Alex Sysoef and Dmitriy Agadzhanov – Expert WordPress

Alex Sysoef and Dmitriy Agadzhanov - Expert WordPress

Alex Sysoef and Dmitriy Agadzhanov – Expert WordPress

Expert WordPress + Expert Monthly PLR Content + Monthly Webinars
Expert WordPress Blog Installer Package – this package includes everything you’ll need to fully set up your secured WordPress blog… all of the themes, plugins and files you need are included in the one package…. you don’t need to look elsewhere, test what works, test what doesn’t work… we’ve done all the hard work for you. You’ll find we’ve made it smart, simple, secure and solves all of your WordPress blog install problems.

This pre-packaged blog installation system will be used in all provided video tutorials. NOTE: This file is ONLY for New Blog Installs – Upgrade is Not Supported. Attempts to upgrade can only be performed at your own risk and we will not support it in any shape or form. Compilation is composed of GPL resources and includes our Proprietary Installer script. PHP5 is required for full functionality – details on forum.

26 ExpertWP Niche Headers Available header files to create Niche blogs. NOTE: You have a Usage ONLY rights to these files and they can be used ONLY with blogs created using Expert WordPress and ONLY by existing customer. Cancellation of the order or refund will require that you remove the header files from your blog.


Module 1: Getting Things Ready

* Niche Research (Play Time – 19:46)- Learn how to locate a niche within your personal knowledge, experience or interests that you can blog about and earn from. This is an important step to be able to sustain a consistent quality content in order to generate income. Make sure to also Download your EWP Keyword Research Tool!

* Domain Name Registration and Hosting (Play Time – 15:55) – Great domain name can determine future success of your blog. Watch me as I do a research and choose a domain name that will work best for my blog and detailed instructions on setting up a hosting account with my preferred host.

* Blog Installation (Play Time – 17:35) – Learn how to create database and user with permissions to access it and install the blog package provided to you via link above. This is our famous 3 Steps WordPress Install process. Our goal is to create a Simple and yet a LOT MORE secure default installation of WordPress than Fantastico is ever capable off. Following our guidelines will ensure not only install of fully configured blog but also secure blog that will save you from common hack attacks down the road, and yes, you can thank us later.

* Final Touches (Play Time – 19:09) – Even though your blog is fully installed and configured – some setting are too personal to automate and this short video shows how to configure Google Sitemap plugin, provide AdSense publisher code for built-in ads and how to burn your default feed via FeedBurner (highly recommended)

Module 2: Working with your WordPress Blog

* KNOW the Tool (Play Time – 20:12). Overview of WordPress interface and different sections. I explain what is the structure behind the tool of our choice, how to use it effectively and save time as well as explain what to expect during the tutorials and where find relevant information.

* Understanding and Creating Content (Play Time – 23:23). All about Pages vs. Posts, proper usage and SEO of the both. How to use links within the provided blog and how to create ANY content on your blog with Search Engine Optimization always in mind. This is one of the corner stones of your blog.

* Creating Posts (Play Time – 31:02). How to write Posts Fully optimized for Search Engines, how to use tags and categories, how to schedule you posts for future date posting. Multiple options you need to know for SEO purposes plus how to use some of the more advanced options for posting provided with your WordPress blog.

* Using Media (Play Time -20:56). Using media (pictures, video, audio) with your WordPress blog. How to add images Not Only optimized for ultimate interactivity but also to drive traffic from Search engines, how to Add video and audio using built-in tools as well as embed Video from Youtube and other services directly into your posts.

* Using Polls (Play Time -10:39). Learn how to use a polls plugin provided with your blog to get your readers opinion. Freely given feedback can help you form a bases for content and possibly new product. Use Polls as Market research tool.

* Working with Comments (Play Time -12:06). Comments are FREE Content provided to you blog by your visitors! Taking a full advantage of tools already built in will be discussed in this video as well as how to avoid the SPAM and quickly identify it.

