Armand Morin – WebCamp Streaming Seminars

Armand Morin - WebCamp Streaming Seminars

Armand Morin - WebCamp Streaming Seminars

Armand Morin – WebCamp Streaming Seminars

Day 1 Video 1:
See 3 methods for creating residual income that will take you about 10 minutes to create…no website needed
Method #1: Tips Strategy
Daily emails (using an autoresponder) containing “tips” on a particular subject
You charge a small recurring monthly fee
Potential for additional income in offers that you include with your daily tips
Learn ways to generate content for “tip emails”
Method #2: Social Memberships-Facebook
Charge an annual or monthly recurring fee for members to become part of an “exclusive group”.
Very little actual content needed to make this method successful
The real benefit for your members is access and connections to others who are striving towards the same goals and support they from “the group”
Armand shows you step-by-step how easy it is to set up a Facebook Group Page with the simple, basic tools that Facebook provides
Method #3: Social Memberships-Google+
Charge an annual or monthly recurring fee for members to become part of an “exclusive group”.
Very little actual content needed to make this method successful
The real benefit for your members is access and connections to others who are striving towards the same goals and support they from “the group”
Armand shows you step-by-step how easy it is to set up a Google+ Group Page with the simple, basic tools that Google+ provides

Day 1 Video 2:
Methods for creating residual income continued
Method #4: Newsletter Model
Text Based Email Newsletters
HTML Email Newsletters
Weekly newsletter that contains 2 articles (2-3 paragraphs each)
Potential for additional income in offers that you include with your weekly newsletters
Armand shows you how to format and use strategies that work well in “text based” email newsletters
Armand also walks you through how easy it is to set up and send out an HTML based email newsletter
This newsletter email method allows you to charge a slightly higher monthly fee because you will be providing more content
You will learn how easy it is to get the content needed for your newsletters
You will be introduced to the lucrative Publisher/Author concept
Armand shows you a powerful free tool that allows you to see exactly what your competition is doing
You also get a sneak peek inside of a new autoresponder:
You will learn how you can make residual income, simply by telling your friends, list and/or acquaintances about the FREE live streaming Webcamps they can attend every other month

Day 1 Video 3:
Methods for creating residual income continued
Method #5: Enhanced Newsletter Model
This newsletter is more substantial than the email type of newsletter…it looks more like a “magazine”, but it is still in a digital format
Armand shows you step-by-step how easy it is to set up a template in Microsoft Word for the newsletter
These newsletters are sent out monthly and are apx. 20-30 pages in length
See a variety of resources where you can easily obtain the all the content needed
You can earn even more residual income, by offering advertising in your newsletter
Huge potential on Apple’s Newsstand too…see free tool that will help you format your newsletter to offer to subscribers on Apple’s Newsstand

Day 1 Video 4:
Methods for creating residual income continued
Method #6: Marketing Interview Membership Site
Members will have access to audios and pdf’s of interviews that you facilitate with well known experts in a certain niche
Learn what conversion numbers you should be shooting for
Learn why optin pages can double the conversions of your sales letters
See a FREE telephone conferencing resource for conducting interviews
With this marketing interview method, you can literally work 1 week a year and earn residual income all year long
You will learn how you can have Armand host and create a Marketing Interview Membership site, set up and conduct all the interviews for you, create a sales letter for you and essentially eliminate all the limitations you feel would hold you back from creating a membership interview site. This is not an affiliate program, you keep 100% of all the residual income.
Day Two

Day 2 Video 1:

Day 2 Video 2:

Day 2 Video 3:

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