Align Your Business for Success – Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

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Align Your Business for Success - Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

Align Your Business for Success – Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers

hosted by Jo Ann Hammond-Meiers
Attention New Entrepreneurs:
Have You Aligned Your Business for Success?
Find Out the Know-How of What to Do to WOW Your Business Flow!
Confused about what to do to create alignment for the
business success you’re dreaming of?

There’s a LOT of information out there for socially conscious, success-oriented new entrepreneurs. Everywhere you look, there are coaching programs, home study courses, business challenges, and information resources galore. They cover everything from skill sets to mindsets – with topics that range from niche-identification to list-building to JVs. The range of choices can be overwhelming – no wonder you’re feeling lost and confused and don’t know how to make the best configuration and positioning for your customers. The pressure to quickly get and put the right orientation and forward step into action so you can actually start making money and juice the joy into of your business. That’s when you find yourself asking exactly how you’re supposed to plan and flow your business into success:
• cut through the multitude of options that just aren’t relevant for you to pinpoint the ones that really are
• choose wisely from the sea of possible business-building strategies to find the most effective ones to direct your time
and money toward
• identify your ideal client niche so you can create marketing materials that really speak to them
• put enough of yourself into your business to do truly significant work without exhausting yourself
• avoid the most common mistakes that will derail your progress and keep your business stuck
• use the Universal laws to align your energy and flow of your synchronicities and innovative efforts

You don’t need to figure this all out on your own!

One of the biggest myths to dismantle as a new entrepreneur is that you’re required to do everything by yourself. The truth is that help is out there – often from people who’ve faced exactly the same challenges you’re dealing with now. That’s why the Align Your Business for Success (AYBFS) telesummit was created. It brings together 22 successful entrepreneurial experts who’ve identified what truly works for them, and want to offer you their knowledge and experience around getting your business sequence and business process aligned with best dynamism or oomph – completely FREE. These remarkable individuals are generously sharing their hard-won insights around:
• Getting started when you’re not even sure who your niche is and may have many
• Aligning yourself with the significant work that will serve the people you truly resonate with, while living the lifestyle
of your dreams
• Mastering the essential mindstates that will accelerate your business success
• Navigating apparent disasters to uncover the breakthroughs beyond the initial breakdown
• Collaborating with other business owners to create the maximum possible momentum for each of you through strategic alliances
• Creating success through strategic business plans, networking, and knowledge building and distribution
• Infuse vitality with fun, energy, great service and being in the best niche for you to serve your people and profit
• Get your orientation, your voice and your videos or copy right for your business sales.

And they’re offering all this business wisdom
for absolutely no cost! Ready to access it?
Meet our Align Your Business for Success Speakers:

Sandra Younger
Story Secrets: Unlock the Power of Your Own Stories to Build Trust and Boost Sales!
Are you ready to stand out and become the person in your field everyone knows, likes and trusts-enough to buy? Join us as story expert Sandra Millers Younger reveals how business-building “secrets” you already own can magnetize your message and boost sales-without hype or pressure tactics!
In this fascinating presentation, you’ll learn:
• Scientific and technological reasons why the ancient skill of storytelling has become today’s leading-edge marketing
and sales approach.
• How to discover your own signature story, the one that builds trust and boosts sales among your perfect prospects.
• Why how you tell a story is just as important as what story you tell.
• How to story-charge your whole business to attract and convert ideal clients, improve their results, and optimize your profits.

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