* Using WordPress as Content Management System (Play Time -20:50). Often misunderstood, this video shows and explains the difference between using WordPress as blog and as Content Management System. Helping you to decide which is right for you and how to use it.

* Using Static Front Page (Play Time -09:46). One of the most searched for options by bloggers who use WordPress as front to their overall business. In this video we will go through basic steps you need to accomplish to use Static Front Page as home page instead of latest blog entries.

Module 3: Monetizing Your Blog

* ClickBank Cash on Autopilot (Play Time -14:14). Learn to turn your keywords into cash on autopilot. Earn 50-75% commissions on digital products by using a simple set and forget method that works like a charm.

* Maximize AdSense Earnings (Play Time -15:10). One of the most popular methods to earn with your blog and yet, underused by many. Learn some of the strategies you can implement to maximize your CTR and earn more from Google AdSense.

* Monetize RSS Feed (Play Time -12:16). Turn your Full Text RSS feed into a cash register generating income on demand. A proven method to earn even when people don’t visit your blog or steal your content.

* Integrate Email Marketing and Blogging (Play Time -28:02). Failure to use the two effectively is one of the biggest problem bloggers face. In this video I show how to integrate the two and use Blog broadcast feature to build trust between you and your readers and deliver quality content while still building a HIGHLY targeted Niche list to market to. Use this right and you can’t fail!

* Affiliate Reviews (Play Time -11:41). Learn how to earn from your blog using affiliate reviews. Your honest opinion is worth lot more then you might think. Learn how to generate sales and get products related to your niche for free. Fun and profit at same time.

* Selling Advertising Space (Play Time -15:25). An important revenue stream and yet one that is most often misused by bloggers. When do you start selling banner space? How should you do it and how much do you charge? All discussed in this video to help you earn.

Module 4: Driving Targeted Traffic To Your Blog

* Social Bookmarking (Play Time -09:06). How to generate incoming links to Boost your Blog Authority status in Google eyes in a few simple steps. Step-by-step guidelines to using Social Bookmarking sites to avoid the ban and yet generate incoming links and traffic.

* Social Networking (Play Time -15:50). Continuation of the Social Networks tutorial and in this video Italk about BloggingZoom, Stumble Upon and Mixx to promote your content and get visitors without getting banned

* Pings And Trackbacks (Play Time -14:49). Using power of your blog to its full capacity. Pings and trackbacks are your ticket to a free link love and using it properly and regularly will help you dominate your niche.

* Video Traffic (Play Time -08:11). Video sharing sites are extremely popular. In this video I will show you step-by-step how to use video sharing sites to get traffic to your blog and how to attempt to “dominate search results” for your chosen keywords. Syphon the traffic to your blog and do it for FREE and using as much automation as possible.

* Article Marketing For Traffic (Play Time -18:12). Article marketing is still one of the most effective free options to get incoming links to your blog or blog post and to generate traffic that is directly interested in what you have to say! Not only do you help yourself to rank better within search engines through backlinks but also begin to establish authority as “published author” in popular Article Distribution Services.

* Blog Carnivals For Traffic And Authority (Play Time -07:48). One of the most “underused” and yet extremely effective ways to get recoginition and free links thatdrive traffic. Blog carnivals are not dead and using them properly you begn to gain recognition in the “blogosphere” and get visitors.

* Web 2.0 style Marketing (Play Time -16:16). How to use power of Twitter, FriendFeed and multiple Micro-Blogs and social networks to generate Authority Status, Presence and Most Importantly – Traffic. And I will show you how to get it done as much automated as possible. We want you to SAVE TIME to create the quality content and earn.

* Commenting And Guest Posting For Traffic (Play Time -14:47). Power of the blogs fully comes through interaction and communication. Learn how to use blog comments to generate more traffic, get recognition and strike relationships with bloggers. How to use the power of Guest Posts to get even more visitors to your blog and to establish authority status.

* Forum Marketing (Play Time -08:43). Extremely effective way to get highly targeted customers, not just visitors. While it will require a bit of time investment returns are higher then from any other form of traffic generation strategy, when used properly.

