Alen Sultanic– Commission Formula

Alen Sultanic– Commission Formula

Alen Sultanic– Commission Formula

COST: $497
Author: Alen Sultanic
Size: 4.9 GB

Commission Formula is a step by step process broken down into three distinct phases. Each phase of the program walks you through multiple modules of specific knowledge. Phase one is for the beginners out there, phase two for expansion, and phase three for advanced tips that allow for massive influxes of traffic. It’s a progressive home study course and whether you’re completely new (meaning you’re not yet making money or less than $5,000 per month), experienced marketer generating a regular income from your marketing actions (less than $10,000 consistent monthly income) or an expert market generating more than $10,000 a month consistently), there’s something for you.

Phase 1: Commission Execution
Phase 1 will lay down the foundation of your future business. It’s about the strategies, techniques and tactics as well as how to execute things.
Phase 1 is also all about free traffic. In fact the execution part is covered in the 2nd half of this HUGE Phase:
* 27 modules
* around 400 minutes of pure content, organized in a really brilliant way.

Phase 1.5: Full force automation
Phase 1.5 is probably the most important feature enabling you to switch from a “D.I.Y” model to operating things as a real business: it’s about multiplying yourself for next to nothing by using other people to implement what is taught in Phase 1 – in other words, leveraging other people’s time, through outsourcing or sub contracting, to build your enterprise into a proper business It’s about creating an automated self funding system.

The main learning point is to use the money generated in Phase 1 to reinvest in a self funding system. You will learn how to outsource everything you’ve learned in phase 1 (finding markets, analyzing, creating the commission websites, driving traffic…) so that you can quickly and easily replicate things (most of all, you might choose to invest your time in replicating profitable models rather than learning / doing the technical stuff)

And it’s a step by step process: you use the income from phase 1 to funnel back into the development and growth of phase 1, and so on… so you’ll learn how to have people do the work for you and, most importantly, for a low cost.

This Phase is a 3 module video course (around 65 minutes)
Module 1: Full force automation – Discover the power of full force automation and geographic arbitrage.
Module 2: Outsourcing Entire Phase 1 And Scaling Up – How to outsource entire Phase 1 and scale up your commission empire through geographic arbitrage.
Module 3: Reinvesting In Phase 2 for Paid Traffic Sources – How to take your profits from Phase 1 and have them pay for your traffic in Phase 2.
From Phase 1 and 1.5, you acquired a lot of knowledge and you should be ready to take action with the right mindset. You’ve learned how to create commission funnels, how to implement them, how to drive traffic to them, and most importantly how to get others do the job for you for close to nothing.
Phase 2 is about stepping up from micro markets to macro markets.
This is logical: Phase 1 & 1.5 were more related to niche markets. Once you master the process for micro markets, you can think of moving to huge macro markets. As we said, this is an entire video course related to promoting lucrative CPA offers.

Phase 2 review: Next Level Affiliate Marketing
The structure is great. First he reviews the strategies and tactics and then he does it together with you in a set of “watch over my shoulder” videos. That is really what I like about this entire course; there’s a lot of content (proven to work) as well as “live” demonstrations of how to do it yourself. This way you learn things and you also learn how to do things!

This single phase by itself is the best CPA marketing course I have ever seen: the content and “watch over my shoulder” videos are contributing to turning this phase into a “must have” CPA course, but the feeling you get throughout this set of videos that the procedures are proven to work and that you can do them yourself, is just invaluable.

CPA marketing is not easy to grasp and you can waste a lot of time and money really getting into it. Most CPA courses will never give you the feeling that you can do it. They either just give you a light overview with no real insights at how things are working, and most of the time poor case study videos or you just end up thinking: “so what’s up now?” Also, most of the time, CPA course are produced by marketers who have no idea what CPA marketing is about. They partner with an “underground” guy of whom you have never heard and from whom you will never hear again. They arrange things for a quick but lucrative product launch and you get almost no value…

The most impressive aspect is that Phase 2 is just one out of the 4 sections included in Commission Formula program…
Phase 2 includes 14 modules and nearly 3 hours of video training.

Phase 3 review: Activating Advanced Traffic Systems
At the risk of repeating myself, this Phase is simply amazing: it’s a full “watch over my shoulder” video course on Paid Traffic:
7 modules and more than 6 hours of pure exclusive content.
This Phase is of utmost importance because this is where you get to know the techniques major affiliate companies are using to drive hundreds of thousands visitors to CPA offers. If you’ve heard of the stories where some generate millions of dollars in CPA commission, this is how they do it…And this is also what Alen does on a daily basis to generate his massive monthly income.

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