Blake Boles – Better Than College: How to Build a Successful Life Without a Four-Year Degree

Blake Boles - Better Than College: How to Build a Successful Life Without a Four-Year Degree
Blake Boles – Better Than College: How to Build a Successful Life Without a Four-Year Degree

Blake Boles – Better Than College: How to Build a Successful Life Without a Four-Year Degree

[b]Blake Boles – Better Than College: How to Build a Successful Life Without a Four-Year Degree [PDF][/b]

Do you need college in order to be taken seriously and earn a real living?
Conventional wisdom says yes. But true success relies upon self-knowledge and entrepreneurship: two qualities that you can obtain effectively and inexpensively without traditional college.

Better Than College provides the step-by-step guidance and inspiration necessary to design your own higher education. This book teaches you how to find community, stay on track, and get hired or start your own venture, all without a four-year degree. Curious college students will learn to think clearly about their motivations, plan a gap year, or navigate life after school. And Better Than College will show parents how self-directed learning can lead to a lifetime of achievement no expensive institution required.


Blake Boles is an author, entrepreneur, and educator. He directs Unschool Adventures, the travel company for self-directed young adults, and is the founder of Zero Tuition College.

In 2003 Blake was studying astrophysics at UC Berkeley when he stumbled upon a treasure trove of books by authors John Taylor Gatto, Grace Llewellyn, John Holt, and other pioneers in the realm of alternative education. Deeply inspired by the philosophies of unschooling and free schooling, Blake custom-designed his final two years of college to study these subjects full-time. After graduating he joined the Not Back to School Camp community and began writing and speaking widely on the subject of self-directed learning.

Blake delivers presentations and workshops on self-directed learning, unschooling, international travel, and entrepreneurship for homeschooling conferences, summer camps, parent groups, and bookstore audiences. He has appeared on TEDx, Ignite, and national radio. He spends much of his time working directly with teens through Not Back to School Camp and his company Unschool Adventures.

In his previous lives, he has worked as a high-volume cook, Aurora Borealis physics research assistant, delivery truck driver, math tutor, outdoor science teacher, EMT medic, summer camp director, market researcher, web designer, and windsurfing and tree climbing instructor. He keeps a running goal (and failure) list. Blake’s biggest passion is sharing his enthusiasm and experience with young adults who are blazing their own trails through life.

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