Module 5: Under The Hood of WordPress Blog

* Understanding the File Structure (Play Time -11:16). Before you even try to do anything with your blog files you need to understand how it is structured and which files are safe to work with without damaging your blog and which should be better left alone. Also I will show where you will find all your personal files.

* Installing New Plugins and Themes (Play Time -10:17). OneClick Install. Step-by-step guide to installing new plugins and themes to your blog without leaving your admin interface. Usage of the tools already included with your blog to simplify the administration.

* Changing The Look (Play Time -17:08). Learn in detail how to customize the theme provided with your blog. Change nearly every aspect of your blog looks and feel including changing the header and all the text colors.

* Using Widgets (Play Time -12:34). Learn how to take full advantage of the widgets on your blog for fun and profit. Learn options you have available and their most effective implementation.

* Speeding Up Your Blog Load (Play Time -12:03). Very important if you are on shared host or if you decide you need to implement it. In this video you will learn how to implement caching mechanizm (WP Super Cache plugin) to greatly improve your blog load speed. Reason it is not part of the core is simply because many people prefer not to use it.

Module 6: WordPress Backup, Upgrades, and Maintenance

* Backup (Play Time -11:35). How to properly perform backup of your blog and how to schedule regular backups just in case disaster strikes. Details on how to ensure you have the ability to restore your blog NO Matter which part of the world you are in – as long as you have access to internet.

* Upgrading Plugins (Play Time -11:26). Simple process that still needs understanding. Most of the issues on the blog are generated by plugins install or upgrade and that is what this tutorial is about – How to upgrade plugins without breaking your blog.

* Upgrading Core Blog (Play Time -04:56). How to upgrade the WordPress core system when new release available. Simplest possible way to help you complete the entire process without leaving your blog admin interface and using plugin already provided with your blog installed for you.

* Blog Maintenance (Play Time -23:43). How to keep your blog running at its optimal speed and how to do a benchmarking to evaluate if some tune-up is needed. Few simple things that will make you a welcome members of ANY shared hosting.

* Blog Recovery / Restoral (Play Time -08:31). How to restore your blog from a backup if and when disaster happen! This is one step EVERY blogger should know to ensure survival of the business.

** Bonus Module**

* Google Webmaster Tools (Play Time -16:08). Don’t rely on when Google MIGHT scan your blog for new content. Force it to visit your blog each and every time new content becomes available and MAKE it display your posts in its search results. I will show you how.

* Tracking Your Stats (Play Time -07:42). Don’t guess on where your traffic is coming from. Know exactly its source and implement the superb tracking tools provided by Google for Free. Google Analytics is a tool of choice for webmasters and here is your chance to get it.

* FeedBurner Configuration (Play Time -20:35). How to properly configure a free tools provided by FeedBurner to not only optimize your feed for maximum exposure but also to use as ultimate social proof. A simple way to offload the RSS directories notifications from your blog to theirs and be rewarded with free traffic.

* Using Technorati (Play Time -19:00). All about proper usage of Technorati network. How to claim your blog and how to install a plugin on your blog to maximize the promotional impact with that network to get traffic and authority

* Podcasting (Play Time -15:58). Join the podcast generation and utilize the iTunes power to put your blog on the map. Hate to type? Perhaps you enjoy talking or simply want to get additional exposure using new and popular media? Then podcasting is for you and I will show step by step how to get it implemented.

* Blogs On Autopilot (Play Time -23:39). My secret source of content on autopilot. Learn how to generate super targeted Niche blogs to earn AdSense cash and Affiliate Commissions without doing a single thing after initial setup. This is guide to usage for someone else’s PAID products!

Monthly Webinars

Here you will find links to previously held webinars. Please be advised that Direct Q and A portion of Webinars will not be recorded to encourage direct participation, only the presentation and the answers to previously submitted questions.

* February 2010 EWP Webinar (click to download video) – How to integrate social networks (Facebook, Google Buzz) into your blog, security tips, working with new themes and plugins – how to identify if you should use them or not.

