Accelerated Change Template ACT Belief Change System

Accelerated Change Template ACT Belief Change System

Accelerated Change Template ACT Belief Change System

Imagine – You’ll Be Able to Change Your Limiting Beliefs that Keep You Stuck IN MINUTES and Finally Free Yourself to Overcome Your Biggest Challenges and
Achieve Your Biggest Dreams!
***And you don’t even have to “try hard”!***
No more willpower, affirmations, and positive thinking. No more trying to silence your negative “head trash”. No more “trying harder” and struggling to either overcome challenges or manifest your goals. No more wondering if and when you’re going to finally “make it” and get out there with your gifts.

This is the first step! You’ll have everything you need to take advantage of the most powerful part of your mind and
change your limiting beliefs in minutes!

Stop “trying harder” …….achieve even your “toughest” goal
without willpower, without a fight, thanks to incredible powers concealed
inside your own mind, waiting for release.

Tuesday November 04, 2014
From the Desk of Nikkea B. Devida

Dear Fellow Change Agent (Yes YOU my friend!),
Any of this sound familiar?

You want to attract more clients, especially ideal ones, but you can’t seem to “get the word out”.

You’d like to charge what you’re worth and get it, but you’re afraid you’ll scare people off and have even fewer clients.

You’re struggling with having enough sales and clients in your business, and you’d love to have a steady, solid stream of leads, clients and sales.

You’d love to solve your money troubles once and for all.

You’re tired of being the “best kept secret” in your industry or niche. Maybe you feel insecure or anxious when networking or meeting new potential clients.

You want to make a positive difference in the world, and you just need to get out there more with your “thing”.

You want to make money teaching and providing what you love. You want to start making big money with your “thing”.

You have a sense of a bigger mission and purpose for your life, and you really want to know it and live it fully. And you’d love to have the courage to live it full out with full faith and confidence.

You’d love to have more courage and confidence to get your message out in a big way?

You want to stop “getting ready” and start getting into “massive action” to get the word out about what you offer. You want to stop procrastinating and start focusing on the important things that will really move you forward. You know and actually have the information of what you should be doing, but you just can’t seem to take the actions.

You want to have the energy and motivation to keep pushing forward.

You want to stop struggling with being fulfilled in your personal and professional life. You’re ready to live the lifestyle you always dreamed of now, and you’d like to be having a lot more fun and free time.

Frankly, you secretly “want it all”. There’s a part of you that knows it’s possible, but you’re not exactly sure how to get it. Or if you could really do it.

If any of this rings true, then I have a special treat for you. I’d like to invite you to the FIRST and ONLY belief change training program designed for heart-centered, conscious entrepreneurs and agents of change – The “Accelerated Change Template (ACT)™ Belief Change System.”

This program will teach you how to change your limiting beliefs in minutes so you can step into the spotlight with work that you love, to make a positive difference in the world, and have the confidence that comes with knowing you can do it!

Now is the time for YOU to stop “trying harder”….STOP trying to pay for your goals with anxious effort and overwhelm, physically debilitating stress and strain, emotionally exhausting discipline. Instead learn how to let your subconscious mind work FOR you instead of AGAINST you.

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