Monthly Archives: July 2015

Sandi Krakowski – Social Media Masters ON DEMAND VIDEO SCHOOL

Sandi Krakowski – Social Media Masters ON DEMAND VIDEO SCHOOL Never Before Taught: Highly Effective Copywriting, Ad Writing, Content Creation & Social Media Influencer Apprenticeship. For Small Business Owners OR Anyone Wanting A New Career! Seeking highly motivated & ready-to-work people who want MASSIVE exposure online with the new “social media engagement marketing” world! Dear […]

Bob Patrick – Power Mail Pro Training

Bob Patrick – Power Mail Pro Training If you are thinking about joining Powermail Pro, created by Bob Patrick. This article is right for you. Bob Patrick is saying that you pay him $1000’s to start to use his program to bulk emailing to his so-called “records” for a lack of a better terms of optin […]

Pristine Capital – Advanced Management Strategies – Home Study

Pristine Capital – Advanced Management Strategies – Home Study All of the same, great instruction from the live course – from the comfort of your home or office! Advanced Management Strategies (AMS) Home Study Course provides you with comprehensive self-paced training for learning how to manage any trade in a way that can bring new meaning […]

William Murphy – How To Gain a Massive Following on Instagram and Make Money Doing it

Affiliate Cash Secrets

  William Murphy – How To Gain a Massive Following on Instagram and Make Money Doing it WHAT THIS COURSE IS ALL ABOUT Over 5 weeks I’ll walk you through every step of the process.  This is going to be an in-depth mentorship as you look over my shoulder at everything you need to do […]

Website Strategy Masterclass

Website Strategy Masterclass If you don’t have 10,000+ customers on your mailing list, (like all those internet gurus) how are you supposed to run a profitable website business? (And how do you create a website that not only attracts more customers, but actually gets customers to keep coming back and spending larger sums of money […]

Andrew Lock – Money Now Methods

Andrew Lock – Money Now Methods Is it possible to make money online without building your own website? Yes! In fact, you don’t even need to understand any technology, html, or anything like that. You just need to have: (a) access to an Internet connected computer, and (b) an hour a day at least 3 days […]

VideoTube v.1.3.3 – A Responsive Video WordPress Theme

VideoTube v.1.3.3 - A Responsive Video WordPress Theme

VideoTube v.1.3.3 – A Responsive Video WordPress Theme   Have you ever wanted to collect and share your favorite videos online? Interested in uploading your own work to broadcast across the web? Videotube is here for you. Whether you’re embedding preexisting videos from giants like Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Hulu … which is supported oEmbed protocol […]

Richard Bandler – Persuasion Engineering 8 DVD Set

Richard Bandler – Persuasion Engineering 8 DVD Set For many years now, the single most important professionals in the world have been ignored by our educational institutions: Sales. For many years now, the single most important professionals in the world have been ignored by our educational institutions: Sales. Combining NLP & Design Human Engineering™, Richard […]

Marie Forleo – The Copy Cure

Marie Forleo – The Copy Cure Here’s what you’ll learn in Your Free Class Why copy is the secret elixir for success in business – and everything else Copy CPR: three critical elements to copy that connects and converts A crazy simple one-second trick to make your writing instantly more relatable The “perspective” mistake people […]

VideoTube v.1.3.3 – A Responsive Video WordPress Theme

VideoTube v.1.3.3 - A Responsive Video WordPress Theme

      VideoTube v.1.3.3 – A Responsive Video WordPress Theme Have you ever wanted to collect and share your favorite videos online? Interested in uploading your own work to broadcast across the web? Videotube is here for you. Whether you’re embedding preexisting videos from giants like Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Hulu …which is supported oEmbed […]



ADWORDS FOR PHYSICAL PRODUCT Welcome lab rats! Google Adwords case study How a lousy e-shop with a small budget managed to have almost 400% ROI in less than 30 days A little background of me(short, i promise!) What are we going to cover – The E-shop case study(LIVE not screenshots) – All my wisdom tips […]

Super Email Spider v2.99

Super Email Spider v2.99

Super Email Spider v2.99 Super Email Spider is a fast and reliable way to build targeted email lists using the web. Simply put in keywords and the spider brings you hundreds of addresses from websites found by the search engine. This is called targeted email because the harvested emails are associated with the keywords of […]

Mark Scott Adams – FBA HeadStart Amazon Training

Mark Scott Adams - FBA HeadStart Amazon Training

Mark Scott Adams – FBA HeadStart Amazon Training Sale Page: How to identify profitable markets to enter, measure competition and estimate your sales and profits so you can be successful before you even create your product How to find and work with both domestic and international manufacturers and suppliers who want to work with […]