* Januray 2010 EWP Webinar (click to download video) – How to create Automated FREE Blog content using Youtube Video and other options. WordPress and Membership sites integration – what to NOT do and how to get it done correctly as well as script I personally use and recommend.

* December 2009 EWP Webinar (right click and save video to hard drive) -How to find Niche Content topics guaranteed to generate views and get free traffic from Google, how to create a networks of web 2.0 sites with one way link to your blog, how to build incoming links from WordPress MU blogs and how to build incoming links from *.edu and *.gov domains.

* November 2009 EWP Webinar (right click and save video to hard drive) – Using “Bing Webmaster Tools” to ensure your site is properly indexed by MSN in light of real-time search deal between Bing, Tweeter and Facebook, integration of Lijit into your blog, Coupon sites for traffic.

* October EWP Webinar (right click and save video to hard drive) – New FTC rules and how you can protect yourself, guide to working with your theme files and how to make changes you need. Note: we had some technical issues but most of the webinar properly recorded.

* September 09 webinar recording failed due to technical issues.

* August 25th Webinar Recording. Integrating Squeeze page into your blog and using your blog for lead generation. Setting up all the pages you need and moving visitors through process. This will be End-to-End Onscreen Presentation on how to Setup All Pages I provide for you and integrate into your blog. [Download Files Here] – these are the files will be used in presentation and provided for Personal Use Only!

* 07/27/09 Webinar (download and save file to your computer) – 2 part webinar that covers in details How to secure your blog against multiple hack attacks and case study presentation on how to get to page one of Google by following very simple promotion formula – Protect Your Blog and Get More traffic guide

* 06/16/09 Webinar – Google Algorithm changes and how to take advantage of it. Learn what will bring you traffic and how to get more of it

* 05/26/09 Webinar Recording (right click and Save File to your computer) – Blog design for maximum conversion andhow to implement file level security on your blog

* EWP 04/14/09 Recording (right click and Save File to your computer) – 1.1 hr on Twitter and WordPress and new ClickBank monetization options. Files for the theme as shown during Webinar – click to download

* EWP 03/24/09 Recording (right click and Save File to your computer) – 1.5hr on Niche Research, eBay partners plugin integration and Q&A

* EWP 02/23/09 recording with Special Guest (right click and Save File to your computer) – Jeff Herring, The Article Marketing guy 02/23/09

Loyalty Bonus #1 (available after 60 days of membership)

1250 Blog Posts in 50 Niches and 10 Ready Composed Comments for Each Niche ($99.75 Value)

[note: I moved these to the Monthly PLR Content folder]

Getting more content will never be a problem for an Action Taker! If you remain our member for 60 days – we give you access to 50 more “blog and profit” researched and verified niches, each comes with same quality blog posts and 10 pre-written comments for each.

Loyalty Bonus #2 (available after 120 days of membership)

Review Blog System ($47 Value)

Our very own product that helps you create Review style Blogs and dominate Search Engines while getting sales. Review Blog System allows you to fully install a blog, all recommended plugins and the Review Theme with 3 clicks, offering tremendous time savings and eliminating a lot of manual configuration steps. It comes with complete video training.

Review Blog Theme (see it’s current sales page, you get the upgrade version)

A custom WordPress theme designed to work flawlessly with fixed SB Ratings plugin (provided free of charge as bonus download, alone with few other recommended plugins) and to help you monetize your blog through affiliate product reviews. Some of the features:

* Coded for speed this theme will ensure that you can create as many Review Blogs as you like
* Search Engine Optimized theme is designed to help you squeeze every visitor from SERP’s as possible
* Integrated Ratings System via custom CSS coding to ensure you get to benefit from extra credibility generated by your visitors
* Custom Header Image system enables you to create custom look by uploading your own header via provided interface.
* Custom Widget provided with theme to showcase you Most Rated Reviews, just as you see on demo blog sidebar.
* Clean and Professional Look to make navigation simple and increase trust level through appropriate presentation and intuitive navigation

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