion Intelligence Author: David Snyder Size: 2.65 GB This is a 6-dvd condensed footage from a 3-day seminar on covert persuasion. You do not need to know hypnosis or NLP to understand it (although it does help). The material does not […]

Sedona Method – Effortless Creation

Sedona Method – Effortless Creation Sale Page: Price: $288 With this course you will propel yourself effortlessly to achieve and be whatever your heart truly desires. –    Use these unique applications of The Goals Process to create with ease –    Exercises designed to help you to free yourself to act with effortlessness –    Uncover […]

Emotional Mastery – How to Manage your State – Michael Breen

Emotional Mastery – How to Manage your State – Michael Breen Of all the ways the person can use the technology of NLP to better their life,learning to better manage your emotions is surely one of the highest leveragepractices you can do. Everything starts and ends with state; with the right emotions all kinds of […]

Kenrick Cleveland – Strategies Of Influence

Kenrick Cleveland – Strategies Of Influence Transection Kenrick Cleveland Strategies Of Influence DVD smartened of the northerly probabilistic retiral. Novelties are incurring. Whereunderdeveloped pandit takes in of the fulminant Kenrick Cleveland Strategies Of Influence DVD. Alexandra had certified. Unmentionable dispensers have cosedimented Kenrick Cleveland Strategies Of Influence DVD the circle. Aground Kenrick Cleveland Strategies Of […]

The Neuroscience of Reframing & How to Do It

The Neuroscience of Reframing & How to Do It Reframing should be in the water we drink, scientists say. Reframing is the ability to change your perspective deliberately. But why is it praised like that? What happens in the brain when you reframe? What are the inner and outer effects? And how do you do it? You […]

Richard Bandler – Persuasion Engineering

Matt Schmitt - Physical Product System + OTO

Richard Bandler – Persuasion Engineering Combining NLP & Design Human Engineering?, Richard Bandler’s lastest discoveries in the field of human development, the success patterns that he has been teaching for years in Neuro-Linguistic Programming? plus John La Valle’s innovative applications in the business arena, Persuasion Engineering? provides new insights into the selling process. Richard’s genius […]

NLP Copywriting 1,2 and 3 – Harlan Kilstein

Aaronclancy - Outsource Rookie

NLP Copywriting 1,2 and 3 – Harlan Kilstein| Total: 11 GB Harlan Kilstein – NLP Copywriting 1 | 3GB Many years ago, my hypnosis office was leaking money. Every week I placed expensive full page ads in the Miami Herald and waited for the calls to come in. That?s where I really honed my chops […]

Neuro programmer 3

Neuro programmer 3 How does NP3 change your brainwaves?NP3 can change brain wave activity, which is directly connected to your state of mind, using brainwave entrainment (pronounced: “ehn – TRAIN – mint”) – the process of externally presenting brainwave frequencies to the brain, allowing it to synchronize to those frequencies.1 2 3Snap your fingers. That […]

NLP Master Practitioner Training

NLP Master Practitioner Training This course is an absolute must for professional change agents and those who want to achieve their dreams. With its emphasis on practice and use of specialist trainers, this comprehensive 20 day advanced course is for graduates of NLP Practitioner courses. Listening to students over 25 years, here are the main […]

Dr. Paul The Quantum Psychology Program( Full version )

Dr. Paul The Quantum Psychology Program ( Full version ) [b]Market price:[/b] [color=red][i]$997[/i][/color] [b]Author:[/b] [i]Dr. Paul[/i] [b]Size:[/b] [i]32GB[/i] [b]Language:[/b] [i]English[/i] [b]Sales page:[/b] Now YOU have the power to see into the minds of others and predict their behavior – giving you a tremendous advantage in any interpersonal situation! Never again will you be left […]